Bug fixes:
ZBX-10251 map.get: fixed "countOutput" calculation for unprivileged users
Bug fixes:
ZBX-10150 screen.get: fixed "countOutput" calculation for unprivileged users
ZBX-10369 screen.update: fixed unexpected deleting of screen items when updating both screen size and screen items
Bug fixes:
ZBX-10232 service.getSla: fixed SQL errors with invalid "year" parameter in IT services report
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9340 fixed "data" property not being returned by API when error is generated on DB level
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9866 discoveryrule.copy: fixed error field being needlessly copied for new LLD rule
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9738 hostgroup.delete: fixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8235 item.update: fixed losing initial values when updating templated items
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9346 configuration.import: fixed importing trigger dependencies that contain older expression format
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5656 fixed "timeperiods" validation when passing a single timeperiod object
Bug fixes:
ZBXNEXT-2160 added support for extended IP ranges like "192.168.1-10.1-254" in action conditions
Bug fixes:
ZBXNEXT-2160 added support for extended IP ranges like "192.168.1-10.1-254"
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8448 host.update, host.massupdate, host.massadd: fixed "groups" property to also accept read-only "groupid" if host currently belongs to both read and read-write groups
ZBX-9093 host.create: fixed "inventory" property causing SQL errors when using MySQL strict mode
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8448 hostgroup.massupdate, hostgroup.massremove: fixed permissions validation to no longer silently remove hosts and templates to which user has no write permissions
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8448 template.massadd: fixed "groups" property to also accept read-only "groupid" if template currently belongs to both read and read-write groups
ZBX-8448 template.update, template.massupdate: fixed "hosts" property to no longer silently remove hosts and templates to which user has no write permissions
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9224 user.login: fixed audit log for failed login attempts
==== 2.4.3 ====
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9017 hostgroup.create, hostgroup.update: fixed methods accepting readonly "internal" param for create/update.
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8486 fixed web scenario re-linking
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9065 fixed the default value for max_columns field
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8832 application.create: fixed template application inheritance when template is linked to one or more templates having applications with same name
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8904 item.get: fixed "selectInterfaces" option retrieving all host interfaces