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> Objeto de informe

Los siguientes objetos están directamente relacionados con la API report.


The report object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
reportid string (readonly) ID of the report.
string ID of the user who created the report.
string Unique name of the report.
string ID of the dashboard that the report is based on.
period integer Period for which the report will be prepared.

Possible values:
0 - (default) previous day;
1 - previous week;
2 - previous month;
3 - previous year.
cycle integer Period repeating schedule.

Possible values:
0 - (default) daily;
1 - weekly;
2 - monthly;
3 - yearly.
start_time integer Time of the day, in seconds, when the report will be prepared for sending.

Default: 0.
weekdays integer Days of the week for sending the report.

Required for weekly reports only.

Days of the week are stored in binary form with each bit representing the corresponding week day. For example, 12 equals 1100 in binary and means that reports will be sent every Wednesday and Thursday.

Default: 0.
active_since string On which date to start.

Possible values:
empty string - (default) not specified (stored as 0);
specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format (stored as a timestamp of the beginning of a day (00:00:00)).
active_till string On which date to end.

Possible values:
empty string - (default) not specified (stored as 0);
specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format (stored as a timestamp of the end of a day (23:59:59)).
subject string Report message subject.
message string Report message text.
status integer Whether the report is enabled or disabled.

Possible values:
0 - Disabled;
1 - (default) Enabled.
description text Description of the report.
state integer (readonly) State of the report.

Possible values:
0 - (default) report was not yet processed;
1 - report was generated and successfully sent to all recipients;
2 - report generating failed; "info" contains error information;
3 - report was generated, but sending to some (or all) recipients failed; "info" contains error information.
lastsent timestamp (readonly) Unix timestamp of the last successfully sent report.
info string (readonly) Error description or additional information.


El objeto de usuarios tiene las siguientes propiedades:

Propiedad Tipo Descripción
cadena ID del usuario al que enviar el informe.
access_userid cadena ID del usuario en cuyo nombre se generará el informe.

0 - (predeterminado) Generar informe por destinatario.
exclude entero Si se excluye al usuario de la lista de correo.

Valores posibles:
0 - (predeterminado) Incluir;
1 - Excluir.

Grupos de Usuarios

El objeto de grupos de usuarios tiene las siguientes propiedades:

Propiedad Tipo Descripción
cadena ID del grupo de usuarios al que enviar el informe.
access_userid cadena ID del usuario en cuyo nombre se generará el informe.

0 - (predeterminado) Generar informe por destinatario.