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2022 Zabbix中国峰会
2022 Zabbix中国峰会

19 SLA report


This widget is useful for displaying SLA reports. Functionally it is similar to the Services -> SLA report section.


To configure, select SLA report as type:

In addition to the parameters that are common for all widgets, you may set the following specific options:

SLA Select the SLA for the report.
Service Select the service for the report.
Show periods Set how many periods will be displayed in the widget (20 by default, 100 maximum).
From Select the beginning date for the report.
Relative dates are supported: now, now/d, now/w-1w etc; supported date modifiers: d, w, M, y.
To Select the end date for the report.
Relative dates are supported: now, now/d, now/w-1w etc; supported date modifiers: d, w, M, y.