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10 Rebranding


There are several ways in which you can customize and rebrand your Zabbix frontend installation:

  • replace the Zabbix logo with a desired one;
  • hide the links to the Zabbix Support and Zabbix Share pages;
  • set a custom link to the Help page;
  • change the copyright notice in the footer.

How to

First you need to create a PHP file and save it as local/conf/brand.conf.php. The contents of the file should be as follows:

       return [];

This will hide the links to the Zabbix Support and Zabbix Share pages.

To use a custom logo, add the following line to the array from the previous listing:

'BRAND_LOGO' => '{Path to an image on the disk or URL}',

Note that the path to the image on the disk should be relative to the Zabbix frontend root directory. So, for example, if the image is located in the same directory as the brand.conf.php file, then the path to the image should be: './local/conf/custom_logo.png'.

Any image format supported by modern browsers can be used: JPG, PNG, SVG, BMP, WebP, and GIF.

The custom logo will not be scaled, resized or modified in any other way, and will be displayed in its original size and proportions. For reference, the following dimensions are used for the Zabbix logo: 95x25px.

To set a custom copyright notice, add BRAND_FOOTER to the array from the first listing. Please be aware that HTML is not supported here. Setting BRAND_FOOTER to an empty string will hide the copyright notice completely (but the footer will stay in place).

'BRAND_FOOTER' => '{text}',
Custom help location

To replace the default Help link with a link of your choice, add BRAND_HELP_URL to the array from the first listing.

File example
       return [
           'BRAND_LOGO' => './my_images/custom_logo.png',
           'BRAND_FOOTER' => '© Zabbix',
           'BRAND_HELP_URL' => ''