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13 Novedades de Zabbix 6.0.8

Mes abreviado con mayúscula

Un "mes" ahora se abrevia con la "M" mayúscula al principio. Anteriormente se abreviaba con la "m" minúscula, superponiéndose con la abreviatura de un minuto.

Compatibilidad con TimescaleDB 2.7

La versión máxima admitida para TimescaleDB es ahora 2.7.


A new template OPNsense by SNMP is available.

You can get this template:

  • In ConfigurationTemplates in new installations;
  • If you are upgrading from previous versions, you can download new templates from Zabbix Git repository or find them in the templates directory of the downloaded latest Zabbix version. Then, while in ConfigurationTemplates you can import them manually into Zabbix.

RHEL packages renamed

Stable RHEL packages have been renamed by adding a "release" word in the name:

Naming Package name
Old zabbix-agent-6.0.7-1.el9.x86_64.rpm
New zabbix-agent-6.0.8-release1.el9.x86_64.rpm

There is no functional change associated with this change.

This is necessary as preparation for providing packages of minor version (i.e. 6.0.x) release candidates, expected to start with 6.0.9. The naming change will ensure that for someone who has both stable and unstable repositories enabled on their system, repository updates will be received in the correct order. This naming change is for RHEL packages only.