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1 Funcions de macro

Vista general

Les funcions de macro ofereixen la possibilitat de personalitzar els valors macro.

De vegades, una macro pot resoldre un valor amb el qual no necessàriament és fàcil de treballar. Pot ser llarg o contindre una subcadena específica d'interès que voleu extreure. Aquí és on les funcions macro poden ser útils.

La sintaxi d'una funció macro és:



  • <macro>: la macro que cal personalitzar (per exemple, {ITEM.VALUE} o {#LLDMACRO})
  • <func>: la funció que cal aplicar
  • <params>: una llista de paràmetres de funció separada per comes. Els paràmetres s'han de citar si comencen per '' '' (espai), " o contenen ), ,.

Per exemple:

        {{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(patró, sortida)}
        {{#LLDMACRO}.regsub(patró, sortida)}


Number formatting to control the number of digits printed after the decimal point.


  • digits - the number of digits after decimal point. Valid range: 0-20. No trailing zeros will be produced.


Macro function Received value Output
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(2)} 24.3413523 24.34
{{ITEM.VALUE}.fmtnum(0)} 24.3413523 24


Time formatting.
Note that this function can be used with macros that resolve to a value in one of the following time formats:

  • hh:mm:ss
  • yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[tz] (ISO8601 standard)
  • unix timestamp


  • format - mandatory format string, compatible with strftime function formatting;
  • time_shift (optional) - the time shift applied to the time before formatting; should start with -<N><time_unit> or +<N><time_unit>, where:
    • N - the number of time units to add or subtract;
    • time_unit - h (hour), d (day), w (week), M (month) or y (year).


  • The time_shift parameter supports multistep time operations and may include /<time_unit> for shifting to the beginning of the time unit (/d - midnight, /w - 1st day of the week (Monday), /M - 1st day of the month, etc.). Examples: -1w - exactly 7 days back; -1w/w - Monday of the previous week; -1w/w+1d - Tuesday of the previous week.
  • Time operations are calculated from left to right without priorities. For example, -1M/d+1h/w will be parsed as ((-1M/d)+1h)/w.


Macro function Received value Output
{{TIME}.fmttime(%B)} 12:36:01 October
{{TIME}.fmttime(%d %B,-1M/M)} 12:36:01 1 September


Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-insensitive).


  • pattern - the regular expression to match;
  • output - the output options. \1 - \9 placeholders are supported to capture groups. \0 returns the matched text.


  • If the function pattern is an incorrect regular expression, then the macro evaluates to 'UNKNOWN' (except for low-level discovery macros, in which case the function will be ignored, and the macro will remain unresolved).


Substring extraction by a regular expression match (case-sensitive).


  • pattern - the regular expression to match;
  • output - the output options. \1 - \9 placeholders are supported to capture groups. \0 returns the matched text.


  • If the function pattern is an incorrect regular expression, then the macro evaluates to 'UNKNOWN' (except for low-level discovery macros, in which case the function will be ignored, and the macro will remain unresolved).


Macro function Received value Output
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(^[0-9]+, Problem)} 123Log line Problem
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", "Problem")} 123 Log line Problem
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^([0-9]+)", Problem ID: \1)} 123 Log line Problem ID: 123
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(".*", "Problem ID: \1")} Log line ''Problem ID: ''
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("^(\w+).*?([0-9]+)", " Problem ID: \1_\2 ")} MySQL crashed errno 123 '' Problem ID: MySQL_123 ''
{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("([1-9]+", "Problem ID: \1")} 123 Log line *UNKNOWN* (invalid regular expression)
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \1)} customername_1 customername
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+)", \2)} customername_1 1
{{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} customername_1 {{#IFALIAS}.regsub("(.*)_([0-9]+", \1)} (invalid regular expression)
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \1)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"customername"}
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\", \2)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"1"}
{$MACRO:"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} customername_1 {$MACRO:"{{#M}.regsub(\"(.*)_([0-9]+\", \1)}"} (invalid regular expression)
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \1)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"customername\"}"
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+)\\", \2)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"1\"}")
"{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}" customername_1 "{$MACRO:\"{{#IFALIAS}.regsub(\\"(.*)_([0-9]+\\", \1)}\"}") (invalid regular expression)