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Available since version: 1.8
This function allows you to retrieve Action details based on filtering options. All parameters are optional. If parameter is set in query this option counted as ON, except if parameter is equal to NULL.


Parameter Type Description Details
nodeids array Node IDs
groupids array Group IDs
hostids array Host IDs
triggerids array Trigger IDs
actionids array Action IDs
mediatypeids array Media type IDs
userids array User IDs
editable integer only with read-write permission. Ignored for SuperAdmins
filter array Optional filter by action fields
search array Return actions by any given action object field pattern
startSearch integer Search actions field pattern only in start of the field
excludeSearch integer Exclude from result, actions by given field pattern
searchWildcardsEnabled integer Search pattern in whole field using wildcards 1 - enable, 0 - disable
output string Output options Values: shorten, refer, extend
select_conditions string Select action conditions Values: shorten, refer, extend
select_operations string Select action operations Values: shorten, refer, extend
countOutput integer Count actions, return the number of actions found
preservekeys integer Return hash instead of array Keys of hash are object IDs
sortfield string Sort by Action field Values: actionid, name
sortorder string Sort order Values: ASC, DESC
limit integer max number of Action objects to return


Parameter Description
result Operation successful. Result will contain array of Action objects.
error In case of any errors


Get actions details by Action name "zabbix", with action elements and links:

           "filter": {"name": "ZABBIX Action"},
           "select_operations": "extend",
           "select_conditions": "extend",
           "output": "extend"

Retrieved Action details:

           "name":"ZABBIX Action",
           "def_shortdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
           "def_longdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
           "r_shortdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
           "r_longdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
               "shortdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
               "longdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
               "shortdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",
               "longdata":"{TRIGGER.NAME}: {STATUS}",