Release Notes for Zabbix 5.0.3

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 5.0.3.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 5.0.3. Download it from download.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6080 Add telnet support for net.tcp.service/.perf key and enable it on linux/darwin
ZBXNEXT-6101 Add native linux vfs.fs.inode[fs,<mode>] metric support to agent2
ZBXNEXT-6102 Add native linux vfs.fs.get metric support to agent2
ZBXNEXT-6103 Add native linux vfs.fs.discovery metric support to agent2
ZBXNEXT-6100 Add native linux vfs.fs.size[fs,<mode>] metric support to agent2
ZBXNEXT-6010 Added template "Template DB Oracle by ODBC"
ZBXCTR-12 SiGNL4 update to close alerts in SIGNL4 when closed in Zabbix
ZBXNEXT-6004 Added host info to vmware event message log
ZBXNEXT-5903 Added vmware datacenters discovery
ZBXNEXT-6042 Optimized trigger, calculated item processing by resolving user macros during configuration cache synchronization

Bug Fixes

ZBX-18261 Fixed Latest data performance by allowing to filter items with data only if hosts are selected as well
ZBX-13789 Fixed SQL errors with Oracle backend due to incorrect use of the USING statement
ZBX-17785 Fixed dbstat query for postgresql v12
ZBX-18204 Fixed lost password in ssh remote command operation form data
ZBX-18046 Improved error message generation performance of user macro and item key parser
ZBX-18105 Fixed use on uninitialised variable
ZBX-18014 Added ODBC empty query check
ZBX-18160 Fixed fatal error in items.php and host_discovery.php
ZBX-13383 Improved performance of the trigger and trigger prototype inheritance
ZBX-18092 Reimplemented item folding based on application names and improved summary for each application in latest data view
ZBX-13789 Improved performance of "Problems" widget with MySQL backend by removing DISTINCT modifier from SQL statements with tables joined by primary keys
ZBX-18214 Added collecting of physical CPU utilization data on IBM AIX and modified system.cpu.util[]
ZBX-17974 Implement timeouts for WMI queries
ZBX-18149 Fixed discovered hosts showing links to host prototypes which should not possible
ZBX-18132 Added OpenSSL extension check in frontend setup and SAML authentication form
ZBX-18169 Fixed housekeeper not deleting history and trends for deleted items if storage period is not overridden
ZBX-17468 Fixed excess audit log record being added on host status update
ZBX-16998 Improved agent binary compatibility by removing __thread attribute when not building agent2
ZBX-17815 Fixed connection timeout when persistent buffer enabled
ZBX-18106 Fixed map navigation tree widget copying
ZBX-18012 Fixed undefined index error in history manager and added error message in charts when Elasticsearch requests fails
ZBX-18076 Fixed PHP notice in hostinterface API
ZBX-18000 Added red label for disabled media types in user profile
ZBX-17996 Fixed ip/dns field width in host interface
ZBX-18075 Fixed runtime error when creating a host via API
ZBX-17814 Fixed memory leaks in the agent persistent buffer
ZBX-17973 Fixed saving widget refresh rate in user profile
ZBX-15927 Removed problem calculation for dependent triggers when master trigger is in problem state
ZBX-17933 Fixed runtime error in maps
ZBX-18063 Fixed usage of unsupported parameter in API call
ZBX-18126 Fixed incorrect labels in action operations dialog
ZBX-18060 Fixed inaccessible user be displayed as accessible in slide show properties screen
ZBX-18147 Fixed wrong character set detection logic for Oracle DB
ZBX-18115 Added {$MSSQL.INSTANCE} macro and changed queries and item preprocessing for support MS SQL instance name
ZBX-17653 Fixed new widget placeholder behavior and dashboard height calculation in edit mode
ZBX-16819 Added link to hosts linked to each template in templates list
ZBX-18023 Fixed format of agent2 version number
ZBX-18071 Fixed slow SQL query when filtering items with latest data available
ZBX-17898 Fixed JavaScript errors on pasting widgets
ZBX-17569 Fixed calculating items not allowing negative values be corrected in the preprocessing
ZBX-18036 Fixed endpoint URL for Elasticsearch API requests
ZBX-18068 Fixed incorrect function call and redundant code
ZBX-8081 Fixed 'cmdline' parameter truncation on Solaris 11.3 and later
ZBX-18014 Fixed memory leak when action message does not have to be sent
ZBX-15117 Fixed graph configuration with large amount of items
ZBX-18069 Fixed server exit when trying to execute IPMI script without IPMI pollers
ZBX-17820 Fixed classic graph widget default header
ZBX-18025 Fixed availability report link
ZBX-17977 Fixed port filter not preserved in Monitoring -> Hosts across refresh
ZBX-17960 Fixed undefined index in trends API
ZBX-18032 Fixed host address and port values are not preserved in item test form
ZBX-18031 Fixed missing "loading" state in Monitoring → Latest data and Monitoring → Hosts
ZBX-17925 Fixed graph image flicker during update in screens
ZBX-17825 Fixed dynamic item switching for graph prototype widget
ZBX-18054 Changed preprocessing for nginx.version
ZBX-17903 Fixed the trigger condition for net.if.status in "Template Module Windows network", changed the wmi query in the master item, filters and preprocessing of LLD rule
ZBX-17994 Fixed the configuration example in documentation of Template App Nginx
ZBX-17682 Fixed button disable state in template item list and discovery list
ZBX-17821 Fixed default header for inaccessible iterator widget content
ZBX-17858 Fixed host group filter in templates general popup
ZBX-18001 Fixed graph prototype widget paging
ZBX-17924 Fixed php errors in "System information" window for MySQL
ZBX-17997 Fixed user media passwords appearing in plain text in audit log
ZBX-17968 Fixed z-index issue in floating widget header
ZBX-17827 Fixed broken layout of the notification popup window
ZBX-18009 Fixed non-masked secret macros in audit log
ZBX-17908 Fixed too wide popup error messages
ZBX-17782 Fixed PHP errors occurring during history search using Elasticsearch
ZBX-17917 Changed vm.memory.size keys on Solaris to get memory usage statistics from kstat
ZBX-18029 Fixed cpu counter wraparound handling on Solaris

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbixマニュアル for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.0.3.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 営業への問い合わせ for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 5.0 Manual


