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1 Descubrimiento de red

Descripción general

Zabbix ofrece una funcionalidad de descubrimiento automático de redes que es eficaz y muy flexible.

Con el descubrimiento de red configurado correctamente, puede:

  • acelerar la implementación de Zabbix
  • simplificar la administración
  • utilizar Zabbix en entornos que cambian rápidamente sin excesiva administración

El descubrimiento de la red Zabbix se basa en la siguiente información:

  • rangos de IP
  • disponibilidad de servicios externos (FTP, SSH, WEB, POP3, IMAP, TCP, etc)
  • Información recibida del agente Zabbix (solo se admite el modo no cifrado).
  • Información recibida del agente SNMP

NO proporciona:

  • Descubrimiento de la topología de la red.

El descubrimiento de la red consta básicamente de dos fases: descubrimiento y comportamiento.


Zabbix periodically scans the IP ranges defined in network discovery rules. The frequency of the check is configurable for each rule individually.

Note that one discovery rule will always be processed by a single discoverer process. The IP range will not be split between multiple discoverer processes.

Each rule has a set of service checks defined to be performed for the IP range.

Discovery checks are processed independently from the other checks. If any checks do not find a service (or fail), other checks will still be processed.

Every check of a service and a host (IP) performed by the network discovery module generates a discovery event.

Event Check of service result
Service Discovered The service is 'up' after it was 'down' or when discovered for the first time.
Service Up The service is 'up', after it was already 'up'.
Service Lost The service is 'down' after it was 'up'.
Service Down The service is 'down', after it was already 'down'.
Host Discovered At least one service of a host is 'up' after all services of that host were 'down' or a service is discovered which belongs to a not registered host.
Host Up At least one service of a host is 'up', after at least one service was already 'up'.
Host Lost All services of a host are 'down' after at least one was 'up'.
Host Down All services of a host are 'down', after they were already 'down'.


Discovery events can be the basis of relevant actions, such as:

  • Sending notifications
  • Adding/removing hosts
  • Enabling/disabling hosts
  • Adding hosts to a group
  • Removing hosts from a group
  • Linking hosts to/unlinking from a template
  • Executing remote scripts

These actions can be configured with respect to the device type, IP, status, uptime/downtime, etc. For full details on configuring actions for network-discovery based events, see action operation and conditions pages.

Linking a discovered host to templates will fail collectively if any of the linkable templates has a unique entity (e.g. item key) that is the same as a unique entity (e.g. item key) already existing on the host or on another of the linkable templates.

Creación de equipo

Se agrega un equipo si se selecciona la operación Agregar equipo. Un equipo también es agregado, incluso si falta la operación Agregar equipo, si selecciona operaciones que resultan en acciones en un equipo. Tales operaciones son:

  • habilitar equipo
  • deshabilitar el equipo
  • agregar equipo a un grupo de equipos
  • vincular plantilla a un equipo

Los equipos creados se agregan al grupo Equipos descubiertos (de forma predeterminada, configurable en AdministraciónGeneralOtros). Si desea que los anfitriones se agreguen a otro grupo, agregue Eliminar del grupo de equipos (especificando "Equipos descubiertos") y también agregue un Agregar al grupo de equipos (especificando otro grupo de equipos), porque el equipo debe pertenecer a un grupo de equipos.

Host naming

When adding hosts, a host name is the result of reverse DNS lookup or IP address if reverse lookup fails. Lookup is performed from the Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy, depending on which is doing the discovery. If lookup fails on the proxy, it is not retried on the server. If the host with such a name already exists, the next host would get _2 appended to the name, then _3 and so on.

It is also possible to override DNS/IP lookup and instead use an item value for host name, for example:

  • You may discover multiple servers with Zabbix agent running using a Zabbix agent item for discovery and assign proper names to them automatically, based on the string value returned by this item
  • You may discover multiple SNMP network devices using an SNMP agent item for discovery and assign proper names to them automatically, based on the string value returned by this item

If the host name has been set using an item value, it is not updated during the following discovery checks. If it is not possible to set host name using an item value, default value (DNS name) is used.

If a host already exists with the discovered IP address, a new host is not created. However, if the discovery action contains operations (link template, add to host group, etc), they are performed on the existing host.

Eliminación del equipo

Los equipos descubiertos por una regla de descubrimiento de red se eliminan automáticamente desde MonitoreoDescubrimiento si una entidad descubierta no está en el el rango de IP de la regla nunca más. Los equipos se eliminan inmediatamente.

Interface creation when adding hosts

When hosts are added as a result of network discovery, they get interfaces created according to these rules:

  • the services detected - for example, if an SNMP check succeeded, an SNMP interface will be created
  • if a host responded both to Zabbix agent and SNMP requests, both types of interfaces will be created
  • if uniqueness criteria are Zabbix agent or SNMP-returned data, the first interface found for a host will be created as the default one. Other IP addresses will be added as additional interfaces.
  • if a host responded to agent checks only, it will be created with an agent interface only. If it would start responding to SNMP later, additional SNMP interfaces would be added.
  • if 3 separate hosts were initially created, having been discovered by the "IP" uniqueness criteria, and then the discovery rule is modified so that hosts A, B and C have identical uniqueness criteria result, B and C are created as additional interfaces for A, the first host. The individual hosts B and C remain. In Monitoring → Discovery the added interfaces will be displayed in the "Discovered device" column, in black font and indented, but the "Monitored host" column will only display A, the first created host. "Uptime/Downtime" is not measured for IPs that are considered to be additional interfaces.

Cambiar la configuración del proxy

Los equipos descubiertos por diferentes servidores proxy siempre se tratan como equipos distintos. Si bien esto permite realizar el descubrimiento en los rangos de IP coincidentes utilizados por diferentes subredes, cambiando el proxy por una subred ya monitoreada es complicado porque los cambios de proxy también deben ser aplicados a todos los equipos descubiertos.

Por ejemplo, los pasos para reemplazar el proxy en una regla de descubrimiento:

  1. deshabilitar la regla de descubrimiento
  2. configuración la sincronización del proxy
  3. reemplace el proxy en la regla de descubrimiento.
  4. reemplace el proxy para todos los equipos descubiertos por esta regla
  5. habilitar la regla de descubrimiento