Release Notes for Zabbix 2.0.5

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 2.0.5.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 2.0.5. Download it from download.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-1600 Increased maximum values of *CacheSize parameters up to 2GB
ZBX-5957 Added configure options to specify iconv include/lib directories
ZBX-1357 Added Bulgarian translation
ZBX-6040 Added support of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 for system.uname check
ZBX-1357 Updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBX-5920 Added prefetching of 2 MB of data for Oracle SQL selects

Bug Fixes

ZBX-6349 Fixed calendar popup in graphs, events and screens date/time filter
ZBX-6217 Fixed inability to use HTML special characters in web scenario password
ZBX-5358 Fixed encoding of network interface names with non ASCII characters on Vista/Server 2008 +
ZBX-6216 Fixed crash when zabbix_sender was used in realtime mode on windows
ZBX-6124 Fixed hostgroup.massupdate validation on removing group from host with only one group
ZBX-6197 Updated DB2 image importer script to work with larger (>16KB) images
ZBX-6211 Fixed errors in Monitoring->Discovery and added check for Discovery existing
ZBX-6069 Fixed axis in the default "Zabbix Server performance" graph template
ZBX-6195 Fixed navigation bar displaying when host remembering in switched off and user watch graph prototypes
ZBX-6140 Fixed job creation for script execution on windows 2000
ZBX-5933 Fixed triggers with negative values in graphs
ZBX-5532 Added support of 1.8 IT services time format
ZBX-5945 Fixed map URL expanding
ZBX-5968 Fixed updating of triggers and graphs when low-level discovered value changes
ZBX-6180 Fixed host edit page for IBM DB2
ZBX-5863 Changed external command execution to store output in a dynamically allocated buffer up to 512KB
ZBX-6177 Fixed testing of a trigger expression with an item prototype
ZBX-6175 Fixed password field naming in item properties
ZBX-6005 Fixed event.get not returning network discovery or auto-registration events for admin users when passing only the "source" parameter
ZBX-6173 Removed unknown trigger color from the trigger overview help pop up
ZBX-6161 Fixed reading empty files with vfs.file.contents key
ZBX-5458 Fixed some date strings being not translatable
ZBX-6114 Fixed errors in graphs (invalid arguments and division by zero)
ZBX-6057 Fixed using of ServerActive option by zabbix_sender
ZBX-6142 Fixed "Current host" removing in Configuration -> Actions -> Operations
ZBX-6131 Fixed undefined indexes in maintenance periods
ZBX-6133 Fixed undefined indexes when importing hosts with "Update existing" disabled
ZBX-6122 Fixed error when trying to create an IT service and submitting an incorrectly filled form
ZBX-6101 Fixed processing of SNMP traps in maintenance "with data collection"; thanks to Volker Fröhlich for patch
ZBX-6012 Added support of user macros and global regular expressions in SNMP trap item key parameter
ZBX-5973 Improved performance of SNMP dynamic index item cache building in poller processes
ZBX-3534 Fixed templated linking using read-only template
ZBX-6110 Fixed selected map remembering in Monitoring -> Maps
ZBX-6117 Fixed item value macros resolving using non-converted to null values
ZBX-6113 Fixed hidden input field appearing when assigning hosts to groups in IE
ZBX-6063 Fixed graph selection pop up working incorrectly when adding a graph to a templated screen
ZBX-6014 Improved performance in most IT services pages and pages that retrieve trigger information
ZBX-6070 Fixed event CSV export ignoring the selected page and filters
ZBX-6006 Optimized web interface API calls, which requested redundant data
ZBX-5806 Fixed template.massadd and template.massremove returning an empty hostids array
ZBX-5201 Added handling of PerfCounter error PDH_CALC_NEGATIVE_DENOMINATOR
ZBX-6054 Fixed host write permissions being required to view screens
ZBX-6027 Fixed global notification messages not working in fullscreen frontend mode
ZBX-6037 Fixed duplicate frontend messages and changed frontend messages to show last event for 15 triggers instead of last 15 events
ZBX-5900 Fixed date validation in services and maintenances, fixed JS calendar and fixed maintenance period validation
ZBX-5835 Fixed possible "Undefined index" in Configuration -> Actions screen
ZBX-6097 Fixed the ability to override LDAP configuration when calling user.login
ZBX-5986 Fixed page filter to not use remembered group if selected host is not in that group
ZBX-6013 Fixed table layout in Monitoring -> IT services for IE10
ZBX-5977 Removed possibility to add an LLD rule to an application via the API in application and discovery rule
ZBX-5938 Removed orphaned trigger from default data set
ZBXNEXT-894 Fixed generate_events comment to say that events are generated after maintenance if trigger changed its state during the maintenance at all
ZBX-5988 Fixed memory leak in functions evaluate_LOGEVENTID(), evaluate_STR(), DBlld_process_discovery_rule(); thanks to Takanori Suzuki for patch
ZBX-5940 Fixed displaying default key parameters when agent is used with option -p
ZBX-5981 Fixed incorrect use of function assert() if build option -DNDEBUG was used, it caused random crashes
ZBX-3379 Added SourceIP support for SNMP items
ZBX-6002 Optimized fetching latest service alarms in Service API
ZBX-5986 Fixed page filter in Monitoring -> Graphs
ZBX-6004 Optimised Monitoring -> Screens page
ZBX-6003 Optimised Monitoring -> Maps page
ZBX-5862 Fixed SQL condition algorithm
ZBX-4789 Improved performance of permissions check
ZBX-5979 Fixed Monitoring -> Events page not to show events from triggers that reference at least one disabled or unsuported item
ZBX-5985 Fixed DB error in "Configuration of web monitoring" for PostgreSQL
ZBX-5699 Fixed configuration graph host ID passing in navigation
ZBX-1946 Improved error messages when validating screen item row and column spans
ZBX-3402 Disabled "store value" overriding for host items inherited from templates
ZBX-3402 Fixed the "formula" input not being displayed when editing templated items with a disabled multiplier
ZBX-3071 Fixed reading and writing of Oracle NCLOB fields
ZBX-5704 Fixed validation on file uploading
ZBX-5737 Fixed image saving using Oracle
ZBX-5809 Fixed global URL displaying in map screen item
ZBX-5837 Fixed filtering by proxy status in HostGroup API get method
ZBX-5899 Implemented flicker-free graph support for web monitoring
ZBX-5919 Removed OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS option for SQL statements in transaction on Oracle backend
ZBX-5869 Fixed host ID detection in graph configuration
ZBX-3754 Fixed "Undefined variable" in the trigger expression constructor
ZBX-3038 Fixed the trigger expression constructor to parse expressions created in log wizard
ZBX-2793 Added possibility to add macros without an item in the trigger expression
ZBX-5896 Fixed inserting OR condition in the trigger expression constructor
ZBX-5833 Fixed inserting a macro in the trigger expression constructor
ZBX-5884 Improved the trigger expression constructor to work with parentheses

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbixマニュアル for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.5.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 営業への問い合わせ for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 2.0 Manual


