Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 2.0.12rc1

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Zabbix - открытое решение распределенного мониторинга корпоративного класса. Zabbix выпускается под лицензией GPL, таким образом, продукт бесплатный как для коммерческого, так и некоммерческого использования. Полный текст лицензии доступен на http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 2.0.12rc1. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

Следующие разделы описывают выпуск в деталях и предоставляют самую последнюю и другую информацию, которая дополняет основную документацию продукта.

Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBX-7811 Added example robots.txt file
ZBXNEXT-1889 Made startup.sh and shutdown.sh scripts for Java gateway work in /bin/sh
ZBX-7597 Added description of the returned value types to the agentd manpage
ZBX-1357 Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-7301 Do not put logrt[] item into unsupported state if log files do not exist (fixed as part of ZBX-6731 solution)
ZBX-8111 Fixed possible XSS in tables with vertical header row cells
ZBX-8108 Fixed reading /proc virtual files without rewinding the file position
ZBX-7825 Fixed saving of the history data in sequential time order on proxy side
ZBX-4675 Added error checks to avoid partial configuration loading
ZBX-6542 Added additional information in the default server configuration file about HousekeepingFrequency parameter
ZBX-7856 Added workaround for Windows _wstat64() not working with symlinks
ZBX-8030 Fixed {HOSTNAME} macro resolving
ZBX-7046 Fixed get_ip_by_socket returning an empty string for IPv4 addresses when Zabbix is compiled with IPv6 support
ZBX-7966 Fixed possibility to copy a templated graph
ZBX-7930 Improved execution time in Maintenance page
ZBX-7872 Removed discovery item prototype from calculation of required performace (NVPS)
ZBX-5778 Removed counting items in queue if host is in maintenance with no data collection
ZBX-6151 Fixed graph prototype and trigger prototype validation so item prototypes are no longer allowed from multiple discovery rules and fixed filter by flags not overriding in item.get method
ZBX-5804 Added overflow/wrapping detection to calculated items
ZBX-7659 Fixed handling of hosts without any interfaces
ZBX-5379 Added stale PID file detection for Java gateway
ZBX-5558 Fixed Java gateway error messages not being shown in the console on startup
ZBX-6731 Faster processing of log files by agent on Unix
ZBX-6729 Faster processing of log files by agent on Microsoft Windows
ZBX-6933 Added substitution of eventlog parameter insertion strings
ZBX-7853 Changed log level from warning to information when listener, active checks and collector processes start
ZBX-7674 Implemented batch processing of IT services to resolve deadlocks and improve performance
ZBX-5789 Improved performance of processing discovered graphs by the low-level discovery rule
ZBX-5789 Fixed updating of low-level discovered graphs: the graph identifier never will change
ZBX-7708 Fixed trigger prototype error message and trigger form default description value
ZBX-7739 Removed unused label in screen configuration page when no elements exist

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.12.

Коммерческая поддержка

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Полезные ссылки

Zabbix 2.0 Manual

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