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3 Descubrimiento de CPU y núcleos de CPU

De manera similar a como se descubren los sistemas de archivos, también es posible descubrir las CPU y núcleos de CPU.

Clave de métrica

La clave de la métrica que se utilizará en la regla de descubrimiento es


Esta métrica es compatible desde el agente Zabbix 2.4.

Supported macros

This discovery key returns two macros - {#CPU.NUMBER} and {#CPU.STATUS} identifying the CPU order number and status respectively. Note that a clear distinction cannot be made between actual, physical processors, cores and hyperthreads. {#CPU.STATUS} on Linux, UNIX and BSD systems returns the status of the processor, which can be either "online" or "offline". On Windows systems, this same macro may represent a third value - "unknown" - which indicates that a processor has been detected, but no information has been collected for it yet.

CPU discovery relies on the agent's collector process to remain consistent with the data provided by the collector and save resources on obtaining the data. This has the effect of this item key not working with the test (-t) command line flag of the agent binary, which will return a NOT_SUPPORTED status and an accompanying message indicating that the collector process has not been started.

Item prototypes that can be created based on CPU discovery include, for example:

  • system.cpu.util[{#CPU.NUMBER},<type>,<mode>]
  • system.hw.cpu[{#CPU.NUMBER},<info>]

For detailed item key description, see Zabbix agent item keys.