Table of Contents

1 Zabbix Get (UNIX)

Zabbix UNIX Get is a process which communicates with Zabbix Agent and retrieves required information.

The utility is usually used for troubleshooting of ZABBIX Agents.

Zabbix Get can be started by executing:

shell> cd bin
       shell> ./zabbix_get -s127.0.0.1 -p10050 -k"system.cpu.load[all,avg1]"

Zabbix Get accepts the following command line parameters:

  -p --port <port number> Specify port number of agent running on the host. Default is 10050.
         -s -host <host name or IP> Specify host name or IP address of a host.
         -I --source-address <ip address> Specify source IP address
         -k -key <key of metric> Specify metric name (key) we want to retrieve.
         -h --help Give this help.
         -v --version Display version number.

In order to get this help run:

shell> zabbix_get -h