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Clés d'éléments spécifique à Windows

Windows-specific items

The table provides details on the item keys that are supported only by Zabbix Windows agent.

Description Return value Parameters Comments
Event log monitoring. Log name - name of event log
regexp - regular expression describing the required pattern
severity - regular expression describing severity
This parameter accepts the following values: "Information", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "Verbose" (since Zabbix 2.2.0 running on Windows Vista or newer)
source - regular expression describing source identifier (regular expression is supported since Zabbix 2.2.0)
eventid - regular expression describing the event identifier(s)
maxlines - maximum number of new lines per second the agent will send to Zabbix server or proxy. This parameter overrides the value of 'MaxLinesPerSecond' in
mode - possible values:
all (default), skip - skip processing of older data (affects only newly created items).
The item must be configured as an active check.

=> eventlog[Application]
=> eventlog[Security,,"Failure Audit",,^(529|680)$]
=> eventlog[System,,"Warning|Error"]
=> eventlog[System,,,,^1$]
=> eventlog[System,,,,@TWOSHORT] - here a custom regular expression named TWOSHORT is referenced (defined as a Result is TRUE type, the expression itself being ^1$\|^70$).

Note that the agent is unable to send in events from the "Forwarded events" log.

The mode parameter is supported since Zabbix 2.0.0.
"Windows Eventing 6.0" is supported since Zabbix 2.2.0.

Note that selecting a non-Log type of information for this item will lead to the loss of local timestamp, as well as log severity and source information.

See also additional information on log monitoring.
Network interface list (includes interface type, status, IPv4 address, description). Text Supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.1. Multi-byte interface names supported since Zabbix agent version 1.8.6. Disabled interfaces are not listed.

Note that enabling/disabling some components may change their ordering in the Windows interface name.

Some Windows versions (for example, Server 2008) might require the latest updates installed to support non-ASCII characters in interface names.
Value of any Windows performance counter. Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request) counter - path to the counter
interval - last N seconds for storing the average value.
The interval must be between 1 and 900 seconds (included) and the default value is 1.
Performance Monitor can be used to obtain list of available counters. Until version 1.6 this parameter will return correct value only for counters that require just one sample (like \System\Threads). It will not work as expected for counters that require more than one sample - like CPU utilization. Since 1.6, interval is used, so the check returns an average value for last "interval" seconds every time.

See also: Windows performance counters.
Value of any Windows performance counter in English. Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request) counter - path to the counter in English
interval - last N seconds for storing the average value.
The interval must be between 1 and 900 seconds (included) and the default value is 1.
This item is only supported on Windows Server 2008/Vista and above.

You can find the list of English strings by viewing the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009.

Supported since Zabbix agent versions 4.0.13 and 4.2.7.
List of object instances of Windows performance counters. Used for low-level discovery. JSON object object - object name (localized) Supported since Zabbix agent version 5.0.1.
List of object instances of Windows performance counters, discovered using object names in English. Used for low-level discovery. JSON object object - object name (in English) Supported since Zabbix agent version 5.0.1.
Various information about specific process(es). Float process - process name
attribute - requested process attribute
type - representation type (meaningful when more than one process with the same name exists)
The following attributes are supported:
vmsize (default) - size of process virtual memory in Kbytes
wkset - size of process working set (amount of physical memory used by process) in Kbytes
pf - number of page faults
ktime - process kernel time in milliseconds
utime - process user time in milliseconds
io_read_b - number of bytes read by process during I/O operations
io_read_op - number of read operation performed by process
io_write_b - number of bytes written by process during I/O operations
io_write_op - number of write operation performed by process
io_other_b - number of bytes transferred by process during operations other than read and write operations
io_other_op - number of I/O operations performed by process, other than read and write operations
gdiobj - number of GDI objects used by process
userobj - number of USER objects used by process

Valid types are:
avg (default) - average value for all processes named <process>
min - minimum value among all processes named <process>
max - maximum value among all processes named <process>
sum - sum of values for all processes named <process>

=> proc_info[iexplore.exe,wkset,sum] - to get the amount of physical memory taken by all Internet Explorer processes
=> proc_info[iexplore.exe,pf,avg] - to get the average number of page faults for Internet Explorer processes

Note that on a 64-bit system, a 64-bit Zabbix agent is required for this item to work correctly.

Note: io_*, gdiobj and userobj attributes are available only on Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows, not on Windows NT 4.0.
List of Windows services. Used for low-level discovery. JSON object Supported since Zabbix agent version 3.0.[service,<param>]
Information about a service. Integer - with param as state, startup

String - with param as displayname, path, user

Text - with param as description

Specifically for state:
0 - running,
1 - paused,
2 - start pending,
3 - pause pending,
4 - continue pending,
5 - stop pending,
6 - stopped,
7 - unknown,
255 - no such service

Specifically for startup:
0 - automatic,
1 - automatic delayed,
2 - manual,
3 - disabled,
4 - unknown,
5 - automatic trigger start,
6 - automatic delayed trigger start,
7 - manual trigger start
service - a real service name or its display name as seen in MMC Services snap-in
param - state (default), displayname, path, user, startup or description
=>[SNMPTRAP] - state of the SNMPTRAP service
=>[SNMP Trap] - state of the same service, but with display name specified
=>[EventLog,startup] - startup type of the EventLog service

Items[service,state] and[service] will return the same information.

Note that only with param as state this item returns a value for non-existing services (255).

This item is supported since Zabbix 3.0.0. It should be used instead of the deprecated service_state[service] item.
Listing of services. 0 - if empty

Text - list of services separated by a newline
type - all (default), automatic, manual or disabled
state - all (default), stopped, started, start_pending, stop_pending, running, continue_pending, pause_pending or paused
exclude - services to exclude from the result. Excluded services should be listed in double quotes, separated by comma, without spaces.
=> services[,started] - list of started services
=> services[automatic, stopped] - list of stopped services, that should be run
=> services[automatic, stopped, "service1,service2,service3"] - list of stopped services, that should be run, excluding services with names service1, service2 and service3

The exclude parameter is supported since Zabbix 1.8.1.
Execute WMI query and return the first selected object. Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request) namespace - WMI namespace
query - WMI query returning a single object
WMI queries are performed with WQL.

=> wmi.get[root\cimv2,select status from Win32_DiskDrive where Name like '%PHYSICALDRIVE0%'] - returns the status of the first physical disk

This key is supported since Zabbix 2.2.0.
Execute WMI query and return the whole response.

Can be used for low-level discovery.
JSON object namespace - WMI namespace
query - WMI query
WMI queries are performed with WQL.

=> wmi.getall[root\cimv2,select * from Win32_DiskDrive where Name like '%PHYSICALDRIVE%'] - returns status information of physical disks

JSONPath preprocessing can be used to point to more specific values in the returned JSON.

This key is supported since Zabbix 4.4.0.
Virtual memory size in bytes or in percentage from total. Integer - for bytes

Float - for percentage
type - possible values:
available (available virtual memory), pavailable (available virtual memory, in percent), pused (used virtual memory, in percent), total (total virtual memory, default), used (used virtual memory)
=> vm.vmemory.size[pavailable] → available virtual memory, in percentage

Monitoring of virtual memory statistics is based on:
* Total virtual memory on Windows (total physical + page file size);
* The maximum amount of memory Zabbix agent can commit;
* The current committed memory limit for the system or Zabbix agent, whichever is smaller.

This key is supported since Zabbix 3.0.7 and 3.2.3.

Item key details

Parameters without angle brackets are mandatory. Parameters marked with angle brackets < > are optional.


The event log monitoring.
Return value: Log.


  • name - the name of the event log;
  • regexp - a regular expression describing the required pattern (case sensitive);
  • severity - a regular expression describing severity (case insensitive). This parameter accepts the following values: "Information", "Warning", "Error", "Critical", "Verbose" (running on Windows Vista or newer).
  • source - a regular expression describing the source identifier (case insensitive);
  • eventid - a regular expression describing the event identifier(s) (case sensitive);
  • maxlines - the maximum number of new lines per second the agent will send to Zabbix server or proxy. This parameter overrides the value of 'MaxLinesPerSecond' in
  • mode - possible values: all (default) or skip - skip the processing of older data (affects only newly created items).


  • The item must be configured as an active check;
  • The agent is unable to send in events from the "Forwarded events" log;
  • Windows Eventing 6.0 is supported;
  • Selecting a non-Log type of information for this item will lead to the loss of local timestamp, as well as log severity and source information;
  • See also additional information on log monitoring.


       eventlog[Security,,"Failure Audit",,^(529|680)$]
       eventlog[System,,,,@TWOSHORT] #here a custom regular expression named `TWOSHORT` is referenced (defined as a *Result is TRUE* type, the expression itself being `^1$|^70$`).

The network interface list (includes interface type, status, IPv4 address, description).
Return value: Text.


  • Multi-byte interface names supported;
  • Disabled interfaces are not listed;
  • Enabling/disabling some components may change their ordering in the Windows interface name;
  • Some Windows versions (for example, Server 2008) might require the latest updates installed to support non-ASCII characters in interface names.

The value of any Windows performance counter.
Return value: Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request).


  • counter - the path to the counter;
  • interval - the last N seconds for storing the average value. The interval must be between 1 and 900 seconds (included) and the default value is 1.


  • interval is used for counters that require more than one sample (like CPU utilization), so the check returns an average value for last "interval" seconds every time;
  • Performance Monitor can be used to obtain the list of available counters.
  • See also: Windows performance counters.

The value of any Windows performance counter in English.
Return value: Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request).


  • counter - the path to the counter in English;
  • interval - the last N seconds for storing the average value. The interval must be between 1 and 900 seconds (included) and the default value is 1.


  • interval is used for counters that require more than one sample (like CPU utilization), so the check returns an average value for last "interval" seconds every time;
  • This item is only supported on Windows Server 2008/Vista and above;
  • You can find the list of English strings by viewing the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib\009.

The list of object instances of Windows performance counters. Used for low-level discovery.
Return value: JSON object.


  • object - the object name (localized).

The list of object instances of Windows performance counters, discovered using the object names in English. Used for low-level discovery.
Return value: JSON object.


  • object - the object name (in English).

Various information about specific process(es).
Return value: Float.


  • process - the process name;
  • attribute - the requested process attribute;
  • type - the representation type (meaningful when more than one process with the same name exists)


  • The following attributes are supported:
    vmsize (default) - size of process virtual memory in Kbytes
    wkset - size of process working set (amount of physical memory used by process) in Kbytes
    pf - number of page faults
    ktime - process kernel time in milliseconds
    utime - process user time in milliseconds
    io_read_b - number of bytes read by process during I/O operations
    io_read_op - number of read operation performed by process
    io_write_b - number of bytes written by process during I/O operations
    io_write_op - number of write operation performed by process
    io_other_b - number of bytes transferred by process during operations other than read and write operations
    io_other_op - number of I/O operations performed by process, other than read and write operations
    gdiobj - number of GDI objects used by process
    userobj - number of USER objects used by process;
  • Valid types are:
    avg (default) - average value for all processes named <process>
    min - minimum value among all processes named <process>
    max - maximum value among all processes named <process>
    sum - sum of values for all processes named <process>;
  • io_*, gdiobj and userobj attributes are available only on Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows, not on Windows NT 4.0;
  • On a 64-bit system, a 64-bit Zabbix agent is required for this item to work correctly.


proc_info[iexplore.exe,wkset,sum] #retrieve the amount of physical memory taken by all Internet Explorer processes
       proc_info[iexplore.exe,pf,avg] #retrieve the average number of page faults for Internet Explorer processes[key,<value name>]

Return data for the specified value name in the Windows Registry key.
Return value: Integer, string or text (depending on the value type)


  • key - the registry key including the root key; root abbreviations (e.g. HKLM) are allowed;
  • value name - the registry value name in the key (empty string "" by default). The default value is returned if the value name is not supplied.


  • Supported root abbreviations:
  • Keys with spaces must be double-quoted.

Examples:["HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting"] #return the data of the default value of this key["HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting","EnableZip"] #return the data of the value named "Enable Zip" in this key
registry.get[key,<mode>,<name regexp>]

The list of Windows Registry values or keys located at given key.
Return value: JSON object.


  • key - the registry key including the root key; root abbreviations (e.g. HKLM) are allowed (see comments for[] to see full list of abbreviations);
  • mode - possible values:
    values (default) or keys;
  • name regexp - only discover values with names that match the regexp (default - discover all values). Allowed only with values as mode.

Keys with spaces must be double-quoted.


registry.get[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall,values,"^DisplayName|DisplayVersion$"] #return the data of the values named "DisplayName" or "DisplayValue" in this key. The JSON will include details of the key, last subkey, value name, value type and value data.
       registry.get[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall,values] #return the data of the all values in this key. The JSON will include details of the key, last subkey, value name, value type and value data.
       registry.get[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall,keys] #return all subkeys of this key. The JSON will include details of the key and last subkey.

The list of Windows services. Used for low-level discovery.
Return value: JSON object.[service,<param>]

Information about a service.
Return value: Integer - with param as state, startup; String - with param as displayname, path, user; Text - with param as description
Specifically for state: 0 - running, 1 - paused, 2 - start pending, 3 - pause pending, 4 - continue pending, 5 - stop pending, 6 - stopped, 7 - unknown, 255 - no such service
Specifically for startup: 0 - automatic, 1 - automatic delayed, 2 - manual, 3 - disabled, 4 - unknown, 5 - automatic trigger start, 6 - automatic delayed trigger start, 7 - manual trigger start


  • service - a real service name or its display name as seen in the MMC Services snap-in;
  • param - state (default), displayname, path, user, startup, or description.


  • Items like[service,state] and[service] will return the same information;
  • Only with param as state this item returns a value for non-existing services (255).

Examples:[SNMPTRAP] - state of the SNMPTRAP service;[SNMP Trap] - state of the same service, but with the display name specified;[EventLog,startup] - the startup type of the EventLog service

The listing of services.
Return value: 0 - if empty; Text - the list of services separated by a newline.


  • type - all (default), automatic, manual, or disabled;
  • state - all (default), stopped, started, start_pending, stop_pending, running, continue_pending, pause_pending, or paused;
  • exclude - the services to exclude from the result. Excluded services should be listed in double quotes, separated by comma, without spaces.


services[,started] #returns the list of started services;
       services[automatic, stopped] #returns the list of stopped services that should be running;
       services[automatic, stopped, "service1,service2,service3"] #returns the list of stopped services that should be running, excluding services named "service1", "service2" and "service3"

The virtual memory size in bytes or in percentage from the total.
Return value: Integer - for bytes; float - for percentage.


  • type - possible values: available (available virtual memory), pavailable (available virtual memory, in percent), pused (used virtual memory, in percent), total (total virtual memory, default), or used (used virtual memory)


  • The monitoring of virtual memory statistics is based on:
    • Total virtual memory on Windows (total physical + page file size);
    • The maximum amount of memory Zabbix agent can commit;
    • The current committed memory limit for the system or Zabbix agent, whichever is smaller.


vm.vmemory.size[pavailable] #return the available virtual memory, in percentage

Execute a WMI query and return the first selected object.
Return value: Integer, float, string or text (depending on the request).


  • namespace - the WMI namespace;
  • query - the WMI query returning a single object.

WMI queries are performed with WQL.


wmi.get[root\cimv2,select status from Win32_DiskDrive where Name like '%PHYSICALDRIVE0%'] #returns the status of the first physical disk

Execute a WMI query and return the whole response. Can be used for low-level discovery.
Return value: JSON object


  • namespace - the WMI namespace;
  • query - the WMI query.


  • WMI queries are performed with WQL.
  • JSONPath preprocessing can be used to point to more specific values in the returned JSON.


wmi.getall[root\cimv2,select * from Win32_DiskDrive where Name like '%PHYSICALDRIVE%'] #returns status information of physical disks

Supervision des services Windows

Ce didacticiel fournit des instructions pas à pas pour configurer la surveillance des services Windows. Il est supposé que le serveur et l'agent Zabbix sont configurés et opérationnels.

Étape 1

Récupérez le nom du service.

Vous pouvez obtenir ce nom en accédant au composant logiciel enfichable MMC et en affichant les propriétés du service. Dans l'onglet Général, vous devriez voir un champ appelé 'Nom du service'. La valeur qui suit est le nom que vous utiliserez lors de la configuration d'un élément à surveiller.

Par exemple, si vous souhaitez surveiller le service "station de travail", votre service peut être : lanmanworkstation.

Étape 2

Configurer un élément pour superviser le service.

L'élément[service,<param>] récupère les informations sur un service en particulier. En fonction des informations dont vous avez besoin, spécifiez l'option param qui accepte les valeurs suivantes : displayname, state, path, user, startup ou description. La valeur par défaut est state si param n'est pas spécifié ([service]).

Le type de valeur de retour dépend du paramètre param choisi : entier pour state et startup ; chaîne de caractères pour displayname, path et user ; texte pour description.

Exemple :

  • Clé :[lanmanworkstation]
  • Type d'information : Numérique (non signé)
  • Valeur affichée : sélectionnez la correspondance de valeur de l'état du service Windows

Deux correspondances de valeur sont disponibles : État du service Windows et Type de démarrage du service Windows pour mapper une valeur numérique à une représentation textuelle dans l’interface Web.

Découverte des services Windows

La découverte de bas niveau fournie un moyen de créer automatiquement des éléments, des déclencheurs et les graphes pour les différentes entités sur un ordinateur. Zabbix peut automatiquement démarrer la supervision des services Windows sur votre machine, sans avoir besoin de connaître le nom exact d'un service ou de créer des éléments pour chaque service manuellement. Un filtre peut être utilisé pour générer des éléments réels, des déclencheurs et des graphiques uniquement pour les services qui vous intéressent.


This section provides details on the Zabbix agent items that are supported on Windows. The supported items are presented in two tables:

  • Agent items - the agent item keys also supported on Windows
  • Windows-specific items - the item keys that are supported only on Windows:
  • eventlog/[/]
  • net.if.list
  • perf_counter/[/]
  • perf_counter_en/[/]
  • perf_instance.discovery/[/]
  • proc_info/[/]
  • service.discovery
  • services
  • wmi.get/[/]
  • wmi.getall/[/]
  • vm.vmemory.size/[/]

Windows-specific items sometimes are an approximate counterpart of a similar agent item, for example proc_info, supported on Windows, roughly corresponds to the proc.mem item, not supported on Windows.

Note that all item keys supported by Zabbix agent on Windows are also supported by Zabbix agent 2. See item keys supported by Zabbix agent 2 for additional item keys that you can use with the agent 2 only.

See also: Minimum permissions for Windows items

Agent items

The table below lists Zabbix agent items that are supported on Windows:

  • The item key is a link to full item details in the corresponding agent item group
  • The item key signature includes only those parameters that are supported on Windows
  • Windows-relevant item comments are included
Key Comments
log[file,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>,<output>,<maxdelay>,<options>] This item is not supported for Windows Event Log.
The persistent_dir parameter is not supported on Windows.
log.count[file,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxproclines>,<mode>,<maxdelay>,<options>] This item is not supported for Windows Event Log.
The persistent_dir parameter is not supported on Windows.
logrt[file_regexp,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxlines>,<mode>,<output>,<maxdelay>,<options>] This item is not supported for Windows Event Log.
The persistent_dir parameter is not supported on Windows.
logrt.count[file_regexp,<regexp>,<encoding>,<maxproclines>,<mode>,<maxdelay>,<options>] This item is not supported for Windows Event Log.
The persistent_dir parameter is not supported on Windows.
modbus.get[endpoint,<slave id>,<function>,<address>,<count>,<type>,<endianness>,<offset>]
net.dns[<ip>,name,<type>,<timeout>,<count>,<protocol>] The ip, timeout and count parameters are ignored on Windows.
net.dns.record[<ip>,name,<type>,<timeout>,<count>,<protocol>] The ip, timeout and count parameters are ignored on Windows.
net.if.discovery Some Windows versions (for example, Server 2008) might require the latest updates installed to support non-ASCII characters in interface names.[if,<mode>] On Windows, the item gets values from 64-bit counters if available. 64-bit interface statistic counters were introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. If 64-bit counters are not available, the agent uses 32-bit counters.

Multi-byte interface names on Windows are supported.

You may obtain network interface descriptions on Windows with net.if.discovery or net.if.list items.
net.if.out[if,<mode>] On Windows, the item gets values from 64-bit counters if available. 64-bit interface statistic counters were introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. If 64-bit counters are not available, the agent uses 32-bit counters.

Multi-byte interface names on Windows are supported.

You may obtain network interface descriptions on Windows with net.if.discovery or net.if.list items.[if,<mode>] On Windows, the item gets values from 64-bit counters if available. 64-bit interface statistic counters were introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. If 64-bit counters are not available, the agent uses 32-bit counters.

You may obtain network interface descriptions on Windows with net.if.discovery or net.if.list items.
net.tcp.service[service,<ip>,<port>] Checking of LDAP and HTTPS on Windows is only supported by Zabbix agent 2.
net.tcp.service.perf[service,<ip>,<port>] Checking of LDAP and HTTPS on Windows is only supported by Zabbix agent 2.
net.tcp.socket.count[<laddr>,<lport>,<raddr>,<rport>,<state>] This item is supported on Linux by Zabbix agent, but on Windows it is supported only by Zabbix agent 2 on 64-bit Windows.
net.udp.socket.count[<laddr>,<lport>,<raddr>,<rport>,<state>] This item is supported on Linux by Zabbix agent, but on Windows it is supported only by Zabbix agent 2 on 64-bit Windows.
proc.num[<name>,<user>] On Windows, only the name and user parameters are supported.
system.cpu.util[<cpu>,<type>,<mode>] system is the only type parameter supported on Windows.
system.hostname[<type>, <transform>] The value is acquired by either GetComputerName() (for netbios) or gethostname() (for host) functions on Windows.

Examples of returned values:
=> system.hostname → WIN-SERV2008-I6
=> system.hostname[host] → Win-Serv2008-I6LonG
=> system.hostname[host,lower] → win-serv2008-i6long

See also a more detailed description.
system.swap.size[<device>,<type>] The pused type parameter is supported on Linux by Zabbix agent, but on Windows it is supported only by Zabbix agent 2.
Note that this key might report incorrect swap space size/percentage on virtualized (VMware ESXi, VirtualBox) Windows platforms. In this case you may use the perf_counter[\700(_Total)\702] key to obtain correct swap space percentage.
system.uname Example of returned value:
Windows ZABBIX-WIN 6.0.6001 Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Standard Service Pack 1 x86

On Windows the value for this item is obtained from Win32_OperatingSystem and Win32_Processor WMI classes. The OS name (including edition) might be translated to the user's display language. On some versions of Windows it contains trademark symbols and extra spaces.
vfs.dir.count[dir,<regex_incl>,<regex_excl>,<types_incl>,<types_excl>,<max_depth>,<min_size>,<max_size>,<min_age>,<max_age>,<regex_excl_dir>] On Windows, directory symlinks are skipped and hard links are counted only once.

⇒ vfs.dir.count["C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp"] - monitors the number of files in temporary directory
vfs.dir.get[dir,<regex_incl>,<regex_excl>,<types_incl>,<types_excl>,<max_depth>,<min_size>,<max_size>,<min_age>,<max_age>,<regex_excl_dir>] On Windows, directory symlinks are skipped and hard links are counted only once.

⇒ vfs.dir.get["C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp"] - retrieves the file list in temporary directory
vfs.dir.size[dir,<regex_incl>,<regex_excl>,<mode>,<max_depth>,<regex_excl_dir>] On Windows any symlink is skipped and hard links are taken into account only once.
vfs.file.exists[file,<types_incl>,<types_excl>] On Windows the double quotes have to be backslash '\' escaped and the whole item key enclosed in double quotes when using the command line utility for calling zabbix_get.exe or agent2.

Note that the item may turn unsupported on Windows if a directory is searched within a non-existing directory, e.g. vfs.file.exists[C:\no\dir,dir] (where 'no' does not exist).
vfs.file.get[file] Supported file types on Windows: regular file, directory, symbolic link
vfs.file.regexp[,regexp,<encoding>,<start line>,<end line>,<output>]
vfs.file.regmatch[file,regexp,<encoding>,<start line>,<end line>]
vfs.file.time[file,<mode>] On Windows XP vfs.file.time[file,change] may be equal to vfs.file.time[file,access].
vfs.fs.discovery The {#FSLABEL} macro is supported on Windows since Zabbix 6.0.
vfs.fs.get The {#FSLABEL} macro is supported on Windows since Zabbix 6.0.