MySQL by Zabbix agent
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of MySQL monitoring by Zabbix via Zabbix agent and doesn't require any external scripts.
Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- MySQL 5.7, 8.0
- Percona 8.0
- MariaDB 10.4, 10.6.8
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
- Install Zabbix agent and MySQL client. If necessary, add the path to the
utilities to the global environment variable PATH. - Copy the
file with user parameters into folder with Zabbix agent configuration (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ by default). Don't forget to restart Zabbix agent. - Create the MySQL user that will be used for monitoring (
at your discretion). For example:
CREATE USER 'zbx_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
For more information, please see MySQL documentation
- Create
configuration file in the home directory of Zabbix agent for Linux distributions (/var/lib/zabbix by default) ormy.cnf
in c:\ for Windows. For example:
For more information, please see MySQL documentation
NOTE: Linux distributions that use SELinux may require additional steps for access configuration.
For example, the following rule could be added to the SELinux policy:
# cat <<EOF > zabbix_home.te
module zabbix_home 1.0;
require {
type zabbix_agent_t;
type zabbix_var_lib_t;
type mysqld_etc_t;
type mysqld_port_t;
type mysqld_var_run_t;
class file { open read };
class tcp_socket name_connect;
class sock_file write;
#============= zabbix_agent_t ==============
allow zabbix_agent_t zabbix_var_lib_t:file read;
allow zabbix_agent_t zabbix_var_lib_t:file open;
allow zabbix_agent_t mysqld_etc_t:file read;
allow zabbix_agent_t mysqld_port_t:tcp_socket name_connect;
allow zabbix_agent_t mysqld_var_run_t:sock_file write;
# checkmodule -M -m -o zabbix_home.mod zabbix_home.te
# semodule_package -o zabbix_home.pp -m zabbix_home.mod
# semodule -i zabbix_home.pp
# restorecon -R /var/lib/zabbix
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN} | Number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server for trigger expressions. |
3 |
{$MYSQL.HOST} | Hostname or IP of MySQL host or container. | |
{$MYSQL.PORT} | MySQL service port. |
3306 |
{$MYSQL.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} | Amount of time the slave is behind the master for trigger expressions. |
30m |
{$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN} | Number of slow queries for trigger expressions. |
3 |
{$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN} | The minimum buffer pool utilization in percentage for trigger expressions. |
50 |
{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_TABLES.MAX.WARN} | The maximum number of temporary tables created in memory per second for trigger expressions. |
30 |
{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES.MAX.WARN} | The maximum number of temporary tables created on a disk per second for trigger expressions. |
10 |
{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_FILES.MAX.WARN} | The maximum number of temporary files created on a disk per second for trigger expressions. |
10 |
{$MYSQL.INNODB_LOG_FILES} | Number of physical files in the InnoDB redo log for calculating |
2 |
{$MYSQL.DBNAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable databases. |
.+ |
{$MYSQL.DBNAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered databases. |
information_schema |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Get status variables | Gets server global status information. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.get_status_variables["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"] |
Status | MySQL server status. |
Zabbix agent |["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"] Preprocessing
Version | MySQL server version. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.version["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"] Preprocessing
Uptime | Number of seconds that the server has been up. |
Dependent item | mysql.uptime Preprocessing
Aborted clients per second | Number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly. |
Dependent item | mysql.aborted_clients.rate Preprocessing
Aborted connections per second | Number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server. |
Dependent item | mysql.aborted_connects.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors accept per second | Number of errors that occurred during calls to |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_accept.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors internal per second | Number of refused connections due to internal server errors, for example, out of memory errors, or failed thread starts. |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_internal.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors max connections per second | Number of refused connections due to the |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_max_connections.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors peer address per second | Number of errors while searching for the connecting client's IP address. |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_peer_address.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors select per second | Number of errors during calls to |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_select.rate Preprocessing
Connection errors tcpwrap per second | Number of connections the libwrap library has refused. |
Dependent item | mysql.connection_errors_tcpwrap.rate Preprocessing
Connections per second | Number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server. |
Dependent item | mysql.connections.rate Preprocessing
Max used connections | The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server start. |
Dependent item | mysql.max_used_connections Preprocessing
Threads cached | Number of threads in the thread cache. |
Dependent item | mysql.threads_cached Preprocessing
Threads connected | Number of currently open connections. |
Dependent item | mysql.threads_connected Preprocessing
Threads created per second | Number of threads created to handle connections. If the value of |
Dependent item | mysql.threads_created.rate Preprocessing
Threads running | Number of threads that are not sleeping. |
Dependent item | mysql.threads_running Preprocessing
Buffer pool efficiency | The item shows how effectively the buffer pool is serving reads. |
Calculated | mysql.buffer_pool_efficiency |
Buffer pool utilization | Ratio of used to total pages in the buffer pool. |
Calculated | mysql.buffer_pool_utilization |
Created tmp files on disk per second | How many temporary files |
Dependent item | mysql.created_tmp_files.rate Preprocessing
Created tmp tables on disk per second | Number of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements. |
Dependent item | mysql.created_tmp_disk_tables.rate Preprocessing
Created tmp tables on memory per second | Number of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements. |
Dependent item | mysql.created_tmp_tables.rate Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool pages free | The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool, in pages. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool pages total | The total size of the InnoDB buffer pool, in pages. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool read requests | Number of logical read requests. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool read requests per second | Number of logical read requests per second. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests.rate Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool reads | Number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool and had to read directly from the disk. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads Preprocessing
InnoDB buffer pool reads per second | Number of logical reads per second that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool and had to read directly from the disk. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_reads.rate Preprocessing
InnoDB row lock time | The total time spent in acquiring row locks for InnoDB tables, in milliseconds. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_row_lock_time Preprocessing
InnoDB row lock time max | The maximum time to acquire a row lock for InnoDB tables, in milliseconds. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_row_lock_time_max Preprocessing
InnoDB row lock waits | Number of times operations on InnoDB tables had to wait for a row lock. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_row_lock_waits Preprocessing
Slow queries per second | Number of queries that have taken more than |
Dependent item | mysql.slow_queries.rate Preprocessing
Bytes received | Number of bytes received from all clients. |
Dependent item | mysql.bytes_received.rate Preprocessing
Bytes sent | Number of bytes sent to all clients. |
Dependent item | mysql.bytes_sent.rate Preprocessing
Command Delete per second | The |
Dependent item | mysql.com_delete.rate Preprocessing
Command Insert per second | The |
Dependent item | mysql.com_insert.rate Preprocessing
Command Select per second | The |
Dependent item | mysql.com_select.rate Preprocessing
Command Update per second | The |
Dependent item | mysql.com_update.rate Preprocessing
Queries per second | Number of statements executed by the server. This variable includes statements executed within stored programs, unlike the |
Dependent item | mysql.queries.rate Preprocessing
Questions per second | Number of statements executed by the server. This includes only statements sent to the server by clients and not statements executed within stored programs, unlike the |
Dependent item | mysql.questions.rate Preprocessing
Binlog cache disk use | Number of transactions that used a temporary disk cache because they could not fit in the regular binary log cache, being larger than |
Dependent item | mysql.binlog_cache_disk_use Preprocessing
Innodb buffer pool wait free | Number of times InnoDB waited for a free page before reading or creating a page. Normally, writes to the InnoDB buffer pool happen in the background. When no clean pages are available, dirty pages are flushed first in order to free some up. This counts the numbers of wait for this operation to finish. If this value is not small, look at the increasing |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free Preprocessing
Innodb number open files | Number of open files held by InnoDB. InnoDB only. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_num_open_files Preprocessing
Open table definitions | Number of cached table definitions. |
Dependent item | mysql.open_table_definitions Preprocessing
Open tables | Number of tables that are open. |
Dependent item | mysql.open_tables Preprocessing
Innodb log written | Number of bytes written to the InnoDB log. |
Dependent item | mysql.innodb_os_log_written Preprocessing
Calculated value of innodb_log_file_size |
Calculated | mysql.innodb_log_file_size Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
MySQL: Service is down | MySQL is down. |
last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"])=0 |
High | |
MySQL: Version has changed | The MySQL version has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually. |
last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.version["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"],#1)<>last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.version["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"],#2) and length(last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.version["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"]))>0 |
Info | Manual close: Yes |
MySQL: Service has been restarted | MySQL uptime is less than 10 minutes. |
last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.uptime)<10m |
Info | |
MySQL: Failed to fetch info data | Zabbix has not received any data for items for the last 30 minutes. |
nodata(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.uptime,30m)=1 |
Info | Depends on:
MySQL: Server has aborted connections | The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server is more than |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.aborted_connects.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.ABORTED_CONN.MAX.WARN} |
Average | Depends on:
MySQL: Refused connections | Number of refused connections due to the |
last(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.connection_errors_max_connections.rate)>0 |
Average | |
MySQL: Buffer pool utilization is too low | The buffer pool utilization is less than |
max(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.buffer_pool_utilization,5m)<{$MYSQL.BUFF_UTIL.MIN.WARN} |
Warning | |
MySQL: Number of temporary files created per second is high | The application using the database may be in need of query optimization. |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.created_tmp_files.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_FILES.MAX.WARN} |
Warning | |
MySQL: Number of on-disk temporary tables created per second is high | The application using the database may be in need of query optimization. |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.created_tmp_disk_tables.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_DISK_TABLES.MAX.WARN} |
Warning | |
MySQL: Number of internal temporary tables created per second is high | The application using the database may be in need of query optimization. |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.created_tmp_tables.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.CREATED_TMP_TABLES.MAX.WARN} |
Warning | |
MySQL: Server has slow queries | The number of slow queries is more than |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.slow_queries.rate,5m)>{$MYSQL.SLOW_QUERIES.MAX.WARN} |
Warning |
LLD rule Database discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Database discovery | Scanning databases in DBMS. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.db.discovery["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"] Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Database discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Size of database {#DBNAME} | Database size. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.dbsize["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}","{#DBNAME}"] Preprocessing
LLD rule Replication discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Replication discovery | If "show slave status" returns Master_Host, "Replication: *" items are created. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.replication.discovery["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}"] Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Replication discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Replication Slave status {#MASTER_HOST} | The item gets status information on the essential parameters of the slave threads. |
Zabbix agent | mysql.slave_status["{$MYSQL.HOST}","{$MYSQL.PORT}","{#MASTER_HOST}"] |
Replication Slave SQL Running State {#MASTER_HOST} | This shows the state of the SQL driver threads. |
Dependent item | mysql.slave_sql_running_state["{#MASTER_HOST}"] Preprocessing
Replication Seconds Behind Master {#MASTER_HOST} | The number of seconds that the slave SQL thread is behind processing the master binary log. A high number (or an increasing one) can indicate that the slave is unable to handle events from the master in a timely fashion. |
Dependent item | mysql.seconds_behind_master["{#MASTER_HOST}"] Preprocessing
Replication Slave IO Running {#MASTER_HOST} | Whether the I/O thread for reading the master's binary log is running. Normally, you want this to be Yes unless you have not yet started replication or have explicitly stopped it with STOP SLAVE. |
Dependent item | mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"] Preprocessing
Replication Slave SQL Running {#MASTER_HOST} | Whether the SQL thread for executing events in the relay log is running. As with the I/O thread, this should normally be Yes. |
Dependent item | mysql.slave_sql_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"] Preprocessing
Trigger prototypes for Replication discovery
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
MySQL: Replication lag is too high | Replication delay is too long. |
min(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.seconds_behind_master["{#MASTER_HOST}"],5m)>{$MYSQL.REPL_LAG.MAX.WARN} |
Warning | |
MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not running | Whether the I/O thread for reading the master's binary log is running. |
count(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1 |
Average | |
MySQL: The slave I/O thread is not connected to a replication master | Whether the slave I/O thread is connected to the master. |
count(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.slave_io_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"ne","Yes")=1 |
Warning | Depends on:
MySQL: The SQL thread is not running | Whether the SQL thread for executing events in the relay log is running. |
count(/MySQL by Zabbix agent/mysql.slave_sql_running["{#MASTER_HOST}"],#1,"eq","No")=1 |
Warning | Depends on:
LLD rule MariaDB discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
MariaDB discovery | Used for additional metrics if MariaDB is used. |
Dependent item | mysql.extra_metric.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for MariaDB discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Binlog commits | Total number of transactions committed to the binary log. |
Dependent item | mysql.binlog_commits[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Binlog group commits | Total number of group commits done to the binary log. |
Dependent item | mysql.binlog_group_commits[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Master GTID wait count | The number of times |
Dependent item | mysql.master_gtid_wait_count[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Master GTID wait time | Total number of time spent in |
Dependent item | mysql.master_gtid_wait_time[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Master GTID wait timeouts | Number of timeouts occurring in |
Dependent item | mysql.master_gtid_wait_timeouts[{#SINGLETON}] Preprocessing
Please report any issues with the template at
You can also provide feedback, discuss the template, or ask for help at ZABBIX forums