The table provides details on the item keys that you can use with Zabbix agent 2 only.
See also: Plugins supplied out-of-the-box
Parameters without angle brackets are mandatory. Parameters marked with angle brackets < > are optional.
Key | ||||
Description | Return value | Parameters | Comments | |
ceph.df.details [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
Cluster’s data usage and distribution among pools. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
ceph.osd.stats [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
Aggregated and per OSD statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
ceph.osd.discovery [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
List of discovered OSDs. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
ceph.osd.dump [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
Usage thresholds and statuses of OSDs. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | | [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
Tests whether a connection to Ceph can be established. | 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues) 1 - connection is successful. |
connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
ceph.pool.discovery [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
List of discovered pools. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
ceph.status [connString, <user>, <apikey>] | ||||
Overall cluster's status. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Ceph login credentials. |
This item is supported for the Ceph plugin. | |
docker.container_info [<ID>] | ||||
Low-level information about a container. | An output of the ContainerInspect API call serialized as JSON | ID - ID or name of the container | This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.0 for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.container_stats [<ID>] | ||||
Container resource usage statistics. | An output of the ContainerStats API call and CPU usage percentage serialized as JSON | ID - ID or name of the container | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.containers | ||||
A list of containers. | An output of the ContainerList API call serialized as JSON | - | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.containers.discovery[<options>] | ||||
A list of containers. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object. | options - specifies whether all or only running containers should be discovered. Supported values: true - return all containers; false - return only running containers (default). |
This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.data_usage | ||||
Information about current data usage. | An output of the SystemDataUsage API call serialized as JSON | - | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.images | ||||
A list of images. | An output of the ImageList API call serialized as JSON | - | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
docker.images.discovery | ||||
A list of images. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object. | - | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
| | ||||
System information. | An output of the SystemInfo API call serialized as JSON | - | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
| | ||||
Test if a Docker daemon is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken |
- | This item is supported for the Docker plugin. The Agent2 user ('zabbix') must be added to the 'docker' group for sufficient privileges. Otherwise the check will fail. |
|[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Test if a connection is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues) |
connString - URI or session name. | This item is supported for the Memchached plugin. | |
memcached.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<type>] | ||||
Gets the output of the STATS command. | JSON - output is serialized as JSON | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Memchached login credentials. type - stat type to be returned: items, sizes, slabs or settings (empty by default, returns general statistics). |
This item is supported for the Memchached plugin. | |
mongodb.collection.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<database>,collection] | ||||
Returns a variety of storage statistics for a given collection. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. database - database name (default: admin). collection — collection name. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.collections.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a list of discovered collections. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.collections.usage[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns usage statistics for collections. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.connpool.stats[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns information regarding the open outgoing connections from the current database instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.db.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<database>] | ||||
Returns statistics reflecting a given database system state. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. database - database name (default: admin). |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.db.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a list of discovered databases. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.jumbo_chunks.count[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns count of jumbo chunks. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.oplog.stats[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a status of the replica set, using data polled from the oplog. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Tests if a connection is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues). |
connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a current configuration of the replica set. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a replica set status from the point of view of the member where the method is run. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mongodb.server.status[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns database state. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>] | ||||
Returns a list of discovered shards present in the cluster. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - MongoDB login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MongoDB plugin. | |
mqtt.get[<broker_url>,topic,<username>,<password>] | ||||
Subscribes to a specific topic or topics (with wildcards) of the provided broker and waits for publications. | Depending on topic content. If wildcards are used, returns topic content as JSON. |
broker_url - MQTT broker URL (if empty, localhost with port 1883 is used). topic - MQTT topic (mandatory). Wildcards (+,#) are supported. username,password - authentication credentials (if required) |
This item is supported for the MQTT plugin. The item must be configured as an active check ('Zabbix agent (active)' item type). TLS encryption certificates can be used by saving them into a default location (e.g. /etc/ssl/certs/ directory for Ubuntu). For TLS, use the tls:// scheme. |
mysql.db.discovery[connString, <username>, <password>] | ||||
List of MySQL databases. Used for low-level discovery. | Result of the "show databases" SQL query in LLD JSON format. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
mysql.db.size[connString, <username>, <password>,dbName] | ||||
Database size in bytes. | Result of the "select coalesce(sum(data_length + index_length),0) as size from information_schema.tables where table_schema=?" SQL query for specific database in bytes. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
mysql.get_status_variables[connString, <username>, <password>] | ||||
Values of global status variables. | Result of the "show global status" SQL query in JSON format. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |[connString, <username>, <password>] | ||||
Test if a connection is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues). |
connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
mysql.replication.discovery[connString, <username>, <password>] | ||||
List of MySQL replications. Used for low-level discovery. | Result of the "show slave status" SQL query in LLD JSON format. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
mysql.replication.get_slave_status[connString, <username>, <password>, <masterHost>] | ||||
Replication status. | Result of the "show slave status" SQL query in JSON format. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. masterHost - Replication master host name. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
mysql.version[connString, <username>, <password>] | ||||
MySQL version. | String with MySQL instance version. | connString - URI or session name. username, password - MySQL login credentials. |
This item is supported for the MySQL plugin. | |
oracle.diskgroups.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
ASM disk groups statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.diskgroups.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
List of ASM disk groups. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Archive logs statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
CDBs info. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.custom.query[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>, queryName, <args...>] | ||||
Result of a custom query. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. queryName — name of a custom query (must be equal to a name of an sql file without an extension). args... — one or several comma-separated arguments to pass to a query. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.datafiles.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Data files statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.db.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
List of databases. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.fra.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
FRA statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Instance statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
PDBs info. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.pdb.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
List of PDBs. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.pga.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
PGA statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Tests whether a connection to Oracle can be established. | 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues) 1 - connection is successful. |
connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.proc.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Processes statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Log file information from the control file. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.sga.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
SGA statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.sessions.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>,<lockMaxTime>] | ||||
Sessions statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. lockMaxTime - maximum session lock duration in seconds to count the session as a prolongedly locked. Default: 600 seconds. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.sys.metrics[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>,<duration>] | ||||
A set of system metric values. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. duration - capturing interval (in seconds) of system metric values. Possible values: 60 — long duration (default), 15 — short duration. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.sys.params[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
A set of system parameter values. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.ts.stats[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
Tablespaces statistics. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
oracle.ts.discovery[connString,<user>,<password>,<service>] | ||||
List of tablespaces. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |[connString,<user>,<password>,<username>] | ||||
List of tablespaces. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | connString - URI or session name. user, password - Oracle login credentials. service - Oracle service name. username - a username, for which the information is needed. Lowercase usernames are not supported. Default: current user. |
This item is supported for the Oracle plugin. | |
pgsql.autovacuum.count[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
The number of autovacuum workers. | SQL query. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.archive[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Information about archived files. | SQL query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: pgsql.archive.count_archived_files - the number of WAL files that have been successfully archived. pgsql.archive.failed_trying_to_archive - the number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files. pgsql.archive.count_files_to_archive - the number of files to archive. pgsql.archive.size_files_to_archive -the size of files to archive. This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.bgwriter[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Combined number of checkpoints for the database cluster, broken down by checkpoint type. | SQL query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_alloc - the number of buffers allocated. pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend -the number of buffers written directly by a backend. pgsql.bgwriter.maxwritten_clean - the number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan, because it had written too many buffers. pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_backend_fsync -the number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call instead of the background writer. pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_clean - the number of buffers written by the background writer. pgsql.bgwriter.buffers_checkpoint - the number of buffers written during checkpoints. pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_timed - the number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed. pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoints_req - the number of requested checkpoints that have been performed. pgsql.bgwriter.checkpoint_write_time - the total amount of time spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds. pgsql.bgwriter.sync_time - the total amount of time spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized with disk. This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.cache.hit[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
PostgreSQL buffer cache hit rate. | SQL query in percentage. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.connections[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Connections by type. | JSON object. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: - the backend is executing a query. pgsql.connections.fastpath_function_call -the backend is executing a fast-path function. pgsql.connections.idle - the backend is waiting for a new client command. pgsql.connections.idle_in_transaction - the backend is in a transaction, but is not currently executing a query. pgsql.connections.prepared - the number of prepared connections. - the total number of connections. pgsql.connections.total_pct - percantange of total connections in respect to ‘max_connections’ setting of the PostgreSQL server. pgsql.connections.waiting - number of connections in a query. pgsql.connections.idle_in_transaction_aborted - the backend is in a transaction, but is not currently executing a query and one of the statements in the transaction caused an error. This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.dbstat[uri,<username>,<password>, dbName] | ||||
Collects statistics per database. Used for low-level discovery. | SQL query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: pgsql.dbstat.numbackends["{#DBNAME}"] - time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blk_read_time["{#DBNAME}"] - time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blk_write_time["{#DBNAME}"] - time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. pgsql.dbstat.sum.checksum_failures["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of data page checksum failures detected (or on a shared object), or NULL if data checksums are not enabled.(PostgreSQL version 12 only) pgsql.dbstat.blks_read.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of disk blocks read in this database. pgsql.dbstat.deadlocks.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of deadlocks detected in this database. pgsql.dbstat.blks_hit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL Pro buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache). pgsql.dbstat.xact_rollback.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back. pgsql.dbstat.xact_commit.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of transactions in this database that have been committed. pgsql.dbstat.tup_updated.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of rows updated by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.tup_returned.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of rows returned by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.tup_inserted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of rows inserted by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.tup_fetched.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of rows fetched by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.tup_deleted.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of rows deleted by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.conflicts.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database (the conflicts occur only on standby servers). pgsql.dbstat.temp_files.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of temporary files created by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of the log_temp_files settings and reasons for which the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing). pgsql.dbstat.temp_bytes.rate["{#DBNAME}"] - the total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. Includes data from all temporary files, regardless of the log_temp_files settings and reasons for which the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing). This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.dbstat.sum[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Summarized data for all databases in a cluster. | SQL query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by the dependent items: pgsql.dbstat.numbackends - the number of backends currently connected to this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blk_read_time - time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blk_write_time - time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. pgsql.dbstat.sum.checksum_failures - the number of data page checksum failures detected (or on a shared object), or NULL if data checksums are not enabled (PostgreSQL version 12 only). pgsql.dbstat.sum.xact_commit - the number of transactions in this database that have been committed. pgsql.dbstat.sum.conflicts - database statistics about query cancels due to conflict with recovery on standby servers. pgsql.dbstat.sum.deadlocks - the number of deadlocks detected in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blks_read - the number of disk blocks read in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.blks_hit - the number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so a read was not necessary (only hits in the PostgreSQL Pro buffer cache are included). pgsql.dbstat.sum.temp_bytes - the total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. Includes data from all temporary files, regardless of the log_temp_files settings and reasons for which the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing). pgsql.dbstat.sum.temp_files - the number of temporary files created by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of the log_temp_files settings and reasons for which the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing). pgsql.dbstat.sum.xact_rollback - the number of rolled-back transactions in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_deleted - the number of rows deleted by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_fetched - the number of rows fetched by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_inserted - the number of rows inserted by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_returned - the number of rows returned by queries in this database. pgsql.dbstat.sum.tup_updated - the number of rows updated by queries in this database. This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.db.age[uri,<username>,<password>, dbName] | ||||
Age of the oldest FrozenXID of the database. Used for low-level discovery. | SQL query for specific database in transactions. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.db.bloating_tables[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
The number of bloating tables per database. Used for low-level discovery. | SQL query. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.db.discovery[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
List of the PostgreSQL databases. Used for low-level discovery. | SQL query in the LLD JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.db.size[uri,<username>,<password>, dbName] | ||||
Database size in bytes. Used for low-level discovery. | SQL query for specific database in bytes. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.locks[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Information about granted locks per database. Used for low-level discovery. | SQl query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: pgsql.locks.shareupdateexclusive["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of share update exclusive locks. pgsql.locks.accessexclusive["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of access exclusive locks. pgsql.locks.accessshare["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of access share locks. pgsql.locks.exclusive["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of exclusive locks. pgsql.locks.rowexclusive["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of row exclusive locks. pgsql.locks.rowshare["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of row share locks. pgsql.locks.share["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of shared locks. pgsql.locks.sharerowexclusive["{#DBNAME}"] - the number of share row exclusive locks. This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
pgsql.oldest.xid[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Age of the oldest XID. | SQl query. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Tests whether a connection is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues). |
uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.replication.count[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
The number of standby servers. | SQL query. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.replication.recovery_role[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Recovery status. | 0 - master mode 1 - recovery is still in progress (standby mode) |
uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.replication.status[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
The status of replication. | 0 - streaming is down 1 - streaming is up 2 - master mode |
uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.replication_lag.b[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Replication lag in bytes. | SQL query in bytes. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.replication_lag.sec[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
Replication lag in seconds. | SQL query in seconds. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.uptime[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
PostgreSQL uptime in milliseconds. | SQL query in milliseconds. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. | |
pgsql.wal.stat[uri,<username>,<password>, <dbName>] | ||||
WAL statistics. | SQL query in JSON format. | uri - URI or session name. username, password - PostgreSQL credentials. dbName - Database name. |
Returned data are processed by dependent items: pgsql.wal.count — the number of WAL files. pgsql.wal.write - the WAL lsn used (in bytes). This item is supported since Zabbix 5.0.1 for the PostgreSQL plugin. |
redis.config[connString,<password>,<pattern>] | ||||
Gets the configuration parameters of a Redis instance that match the pattern. | JSON - if a glob-style pattern was used single value - if a pattern did not contain any wildcard character |
connString - URI or session name. password - Redis password. pattern - glob-style pattern (* by default). |
This item is supported since Zabbix 4.4.5 for the Redis plugin. | |[connString,<password>,<section>] | ||||
Gets the output of the INFO command. | JSON - output is serialized as JSON | connString - URI or session name. password - Redis password. section - section of information (default by default). |
This item is supported since Zabbix 4.4.5 for the Redis plugin. | |[connString,<password>] | ||||
Test if a connection is alive or not. | 1 - connection is alive 0 - connection is broken (if there is any error presented including AUTH and configuration issues) |
connString - URI or session name. password - Redis password. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 4.4.5 for the Redis plugin. | |
redis.slowlog.count[connString,<password>] | ||||
The number of slow log entries since Redis was started. | Integer | connString - URI or session name. password - Redis password. |
This item is supported since Zabbix 4.4.5 for the Redis plugin. | |
smart.attribute.discovery | ||||
Returns a list of S.M.A.R.T. device attributes. | JSON object | The following macros and their values are returned: {#NAME}, {#DISKTYPE}, {#ID}, {#ATTRNAME}, {#THRESH}. HDD, SSD and NVME drive types are supported. Drives can be alone or combined in a RAID. {#NAME} will have an add-on in case of RAID, e.g: {"{#NAME}": "/dev/sda cciss,2"} This item is supported for the Smart plugin. |
smart.disk.discovery | ||||
Returns a list of S.M.A.R.T. devices. | JSON object | The following macros and their values are returned: {#NAME}, {#DISKTYPE}, {#MODEL}, {#SN}. HDD, SSD and NVME drive types are supported. Drives can be alone or combined in a RAID. {#NAME} will have an add-on in case of RAID, e.g: {"{#NAME}": "/dev/sda cciss,2"} This item is supported for the Smart plugin. |
smart.disk.get | ||||
Returns all available properties of S.M.A.R.T. devices. | JSON object | HDD, SSD and NVME drive types are supported. Drives can be alone or combined in a RAID. The data includes smartctl version and call arguments, and additional fields: disk_name - holds the name with the required add-ons for RAID discovery, e.g: {"disk_name": "/dev/sda cciss,2"} disk_type - holds the disk type HDD, SSD, or NVME, e.g: {"disk_type": "ssd"}) This item is supported for the Smart plugin. |
systemd.unit.discovery[<type>] | ||||
List of systemd units and their details. Used for low-level discovery. | JSON object | type - possible values: all, automount, device, mount, path, service (default), socket, swap, target | This item is supported for the Systemd plugin on Linux platform only. | |
systemd.unit.get[unit name,<interface>] | ||||
Returns all properties of a systemd unit. | JSON object | unit name - unit name (you may want to use the {#UNIT.NAME} macro in item prototype to discover the name) interface - unit interface type, possible values: Unit (default), Service, Socket, Device, Mount, Automount, Swap, Target, Path |
This item is supported for the Systemd plugin on Linux platform only. LoadState, ActiveState and UnitFileState for Unit interface are returned as text and integer: "ActiveState":{"state":1,"text":"active"} |
|[unit name,<property>,<interface>] | ||||
Systemd unit information. | String | unit name - unit name (you may want to use the {#UNIT.NAME} macro in item prototype to discover the name) property - unit property (e.g. ActiveState (default), LoadState, Description) interface - unit interface type (e.g. Unit (default), Socket, Service) |
This item allows to retrieve a specific property from specific type of interface as described in dbus API. This item is supported for the Systemd plugin on Linux platform only. Examples: =>["{#UNIT.NAME}"] - collect active state (active, reloading, inactive, failed, activating, deactivating) info on discovered systemd units =>["{#UNIT.NAME}",LoadState] - collect load state info on discovered systemd units =>[mysqld.service,Id] - retrieve service technical name (mysqld.service) =>[mysqld.service,Description] - retrieve service description (MySQL Server) =>[mysqld.service,ActiveEnterTimestamp] - retrieve the last time the service entered the active state (1562565036283903) =>[dbus.socket,NConnections,Socket] - collect the number of connections from this socket unit |
web.certificate.get[hostname,<port>,<address>] | ||||
Validates certificates and returns certificate details. | JSON object | hostname - can be either IP or DNS. May contain the URL scheme (https only), path (it will be ignored), and port. If a port is provided in both the first and the second parameters, their values must match. If address (the 3rd parameter) is specified, the hostname is only used for SNI and hostname verification. port - port number (default is 443 for HTTPS). address - can be either IP or DNS. If specified, it will be used for connection, and hostname (the 1st parameter) will be used for SNI, and host verification. In case, the 1st parameter is an IP and the 3rd parameter is DNS, the 1st parameter will be used for connection, and the 3rd parameter will be used for SNI and host verification. |
This item turns unsupported if the resource specified in host does not exist or is unavailable or if TLS handshake fails with any error except an invalid certificate.Currently, AIA (Authority Information Access) X.509 extension, CRLs and OCSP (including OCSP stapling), Certificate Transparency, and custom CA trust store are not supported. |