Zabbix Forum Shenzhen 2023

Zabbix Forum Shenzhen 2023

July 28th, 2023


Days Hours Minutes Seconds
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Forum Highlights



The Zabbix Shenzhen Forum will gather more than 150 Zabbix experts and enthusiasts, share the roadmap of Zabbix, the latest technology and applications, discuss the pain points and future trends of financial industry operation and maintenance.

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Key Speakers


09:00 开场致词

09:10 着眼当下,放眼未来Zabbix 7.0 LTS

Alexei Vladishev, Zabbix创始人兼CEO,Zabbix SIA

10:10 鼎和保险基础资源监控系统建设

周军, 运维开发工程师,鼎和保险

10:40 茶歇

10:55 三等奖 抽奖

11:00 面向指标数据的智能事件管理平台Intelligent event management platform for indicator data

裴丹, 长聘副教授,博士生导师,清华大学计算机系

11:30 圆桌对话

Alexei Vladishev、荣曜如、裴丹、郑子静

12:00 午休

13:30 以业务视角洞察快响应运维监控场景

何煚, 可观测性方案专家,江苏纵目信息科技有限公司

14:05 某城商行Zabbix实践之路

董天保, 中间件管理工程师,东莞银行股份有限公司

14:35 科技与狠活:如何有效让技术服务于业务?

Sergey Sorokin, 全球业务发展总监,Zabbix SIA

15:05 Zabbix在中国

郑子静, 市场经理,上海宏时数据系统有限公司

15:30 茶歇

15:50 二等奖 抽奖

Sergey Sorokin, Director of Business Development, Zabbix

16:00 太平洋保险多云环境下Zabbix的运用实践

周松, 架构师,Zabbix大中华区培训师

16:30 漫谈Zabbix在网络监控的实战场景

王军, Zabbix大中华区培训师

16:50 Zabbix数据利用与展示

张世宏, Zabbix开源社区专家

17:10 我与Zabbix的故事

李晓凯, Zabbix官方汉化译者

17:20 社区7周年回顾

侯健, CEO,上海宏时数据系统有限公司

17:30 一等奖 抽奖

侯健 & Alexei Vladishev, Zabbix创始人兼CEO,Zabbix SIA

17:40 闭幕致辞

Registration is mandatory.

Become a speaker

Become a Speaker

CFP for Zabbix Forum Shenzhen 2023 is now open through
July 1st, 2023

Share your Zabbix story, tips & tricks, your latest how-to, or your created template. We are looking forward to hear interesting use cases, customized solutions or complicated monitoring situations you resolved. Feel free to share your knowledge with Zabbix community.

Benefits of becoming a speaker

  • Let others know your accomplishments
  • Strengthen your brand image with valuable presentation
  • Share your knowledge with Zabbix community and get valuable feedback
  • Become the source of inspiration to others by sharing your ideas


  • You will have a 20-40 minute time slot for the presentation
  • Your topic should be based on or related to Zabbix monitoring software
  • Previous public speaking experience is recommended

Become a Sponsor

Expose your company name and gain publicity among tech-savvy audience

Benefits of becoming a sponsor

  • Increase brand awareness and recognition
  • Take advantage of the in-person exhibition
  • Connect with potential and existing customers
  • Generate new partnerships

For more detailed information on the Zabbix series event sponsorship levels, please send your request to [email protected] or contact 13817720274 for the sponsor proposals.

Become a Sponsor

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