Zabbix Conference China 2021

Shanghai, China | December 3-4

Zabbix Conference China 2021


The Zabbix project started in 1998, and first beta version released on 2001, until now, Zabbix has gone through 23 years.

April, 2021, Zabbix 5.0 manual for Chinese released as planned, thanks for the efforts of experts and enthusiasts from Zabbix China Open-Source Community.

May, 2021, Zabbix 5.4 release comes with scheduled PDF report generation, robust problem detection, advanced data aggregation, and other significant improvements.

Zabbix 6.0 LTS planned to be released in the fourth quarter of 2021, a lot of highly anticipated new features will be launched.

This year Zabbix Conference China 2021 is going to be focus on Zabbix 6.0. LTS, its new features, improved usability, technical and educational content, industry-shaping news, and an insight into best practices from customers and partners in China! Hands-on workshop, multiple presentations, including a keynote speech of Alexei Vladishev, as well as various case studies on Zabbix use in different industries shared by Zabbix China trainer and end-user customers, Zabbix Partners. It’s a best platform to share your experience, practice, products and services.



Dia 1

09:00 Zabbix 6.0 LTS-监控领域的下一次飞跃

Alexei Vladishev, 创始人&CEO,Zabbix SIA

09:30 由浅入深探索Zabbix6.0实用新特性-原生高可用

周松, Zabbix大中华区培训师

10:00 交通银行新一代监控系统建设和成果

倪敏, 交通银行数据中心系统部高级经理

10:30 茶歇

11:00 玩转Zabbix Agent2 之监控插件开发实践及Zabbix 6.0中Agent 2的新特性

何星, Zabbix大中华区培训师

11:30 咪咕视讯基于zabbix构建的统一监控运维平台

石凯, 咪咕视讯高级技术项目经理

12:00 基于Zabbix监控体系的智能运维闭环建设

徐海涛, 上海鼎茂信息技术有限公司首席金融行业专家

14:00 搭建零侵入的云原生应用可观测性平台

李倩, 北京云杉世纪网络科技有限公司DeepFlow高级产品经理

14:30 浅谈Zabbix在网络监控领域的应用及专业服务说明

岳治中, 上海宏时数据系统有限公司华南区技术专家

15:20 茶歇

15:50 基于Zabbix的产品化二开实战

陈修能, 江苏纵目信息科技有限公司研发总监

16:20 京东商城基于Zabbix告警治理优化实践

许泽明, 京东集团SRE

16:50 Zabbix高级功能

张世宏, Zabbix开源社区专家

17:20 网络监控从"0"到"1"

余文清, Zabbix开源社区

Dia 2

09:00 Zabbix Agent2功能介绍和使用

何星, Zabbix大中华区培训师

09:45 茶歇

10:00 Zabbix监控解析SNMP Trap告警

张宇, Zabbix高级认证工程师

10:45 茶歇

11:00 Grafana + Zabbix进阶实战

任勇, Grafana技术经理

Seja um palestrante

Abstract submission deadline is
Abstract submission deadline is

If you have an interesting Zabbix project, case study or invention, this is your chance to speak out!

Benefits of becoming a speaker

  • Improve your brand image.
  • Expand your professional network.
  • Get clients and customers.
  • Make new social connections.
  • Effective public speaking skills can help with career advancement.


  • You will have a 20 minutes time slot for the presentation.
  • Your topic should be based on or connected to Zabbix monitoring software.
  • There is a limit of two contributed submissions per registered author.

Envie sua apresentação
