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6 日志文件监控


Zabbix可以集中监控和分析 支持/不支持日志轮询的日志文件。



  • 主机上已运行Zabbix agent
  • 设置日志监控项

被监控日志文件的大小限制取决于 大文件支持



确保在 代理(zabbix_agentd)配置文件 中已设置:

  • 'Hostname'参数与前端的主机名一致
  • 'ServerActive'参数中的服务器被指定用于处理主动检查

配置一个日志 监控项



类型 选择 Zabbix agent (active)
Key 使用以下监控项键中的一个进行配置:
log[] 或 logrt[]
log.count[] 或 logrt.count[].
使用这些监控项键及其参数的详细信息,请参见支持的Zabbix agent监控项的键值部分。
Type of information 在这里,log和logrt选择Log,log.count和logrt.count选择Numeric (unsigned).
Update interval (in sec) 该参数定义了Zabbix代理检查日志文件中任何更改的频率。 将其设置为1秒将确保你能尽快的获得新记录。
Log time format 在此字段中,您可以选择指定解析日志行的时间戳的模式。
* y: 年 (0001-9999)
* M: 月 (01-12)
* d: 日 (01-31)
* h: 小时 (00-23)
* m: 分 (00-59)
* s: 秒 (00-59)
例如, 从Zabbix agent日志文件中查看以下行:
" 23480:20100328:154718.045 Zabbix agent started. Zabbix 1.8.2 (revision 11211)."
此行的日志时间格式为 "pppppp:yyyyMMdd:hhmmss"。
注意, “p”和“:”字符只是占位符,而且只能是“yMdhms”


* 服务器和代理(agent)将监视日志的大小和最后修改时间(对于logrt)的跟踪保存在两个计数器中. 此外:

   * 代理(agent)还在内部使用inode编号(在UNIX/GNU/Linux上)、文件索引(在Microsoft Windows上)和前512个日志文件字节的MD5的求和,以便在日志文件被截断和旋转时改进决策。
          * 在UNIX/GNU/Linux系统中,假定日志文件存储的文件系统是报告inode号,可以用来跟踪文件。
          * 在Microsoft Windows系统上,Zabbix agent确定日志文件所在的文件系统类型,并使用:
              * 在NTFS文件系统上64位文件索引。
              * 在ReFS文件系统上 (仅从Microsoft Windows Server 2012开始支持)128位文件ID。
              * 在文件索引发生变化(例如FAT32、exFAT)的文件系统中,当日志文件旋转导致多个日志文件在相同的最后修改时间内出现时,使用回退算法在不确定的条件下采取合理的方法。
          * inode号,文件索引和MD5总和由Zabbix代理在内部收集。 它们不传输到Zabbix服务器,并且在Zabbix代理停止时丢失。
          * 不要使用“touch”程序修改日志文件的最后修改时间,不要在以后恢复原始名称的情况下复制日志文件(这将更改文件inode号)。 在这两种情况下,文件将被视为不同的,将从头开始进行分析,这可能会导致重复的告警。
          * 如果logrt[]监控项有几个匹配的日志文件,并且Zabbix agent跟随其中最新的日志文件,并删除了最近的日志文件,则在“<目录>”中会出现一条警告消息“没有文件匹配”<regexp mask>“。 Zabbix代理将忽略修改时间小于最近日期的日志文件。
       * 代理(agent)从上次停止的点开始读取日志文件。
       * 在代理(agent)刚刚启动或已收到以前被禁用或不支持的监控项的情况下,已经分析的字节数(大小计数器)和最后修改时间(时间计数器)存储在Zabbix数据库中并发送到代理,以确保代理从此开始读取日志文件。但是,如果代理从服务器接受非零大小的计数器, 而logrt[] 和 logrt.count[] 监控项没有找到,也没找到匹配的文件,若文件稍后出现,大小计数器将重置为0,将从头开始分析。
       * 每当日志文件变得小于代理(agent)已知的日志大小计数器时,计数器将重置为零,代理从开始位置读取日志文件,将时间计数器考虑在内。
       * 如果目录中存在多个匹配文件,且最后修改时间相同,则代理会尝试以相同的修改时间对所有日志文件进行正确分析,并避免跳过数据或分析相同的数据两次(尽管有时不能保证)。代理不承担任何特定的日志文件轮换方案。当提供具有相同修改时间的多个日志文件时,代理将以字典顺序降序处理它们。 因此,对于某些旋转方案,日志文件将按原始顺序进行分析。对于其它旋转方案,原始日志文件顺序将不会被执行,这可能导致以更改顺序报告匹配的日志文件记录(如果日志文件的上次修改时间不同,则不会发生问题)。
       * Zabbix agent每 //更新间隔// 秒处理一次日志文件的新记录。
       * Zabbix agent不会每秒发送超过日志文件的 **最大值**。 该限制可防止网络和CPU资源的过载,并会覆盖 [[zh:manual:appendix:config:zabbix_agentd|代理配置文件]]中 **MaxLinesPerSecond** 参数提供的默认值。
       * 要找到所需的字符串,Zabbix将处理比MaxLinesPerSecond中设置的多10倍的新行。例如,如果“log[]”或“logrt[]”监控项的 //更新间隔// 为1秒,那么在默认情况下,代理将分析不超过200条日志文件记录,并在一次检查中向Zabbix server发送不超过20条的匹配记录。通过在代理配置文件中增加**MaxLinesPerSecond**,或在监控项键中设置 **maxlines** 参数,一次检查可将分析日志文件记录和发送到Zabbix服务器的1000条匹配记录增加到10000条。如果 //更新间隔// 设置为2秒,那么一次检查的限制将被设置为高于//更新间隔// 1秒的2倍
       * 此外,即使其中没有非日志值,日志和日志计数值始终限为代理发送缓冲区大小的50%。 因此,为了在一个连接(而不是几个连接)中发送最大值,代理的 [[zh:manual:appendix:config:zabbix_agentd|缓冲区大小]] 参数必须至少为maxlines x 2。 
       * 在没有日志项的情况下,所有代理缓冲区大小都用于非日志值。当日志值出现时,它们会根据需要替换旧的非日志值,最多可替换为指定的50%.
       * 对于大于256kB的日志文件记录,只有前256kB与正则表达式匹配,而其余部分将被忽略。但是,如果Zabbix agent在处理长记录时停止,则会丢失代理的内部状态,并且在重新启动代理之后,可以对长记录进行不同的分析。
       * 特别注意“\”路径分隔符: 如果file_format是"file\.log", 则不应该有“file”目录, 因为不可能明确地定义“.”是转义的还是文件名的第一个符号。
       * 仅在文件名中支持“logrt”的正则表达式,不支持目录正则表达式匹配。
       * 在UNIX平台上,如果要找的日志文件的目录不存在,则logrt[]监控项将变为NOTSUPPORTED。
       * 在Microsoft Windows上,如果目录不存在,则监控项将不会变为NOTSUPPORTED(例如,目录在监控项键中拼写错误)。
       * 没有用于logrt[]监控项的日志文件不会使其NOTSUPPORTED。读取logrt[]监控项的日志文件的错误将作为告警记录到Zabbix agent日志文件中,但不会使监控项变成NOTSUPPORTED。
       * Zabbix agent日志文件可以帮助你找出为什么log[]或logrt[]监控项会成为NOTSUPPORTED。Zabbix可以监视其代理日志文件,除了在DebugLevel=4时。



自Zabbix 2.2.0以后,日志监控项能够从匹配的行中提取所需的值。这是在通过“log”和“logrt”监控项中附加 **output* 参数来实现的。



log[/path/to/the/file,"large result buffer allocation.*Entries: ([0-9]+)",,,,\1]


Fr Feb 07 2014 11:07:36.6690 */ Thread Id 1400 (GLEWF) large result
       buffer allocation - /Length: 437136/Entries: 5948/Client Ver: >=10/RPC
       ID: 41726453/User: AUser/Form: CFG:ServiceLevelAgreement





指定'maxdelay'>0可能导致 忽略重要的日志文件记录和错过的报警 ,只有在必要时才使用。

默认情况下,日志监控项将跟踪出现在日志文件中的所有新行。 但是,有些应用程序在某些情况下开始在其日志文件中写入大量的消息。例如,如果数据库或DNS服务器不可用,则此类应用程序会向日志文件中注入数千条几乎相同错误消息,直到恢复正常为止。默认情况下,所有这些消息将被完全分析,并将匹配的行发送到配置为“log”和“logrt”监控项的服务器上。

内置防过载保护包括一个可配置的“maxlines”参数(保护服务器免受太多传入匹配的日志行)和4*'maxlines限制(保护主机CPU和I/O免受代理在一次检查中过载)。不过,内置保护有两个问题。 首先,向服务器报告大量潜在的不太有用的消息,消耗数据库中的空间。 第二,由于每秒分析的行数有限,代理可能会滞后于最新的日志记录数小时。你可能希望尽快了解日志文件中的当前情况,而不是检查数小时的历史记录

这两个问题的解决方案都是是使用了'maxdelay'参数。 如果指定'maxdelay'> 0,在每次检查处理字节数时,将测量剩余字节数和处理时间。 代理根据这些数字,计算估计的延迟 - 分析日志文件中所有剩余记录所需的秒数。





14287:20160602:174344.206 item:"logrt["/home/zabbix32/test[0-9].log",ERROR,,1000,,,120.0]"
       logfile:"/home/zabbix32/test1.log" skipping 679858 bytes
       (from byte 75653115 to byte 76332973) to meet maxdelay

“to byte”数字是近似的,因为在“跳转”之后,代理将文件中的位置调整到日志行开头,日志行可能在文件中更远或更早。


不推荐设置 'maxdelay' <'update interval'(这可能会导致频繁的"jumps")








  • “log[]”和“logrt[]”监控项检查已停止。当通信恢复并且缓冲器中的空闲插槽可用时,从先前的位置恢复检查。若没有匹配的行丢失,稍后再报告.
  • 如果maxdelay=0(默认),则log.count[]和logrt.count[]监控被停止。 这种行为类似于上述的log[]和logrt[]监控项。 请注意,这可能会影响log.count[]和logrt.count[]结果:例如,一次检查计算出日志文件中有100个匹配行,但是由于缓冲区中没有空闲插槽,因此停止检查。 当通信恢复时,代理将计数相同的100条匹配行,还有70条新的匹配行。代理会发送count=170,就像它们在一次检查中发现的一样。
  • log.count[]和logrt.count[]检查与maxdelay>0:如果在检查期间没有“跳转”,则行为类似于上述。 如果在日志文件行上发生“跳转”,则保留“跳转”之后的位置,同时计算结果被丢弃。 因此,即使在通信失败的情况下,代理也试图跟上日志文件的增长速度。
Purpose of persistent files

When Zabbix agent is started it receives a list of active checks from Zabbix server or proxy. For log*[] metrics it receives the processed log size and the modification time for finding where to start log file monitoring from. Depending on the actual log file size and modification time reported by file system the agent decides either to continue log file monitoring from the processed log size or re-analyze the log file from the beginning.

A running agent maintains a larger set of atributes for tracking all monitored log files between checks. This in-memory state is lost when the agent is stopped.

The new optional parameter persistent_dir specifies a directory for storing this state of log[], log.count[], logrt[] or logrt.count[] item in a file. The state of log item is restored from the persistent file after the Zabbix agent is restarted.

The primary use-case is monitoring of log file located on a mirrored file system. Until some moment in time the log file is written to both mirrors. Then mirrors are split. On the active copy the log file is still growing, getting new records. Zabbix agent analyzes it and sends processed logs size and modification time to server. On the passive copy the log file stays the same, well behind the active copy. Later the operating system and Zabbix agent are rebooted from the passive copy. The processed log size and modification time the Zabbix agent receives from server may not be valid for situation on the passive copy. To continue log file monitoring from the place the agent left off at the moment of file system mirror split the agent restores its state from the persistent file.

Agent operation with persistent file

On startup Zabbix agent knows nothing about persistent files. Only after receiving a list of active checks from Zabbix server (proxy) the agent sees that some log items should be backed by persistent files under specified directories.

During agent operation the persistent files are opened for writing (with fopen(filename, "w")) and overwritten with the latest data. The chance of losing persistent file data if the overwriting and file system mirror split happen at the same time is very small, no special handling for it. Writing into persistent file is NOT followed by enforced synchronization to storage media (fsync() is not called).

Overwriting with the latest data is done after successful reporting of matching log file record or metadata (processed log size and modification time) to Zabbix server. That may happen as often as every item check if log file keeps changing.

After receiving a list of active checks the agent scans persistent file directory and removes obsolete persistent files. Removing is done with delay 24 hours because log files in NOTSUPPORTED state are not included in the list of active checks but they may become SUPPORTED later and their persistent files will be useful. If agent is stopped and started again before 24 hours expire, then the obsolete files will not be deleted as Zabbix agent is not getting info about their location from Zabbix server anymore.

No special actions during agent shutdown.

After receiving a list of active checks the agent marks obsolete persistent files for removal. A persistent file becomes obsolete if: 1) the corresponding log item is no longer monitored, 2) a log item is reconfigured with a different persistent_dir location than before.

Removing is done with delay 24 hours because log files in NOTSUPPORTED state are not included in the list of active checks but they may become SUPPORTED later and their persistent files will be useful.

If the agent is stopped before 24 hours expire, then the obsolete files will not be deleted as Zabbix agent is not getting info about their location from Zabbix server anymore.

Reconfiguring a log item's persistent_dir back to the old persistent_dir location while the agent is stopped, without deleting the old persistent file by user - will cause restoring the agent state from the old persistent file resulting in missed messages or false alerts.

Naming and location of persistent files

Zabbix agent distinguishes active checks by their keys. For example, logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log] and logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log,] are different items. Modifying the item logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log,,,10] in frontend to logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log,,,20] will result in deleting the item logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log,,,10] from the agent's list of active checks and creating logrt[/home/zabbix/test.log,,,20] item (some attributes are carried across modification in frontend/server, not in agent).

The file name is composed of MD5 sum of item key with item key length appended to reduce possibility of collisions. For example, the state of logrt[/home/zabbix50/test.log,,,,,,,,/home/zabbix50/agent_private] item will be kept in persistent file c963ade4008054813bbc0a650bb8e09266.

Multiple log items can use the same value of persistent_dir.

persistent_dir is specified by taking into account specific file system layouts, mount points and mount options and storage mirroring configuration - the persistent file should be on the same mirrored filesystem as the monitored log file.

If persistent_dir directory cannot be created or does not exist, or access rights for Zabbix agent does not allow to create/write/read/delete files the log item becomes NOTSUPPORTED.

If access rights to persistent storage files are removed during agent operation or other errors occur (e.g. disk full) then errors are logged into the agent log file but the log item does not become NOTSUPPORTED.

Load on I/O

Item's persistent file is updated after successful sending of every batch of data (containing item's data) to server. For example, default 'BufferSize' is 100. If a log item has found 70 matching records then the first 50 records will be sent in one batch, persistent file will be updated, then remaining 20 records will be sent (maybe with some delay when more data is accumulated) in the 2nd batch, and the persistent file will be updated again.

Actions if communication fails between agent and server

Each matching line from log[] and logrt[] item and a result of each log.count[] and logrt.count[] item check requires a free slot in the designated 50% area in the agent send buffer. The buffer elements are regularly sent to server (or proxy) and the buffer slots are free again.

While there are free slots in the designated log area in the agent send buffer and communication fails between agent and server (or proxy) the log monitoring results are accumulated in the send buffer. This helps to mitigate short communication failures.

During longer communication failures all log slots get occupied and the following actions are taken:

  • log[] and logrt[] item checks are stopped. When communication is restored and free slots in the buffer are available the checks are resumed from the previous position. No matching lines are lost, they are just reported later.
  • log.count[] and logrt.count[] checks are stopped if maxdelay = 0 (default). Behavior is similar to log[] and logrt[] items as described above. Note that this can affect log.count[] and logrt.count[] results: for example, one check counts 100 matching lines in a log file, but as there are no free slots in the buffer the check is stopped. When communication is restored the agent counts the same 100 matching lines and also 70 new matching lines. The agent now sends count = 170 as if they were found in one check.
  • log.count[] and logrt.count[] checks with maxdelay > 0: if there was no "jump" during the check, then behavior is similar to described above. If a "jump" over log file lines took place then the position after "jump" is kept and the counted result is discarded. So, the agent tries to keep up with a growing log file even in case of communication failure.