Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 3.4.2

Das Zabbix Team freut sich, Ihnen Zabbix vorzustellen 3.4.2.

Zabbix ist eine Open-Source-Lösung für das verteilte Monitoring und dabei für Unternehmen ausgelegt (Enterprise-Klasse). Zabbix wird unter der GPL veröffentlicht und ist daher zur Verwendung kostenlos, ob kommerziell oder nicht. Den vollständigen Text der Lizenz finden Sie unter

Dieses Dokument enthält die Release-Hinweise für Zabbix 3.4.2. Sie finden es unter download.

Die folgenden Abschnitte beschreiben den Release im Detail und stellen später hinzugekommene oder sonstige Informationen bereit, um die hauptsächliche Dokumentation zu ergänzen.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-4091 Improved permission schema of the dashboards for normal administrators
ZBXNEXT-4099 Removed starting point from all OIDs; shortened old IOS Cisco templates names
ZBXNEXT-4067 Added preprocessing_queue item/graph/screen widget in Template App Zabbix Server
ZBXNEXT-4084 Renamed action acknowledgment operation 'Notify all who left acknowledgement and comments' to 'Notify all involved'
ZBXNEXT-4084 Added users who received notifications regarding the problem to 'Notify all involved' acknowledgment operation recipient list
ZBX-1357 Enabled Turkish translation to be displayed by default
ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), English (United States), Japanese, Korean, Turkish translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBXNEXT-4054 Implemented feature to open first available dashboard from the list
ZBXNEXT-4046 Implemented dashboard widget minimum height limit


ZBX-12769 Fixed XSS vulnerabilities in argument passing for popup forms and file import forms
ZBX-12768 Added schema validation for URL fields based on schemas whitelist in ZBX_URI_VALID_SCHEMES
ZBX-12572 Fixed losing "now" on timeline
ZBX-12739 Fixed data conversion for ssh checks of numeric value type
ZBX-12708 Fixed service port validation if auto-discovery is performed by the zabbix proxy
ZBX-12718 Fixed crash when using item of log value type as master item for dependent items
ZBX-12720 Fixed processing of log keys with non log value types for items monitored by proxies
ZBX-12530 Fixed non well formed numeric value encaunteration in slideshow; implemented getBBox workaround for Firefox
ZBX-12688 Fixed false positives on 'High bandwidth usage' trigger in Template_Module_Interfaces_* templates
ZBX-11675 Fixed crash that could occur during connection failures to MySQL
ZBX-12617 Fixed sorting by host name for items on availability report page
ZBX-12699 Added support of strings in "sortfield" and "sortorder" parameters, and added sorting by "name" for dashboard.get()
ZBX-12577 Added item select filter for simple graph to allow select only supported item
ZBX-12647 Fixed map minimum severity option in screens
ZBX-12696 Fixed trigger not being calculated for newly received item values if last one of those is unsupported value
ZBX-12548 Fixed notification sound not being played for message with timeout set to greater than minute
ZBX-12653 Fixed heap corruption in Windows agent; thanks to Ronnie Kaech for the patch
ZBX-12660 Fixed result of hostinterface.replacehostinterfaces method
ZBX-12469 Added new context for 'Second' string to be properly translated in maintenance period form
ZBX-12616 Fixed trapper item "Allowed hosts" field user macro support
ZBX-12493 Fixed address and ports array size in zbx_init_ipmi_host() to match OpenIPMI internals
ZBX-10820 Fixed potential loss of data when server/proxy processes zabbix_sender data
ZBX-4252 Eliminated sending of DNS AAAA queries when checking IPv4 incoming connection in agent or for trapper item and A queries in case of IPv6
ZBXNEXT-2102 Fixed multiple browser sensitive javascript bugs in navigation tree widget and improved coding style
ZBX-12623 Fixed label macro resolving in maps
ZBX-12578 Implemented widget field validation before dashboard is loaded and fixed undefined index for tag field in dashboard widgets
ZBX-12499 Fixed macro expansion in map editor
ZBX-12597 Fixed graph not being displayed if item update interval contains macro
ZBXNEXT-3807 Fixed delayed first refresh in map widget; improved coding style
ZBX-12500 Fixed regular expression pre-processing step to fail if the pattern does not match input data
ZBX-11042 Allowed libcurl to choose SMTP authentication mechanism other than PLAIN
ZBX-12374 Fixed frontend side DNS parser logic to be same as server side DNS parser logic
ZBX-8997 Fixed trigger expression validation test form
ZBX-12558 Fixed scroll duration in dashboard after adding a new widget
ZBX-12434 Fixed housekeeping of problems and events for deleted items and triggers; added optional database patch to cleanup problems for deleted items and triggers
ZBX-12646 Fixed incorrect SQL query in availability reports
ZBX-12545 Fixed undefined index error on latest data page when host was deleted in another session
ZBX-12416 Optimized data selection of user preferences stored in profiles
ZBX-12321 Fixed removal of multiselect options using backspace button
ZBX-11607 Fixed a rounding of large unsigned numbers
ZBX-12668 Removed delay between sending batches of cached historical data by active proxies
ZBX-12554 Fixed item helper description for proc_info and diplay order for vfs.dir.size
ZBX-12605 Fixed line graph was displayed as points for data taken from trends
ZBX-12404 Fixed visibility of item data first row for 'latest data' page and 'audit log' page
ZBX-12546 Fixed maps not loading without built-in JSON support
ZBX-12634 Fixed incorrect subnet mask calculation when CIDR is less than 8
ZBX-12635 Fixed processing of lld rules in not supported state
ZBX-12186 Fixed parallel processing of multiple values for same lld rule
ZBX-12527 Fixed inconsistency of 'mode' parameter check in vfs_dir_size(); thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for patch
ZBX-12327 Fixed XML import when preprocessing param value is space character
ZBX-12569 Fixed possible SQL errors in dashboard.create() and dashboard.update() methods
ZBX-11887 Fixed improper DB::refreshIds() call when selected row is locked
ZBX-12618 Fixed memory related bugs in item preprocessing
ZBX-12022 Fixed trigger resolving in services configuration; fixed popup window size
ZBX-12396 Fixed an error in screens if screen trigger overview element contains deleted host group
ZBX-12429 Fixed template replacement in mass update form

Installations- und Upgrade-Hinweise


Siehe das Zabbix Handbuch für alle Details.


Siehe das Upgrade-Verfahren for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.4.2.

Kommerzieller Support

Das Unternehmen Zabbix bietet eine umfassende Palette an professionellen Services. Wir stellen für Sie auch eine problemlose Upgrade-Services und einfache Migration von früheren Zabbix Versionen bereit. Bitte Vertrieb kontaktieren um Preise und weitere Details anzufragen.


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