Release Notes for Zabbix 6.0.0alpha3

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 6.0.0alpha3.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 6.0.0alpha3. Download it from download.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

Implemented audit logging of report API object
Restored audit logging of user login and logout actions; implemented logging of failed login attempts by non-existing users; added new API method user.unblock
ZBXNEXT-6871 Implemented audit for server (processing Web scenarios)
ZBXNEXT-6898 Added restriction that prevents server and proxy from working with old unsupported databases
Implemented audit logging of proxy API object
Implemented audit logging of authentication, autoregistration, housekeeping and settings API objects
Implemented audit logging of module API object
Added RegExp API object
ZBXNEXT-6840 Improved protocol to support Zabbix proxy configuration of size up to 16 GB; improved performance and memory usage by freeing uncompressed data as fast as possible and compressing before connection
ZBXNEXT-6784 Removed item being unsupported when swap is not configured
ZBXNEXT-6856 Implemented audit for server (linking templates - graphs, graph prototypes)
ZBXNEXT-6855 Implemented audit for server (linking templates - triggers, trigger prototypes)
ZBXNEXT-6852 Updated localization for Zabbix Support URL; replaced Zabbix Share link with link to Zabbix Integrations
ZBXNEXT-6787 Added support of user permissions for service tree
ZBXNEXT-6824 Replaced simple macros with expression macros
ZBXNEXT-6870 Implemented support of additional HTTP methods for webhooks
Implemented audit logging of usergroup API object
ZBXNEXT-6830 Implemented audit on server (processing discovered items)
ZBXNEXT-6817 Implemented audit for server (linking templates - items, items prototypes, discovery rules)
ZBXNEXT-6820 Added utf8mb3 when checking for supported mysql character sets and collations
Added logging of deleted tokens when deleting a user
ZBXNEXT-6789 Added template for Travis CI
ZBXNEXT-6800 Implemented complex service status calculation and propagation rules
Implemented new audit log; added new auditlog to user and token API
ZBXNEXT-6810 Implemented audit on server (processing of LLD rules and discovered hosts)
ZBXNEXT-6802 Implemented audit for server (linking templates - host, host prototypes)
ZBXNEXT-6702 Added {#FSLABEL} macro in item names of the "Windows filesystems by Zabbix agent/agent active" templates, changed vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd] key to vfs.file.cksum[/etc/passwd,sha256] in Unix templates
ZBXNEXT-6813 Dropped support of British English as frontend language
ZBXNEXT-6688 Added new items for Agent and Agent2
ZBXNEXT-6601 Added monoinc() and monodec() functions
Implemented audit for server (except for linking and LLD)
ZBXNEXT-6772 Added new prometheus label matching operators != and !~
Made auditlog workable with new auditlog DB structure
ZBXNEXT-4029 Implemented password policy support
ZBXNEXT-6773 Added new aggregation functions count, exists_foreach and item_count
ZBXNEXT-6755 Added support of alerting in services
ZBXNEXT-3022 Improved scalability of services
ZBXNEXT-6674 Added tag based mapping of problems in services
Moved auditlog calls from frontend sections Images, Proxies, Graphs and Graph prototypes, Services, and Maps to API
ZBXNEXT-6679 Improved performance of template linking on Zabbix Server
ZBXNEXT-284 Added timeout parameter to zabbix_sender and zabbix_get

Bug Fixes

ZBX-19954 Fixed updating of the "subject" and "message" parameters in scheduled reports
ZBX-19923 Fixed incorrect audit after context name change in host prototype
ZBX-19814 Added ignoring final result in case if fping quits on a signal
ZBX-19952 Removed libmodbus linkage from server and proxy
ZBX-19914 Fixed Web scenarios fields update during template linking
ZBX-19931 Fixed crash on big-endian systems when processing history
ZBX-19440 Added utf-8 support to zbx_set_json_strerror
ZBX-19864 Fixed preprocessing of "Checkpoint sync time" item, fixed the regex in preprocessing in the "Ping time" item, fixed SQL request in the "Get transactions" item in "DB PostgreSQL" template
ZBX-19614 Fixed proc.num,proc.cpu.utilization,proc.mem metrics not working properly when compiled with unsupported Go version and improved performance by using functions introduced in Go 1.16
ZBX-19120 Fixed escaping values in resolved macros in item test form for HTTP items when Request body type is JSON or XML
ZBX-19850 Fixed unnecessary updates of database records in the report.update() method
ZBX-19712 Fixed unavailable interface to affect only Zabbix agent checks,SNMP agent checks, IPMI checks and JMX monitoring
ZBX-19635 Fixed build failure when DES is disabled in Net-SNMP or when LTO is used
ZBX-19817 Fixed module config not being stored in database when module is discovered
ZBX-19675 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 -R windows service crash
ZBX-19865 Fixed typos in "F5 Big-IP SNMP" template
ZBX-19835 Fixed incorrect master item in template "Hikvision camera by HTTP"
ZBX-19849 Fixed a trigger name typo in the "MSSQL by ODBC" template
ZBX-19613 Fixed Zabbix agent 2 redis plugin to closer match redis-cli connection
ZBX-19510 Fixed re-reading of old Windows events for various Windows event system synchronization problems
ZBX-16803 Fixed ability to use Interface Guid in network interface LLD
ZBX-19236 Fixed task manager constantly busy with close_problem task if trigger no longer exists but event still exist
ZBX-19581 Fixed untranslated and incorrectly translated strings
ZBX-18680 Fixed multi-channel notification issue in "Slack" media type
ZBX-19822 Fixed Zabbix server not to populate housekeeper table with tasks that are never deleted when TimescaleDB partitioning is used
ZBX-19623 Fixed Jira Service Desk URL in webhook
ZBX-19857 Dropped support for the non-working option "with_gui_access" in the usergroup.get() method
ZBX-19395 Changed version in links of the templates and the media

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbixマニュアル for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.0.0.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 営業への問い合わせ for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 6.0 Manual


