Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 3.0.2

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 3.0.2.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 3.0.2. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-3210 Replaced user macro cache with expanded trigger expression caching Server
ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, English (United States), French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend
ZBX-10318 Added disabling of [-] or [+] buttons when screen column or row cannot be removed or added Frontend

Correções de bugs

ZBX-10626 Fixed crash in agent's collector process on Solaris 8 Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-10564 Fixed trigger acknowledging in slide shows Frontend
ZBX-10571 Fixed network discovery based on agent checks Proxy Server
ZBX-9162 Fixed performance of the hostgroup.get method under MySQL API
ZBX-10575 Fixed history cache memory leak when floating value calculations resulted in out of bounds value Proxy Server
ZBX-10410 Fixed possible crashes during history cache synchronisation during shutdown/crash Proxy Server
ZBX-10493 Fixed memory leak when trying to reconnect to URL Proxy Server
ZBX-10435 Fixed position of labels in the action operation form Frontend
ZBX-10608 Fixed evaluation of action conditions with and/or evaluation type Server
ZBX-6491 Fixed resolving of {ITEM.VALUE} macro in "System status" widget and Monitoring -> Triggers Frontend
ZBX-10563 Fixed validation of timeperiods in maintenance create and maintenance update API methods API
ZBX-10375 Defined zbx_uint32_t to avoid conflicting uint32_t definitions Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-10510 Fixed action condition time period checking Server
ZBX-10155 Prohibited creation of a trigger prototype without item prototypes in the expression API
ZBX-6744 Fixed "expression tree is too large (maximum depth 1000)" error when using SQLite3 in a large environment Proxy
ZBX-10530 Fixed trappers and agent listeners accepting connections without a timeout Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-10570 Fixed incorrect select input height in FF Frontend
ZBX-10413 Improved XML import validation Frontend
ZBX-4148 Separated third-party library CFLAGS to avoid header file name conflicts Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-9820 Fixed overview of items and triggers with same name and multiple hosts Frontend
ZBX-10466 Fixed event selection by trigger ID Frontend
ZBX-7422 Fixed LLD discovery rule list showing 0 instead of blank space in interval column for trapper and SNMP trap items Frontend
ZBX-10316 Fixed the regular expression preventing from adding web scenario steps API Frontend
ZBX-10497 Fixed proxy crash when processing metadata updates of log[] or logrt[] items Proxy
ZBX-10257 Changed VMware items to become not supported if no VMware collector processes are started Proxy Server
ZBX-10262 Fixed item.update modifying "delta" field for a templated item API
ZBX-10318, ZBX-10517 Added validation of vsize and hsize parameters in screen.create() and screen.update() methods API
ZBX-10318, ZBX-10517 Fixed validation of screen elements position in screen.create() and screen.update() methods API
ZBX-10318 More secure removing of the screen columns and rows in GUI Frontend
ZBX-10086 Restored old behaviour - do not disable core dump if compiled without encryption support Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-10459 Fixed compilation error with libxml2 versions before 2.7.0 Proxy Server
ZBX-10372 Fixed searching of network interface statistics in Solaris kstat Agent
ZBX-4842, ZBX-10532 Improved auditing of maintenance API operations API Frontend
ZBX-10431 Fixed net.tcp.listen on Linux when using netlink interface to obtain socket data; thanks to Andrey Melnikov for patch Agent
ZBX-9700 Fixed API receiving null and false instead of an array in method parameters API Frontend
ZBX-10379 Added context for text strings 'Filter' and 'Subject' Frontend
ZBX-10360 Improved description for 'fuzzytime' trigger function in expression helper Frontend
ZBX-9659 Changed setup condition for checking always_populate_raw_post_data Frontend
ZBX-10485 Fixed database upgrade crash on attempt to substitute old-style comparison operators in empty trigger expressions Installation Server
ZBX-10422 Fixed layout of the history tables Frontend
ZBX-10386 Fixed slideshow refresh rate Frontend
ZBX-10369 Fixed unexpected deleting of screen items in screen.update API method API
ZBX-10342 Fixed item value not being cached by value cache if its timestamp seconds matches the oldest cached value timestamp, but the nanoseconds value is less Server
ZBX-10221 Fixed MySQL transaction handling when execute query fails Proxy Server
ZBX-4894 Fixed fping 3.x source IP option detection Proxy Server
ZBX-10429 Fixed expression evaluation when a negated macro or function has a negative value itself Proxy Server
ZBX-10356 Fixed user media form "send to" and "period" fields having incorrect "maxlength" property Frontend
ZBX-10320 Fixed NFS based VMware datastore statistics Proxy Server
ZBX-10248 Moved processing of zabbix[host,,items*] internal items to server if the host is monitored by a proxy Server

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.0.2.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 3.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.