Let Zabbix automatically discover your VMware clusters, hypervisors, datastores, and guest VMs! To start monitoring your VMware infrastructure, all you have to do is provide the VMware hypervisor address and user credentials, which will be used to discover and monitor VMware entities.
Discover your VMware clusters and datastores to start monitoring and reacting to cluster and datastore metrics:
Cluster and datastore alarms
Cluster and datastore properties
Cluster and datastore tags
Cluster status
Datastore size
Datastore read/write time
In addition, you can specify any VMware cluster and datastore performance counter to extend the out-of-the-box monitoring templates with your own custom metrics.
Discover VMware hypervisors in your cluster and monitor them on multiple levels.
Hypervisor alarms
Hypervisor resource usage
Hypervisor hardware sensors
Hypervisor datastores
Hypervisor maintenance status
Hypervisor network interfaces
In addition, you can specify any VMware hypervisor performance counter to extend the out-of-the-box monitoring templates with your own custom metrics.
Once the official VMware templates have been deployed, Zabbix will automatically discover your VMware guest VMs and start monitoring guest resource usage, attributes, and statuses.
Do you wish to get more OS-level information about your virtual machines? Deploy Zabbix Agent on your VMware hosts and monitor your OS services, processes, logs, performance counters, and more!
Supported by Windows and Linux environments
Monitor OS level performance metrics
Support of push and pull metric collection
Collect and process log entries
Automatically discover and start monitoring virtual machine resources
Extend Zabbix Agent and collect custom metrics
Zabbix is a professionally developed open-source software with no limits or hidden costs