从Zabbix 7.0版本开始,所有随后的Zabbix版本将在GNU Affero通用公共许可证第3版(AGPLv3)下发布。您可以根据由自由软件基金会发布的AGPLv3条款修改相关版本并传播这样修改的版本。有关额外详情,包括关于AGPLv3的常见问题的答案,请参阅自由软件基金会的通用FAQ。 http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html.
Zabbix是开源软件,但是,如果您在商业环境中使用Zabbix,我们诚恳地请求您通过购买原厂技术支持来支持Zabbix的开发。所有以前的Zabbix软件版本,直到6.4版,均发布在GNU通用公共许可证第2版(GPLv2)下。GPLv2和AGPLv3的正式条款可此找到: http://www.fsf.org/licenses/。
Since 2001, all versions of Zabbix Monitoring Solution software have been released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 or later (GPLv2 or later), which has proven to be a strong and well-regarded copyleft license.
However, we’ve also been on the lookout for a licensing solution that would allow us to stay open source while keeping our values intact, adding flexibility, and maintaining copyright protection. That’s why we’ve been releasing Zabbix under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), starting from version 7.0.
AGPL V3 is an OSI-approved license that meets all criteria for Free and Open-Source Software. The purpose of AGPLv3 is to impose copyleft license on modified versions made available for use over a network.
As far as we’re concerned, the release of Zabbix software under AGPLv3 will not create any impact on any plugins, modules, or widgets released under any AGPLv3 compliant licenses. Our Contributor License Agreement (CLA) will not change in any way.
In terms of templates, there is an opinion that application programming interfaces (APIs) are not protected by copyright. However, if the developer of a template considers the template copyrightable, we recommend that they release the template under any permissive or copyleft open-source software license that is AGPLv3 compliant (e.g., 3-clause BSD, MIT, Apache license 2.0, LGPLv3, GPLv3, or AGPLv3).
It won’t. This change will do nothing to prevent Zabbix users from using Zabbix software — in fact, the only difference is that under the AGPLv3 license users must share source code if they are modifying it and making it available to others, either by distribution or over a network. For distributors, AGPLv3 has the same source code sharing requirements as other strong copyleft licenses, including GPLv2 or later.
Ultimately, we believe that releasing Zabbix under the AGPLv3 licence is the perfect balance between protecting our business interests and staying free and open source.