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> Host prototype object

The following objects are directly related to the hostprototype API.

Host prototype

The host prototype object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
hostid string (readonly) ID of the host prototype.
string Technical name of the host prototype.
name string Visible name of the host prototype.

Default: host property value.
status integer Status of the host prototype.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) monitored host;
1 - unmonitored host.
templateid string (readonly) ID of the parent template host prototype.
tls_connect integer Connections to host.

Possible values are:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_accept integer Connections from host.

Possible bitmap values are:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate.
tls_issuer string Certificate issuer.
tls_subject string Certificate subject.
tls_psk_identity string PSK identity. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled.
tls_psk string The preshared key, at least 32 hex digits. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled.

Host prototype inventory

The host prototype inventory object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
inventory_mode integer Host prototype inventory population mode.

Possible values are:
-1 - disabled;
0 - (default) manual;
1 - automatic.

The group link object links a host prototype with a host group and has the following properties.

Property Type Description
group_prototypeid string (readonly) ID of the group link.
string ID of the host group.
hostid string (readonly) ID of the host prototype
templateid string (readonly) ID of the parent template group link.

Group prototype

The group prototype object defines a group that will be created for a discovered host and has the following properties.

Property Type Description
group_prototypeid string (readonly) ID of the group prototype.
string Name of the group prototype.
hostid string (readonly) ID of the host prototype
templateid string (readonly) ID of the parent template group prototype.

Custom interface

The custom interface object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
dns string DNS name used by the interface.

Required if the connection is made via DNS. Can contain macros.
ip string IP address used by the interface.

Required if the connection is made via IP. Can contain macros.
integer Whether the interface is used as default on the host. Only one interface of some type can be set as default on a host.

Possible values are:
0 - not default;
1 - default.
string Port number used by the interface. Can contain user and LLD macros.
integer Interface type.

Possible values are:
1 - agent;
2 - SNMP;
3 - IPMI;
4 - JMX.
integer Whether the connection should be made via IP.

Possible values are:
0 - connect using host DNS name;
1 - connect using host IP address for this host interface.
details array Additional object for interface. Required if interface 'type' is SNMP.

Custom interface details

The details object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
integer SNMP interface version.

Possible values are:
1 - SNMPv1;
2 - SNMPv2c;
3 - SNMPv3
bulk integer Whether to use bulk SNMP requests.

Possible values are:
0 - don't use bulk requests;
1 - (default) - use bulk requests.
community string SNMP community. Used only by SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 interfaces.
securityname string SNMPv3 security name. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
securitylevel integer SNMPv3 security level. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - noAuthNoPriv;
1 - authNoPriv;
2 - authPriv.
authpassphrase string SNMPv3 authentication passphrase. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
privpassphrase string SNMPv3 privacy passphrase. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.
authprotocol integer SNMPv3 authentication protocol. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - MD5;
1 - SHA1;
2 - SHA224;
3 - SHA256;
4 - SHA384;
5 - SHA512.
privprotocol integer SNMPv3 privacy protocol. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.

Possible values are:
0 - (default) - DES;
1 - AES128;
2 - AES192;
3 - AES256;
4 - AES192C;
5 - AES256C.
contextname string SNMPv3 context name. Used only by SNMPv3 interfaces.