Release Notes for Zabbix 4.4.0rc1
Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 4.4.0rc1.
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at
This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 4.4.0rc1. Download here.
The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.
New Features and Improvements
ZBXNEXT-5485 | Removed TimescaleDB experimental status Documentation |
ZBXNEXT-5386 | Added support of the webhook media type API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-5482 | Implemented option to show opdata with problem name Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4746 | Added "Template Server Cisco UCS SNMPv2" template Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5372 | Added support of XML import/export for media types API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5480 | Removed linux, windows, zabbix-agent and mysql 'classic' templates from XML and tmpl files, updated conf/zabbix_agentd/userparameter_mysql.conf to match new mysql template API Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5404 | Added trigger description to Event details and as icon to Monitoring->Problems Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3391 | Added item description icon to Monitoring->Latest data Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3970 | Added CSV to JSON preprocessing option API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-5228 | Simplified import/export by removing required from XML / JSON tags API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5425 | Added aggregation functions for graphs Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4166 | Added user macro and host macro description API Frontend Installation Server Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5326 | Added new windows templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5143 | Added new linux templates Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5388 | Added "Template DB RabbitMQ" Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5433 | Added host name to real time export files Server |
ZBXNEXT-4831 | Added value type to real time export files Server |
ZBXNEXT-5422 | Quoted numbers are now accepted by JSONPath aggregate functions Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5402 | Implemented remembering last selected widget as default Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5407 | Normalized widget hidden headers behavior in dashboard view and edit modes Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5434 | Added support of {EVENT.ID} macro in trigger URL Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-5197 | Increased maximum dependent item count to 29999 Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-2946 | Added new key "wmi.getall" to collect all required wmi properties in a json document Agent |
ZBX-7341 | Reworked template linking interface Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5330 | Added new filtering option in "Host availability" widget Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-1287 | Added support for English performance counters on Windows Agent |
ZBXNEXT-5406 | Updated widgets on default dashboards Installation |
ZBXNEXT-4209 | Added jmx.get[<discovery mode>,<object name pattern>] key for JMX LLD Frontend Java gateway |
ZBXNEXT-5453 | Added Zabbix agent 2 Agent |
ZBXNEXT-4033 | Added possibility to return multiple columns (and rows) from SQL ODBC Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5426 | Renamed media type field "description" to "name" API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-5416 | Dropped support of "Jabber" and "Ez Texting" media types API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-5252 | Added new dashboard widget "Graph prototype" API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-3497, ZBXNEXT-5291 |
Added support of PSK-based encryption in autoregistration API Frontend Agent Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5328 | Replaced graph widget hosts and items selector Frontend |
ZBX-16511 | Added source IP address to unknown request log warning message Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5141 | Added "Template App Apache" Templates |
ZBXNEXT-854 | Added support of bar graphs Frontend |
ZBX-3783 | Added strict validation of input parameters in valuemap.get() method API |
ZBXNEXT-5142 | Added "Template App Nginx" Templates |
ZBXNEXT-1657 | Split proxy and host names in separate columns in Configuration->Hosts list, Configuration->Discovery rules list and Administration->Queue pages Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4920 | Increased received packet size to 1GB Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-4942 | Implemented support of displaying operational data in the list of problems API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-5343 | Extended custom error handling to support more preprocessing rules API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-5344 | Extended LLD preprocessing to support XML related preprocessing operations API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5257 | Added "Template DB PostgreSQL" Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5258 | Added "Template DB MySQL" Templates |
ZBXNEXT-5281 | Added visibility option for the widget header Frontend |
ZBX-9522 | Improved frontend messaging usage across multiple browser tabs Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1740 | Added way to specify "connect to dns" for auto registered agents and discovered hosts Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5236 | Updated dashboard for 24 columns grid supporting Frontend |
ZBX-11280 | Implemented auto-resizing of macro and tag fields on user input Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5251 | Extended widget "Problems by severity" with aggregated view Frontend |
ZBX-11299 | Changed font for fields of trigger expressions and scripts to monospaced Frontend |
ZBX-16157 | Moved Administration->Users pages to MVC framework Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5250 | Dropped support of screen element 'Screen' API Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-5249 | Added new dashboard widget "Host availability" Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5238 | Added edit control for the widget in dashboard view mode Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5183 | Implemented support of simple triggers under items in export files API |
ZBXNEXT-5040, ZBXNEXT-5219 |
Moved item real-time data to a new, seperate table in database API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1856, ZBXNEXT-5223 |
Added web scenario and HTTP agent with Kerberos authentication delegation API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5211 | Increased the maximum Hosts name character length from 64 to 128 for autoregistration and LLD Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1302 | Added low-level discovery of block devices Agent |
ZBX-10574 | Automated documentation link update upon release of new major version Frontend |
Bug Fixes
ZBX-15897 | Fixed overall health check in Template HP iLO SNMPv2 Templates |
ZBX-16465 | Fixed Zabbix database upgrade failure on MariaDB Installation |
ZBX-16465 | Fixed Zabbix database schema creation failure on MariaDB Installation |
ZBX-16654 | Fixed undefined index error in discovered host update form Frontend |
ZBX-16645 | Fixed suggested selection font weight for new item Frontend |
ZBX-13266 | Fixed performance of sql query with lots of items Proxy Server |
ZBX-16089 | Fixed Windows socket initialization in Windows sender sample application |
ZBX-16228 | Increased max length to 2000 characters for values of the headers of the http agents Frontend |
ZBX-16480 | Fixed error in graphs after page refresh if period was set to future Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5219 | Fixed possibility to create items and item prototypes with values in real time fields API |
ZBX-16546 | Fixed broken items mass update form preprocessing tab checkbox markup in firefox Frontend |
ZBX-16452 | Fixed inconsistency in show legend, working time and triggers for graphs in screens and dashboard Frontend |
ZBX-16565 | Fixed incorrect sorting of triggers in "Trigger overview" widget Frontend |
ZBX-16530 | Fixed color for blinked elements Frontend |
ZBX-7798 | Improved performance of icmpping* for fping v4.0 and more Server |
ZBX-16522 | Fixed undefined index "type" in pie and exploded graph creation API |
ZBX-16545 | Fixed shell script execution timeout log message Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-16467 | Removed tables without auto-increment from DBget_maxid_num function Proxy Server |
ZBX-16538 | Fixed color for the multiselect selected items Frontend |
ZBX-16445 | Fixed possible duplicate key insertion during LLD Server |
ZBX-16550 | Fixed web monitoring items has no real-time data entry in "item_rtdata" API |
ZBX-16539 | Fixed "Template Net Juniper SNMPv2" Templates |
ZBX-16349 | Fixed "Delete missing" checkbox does not work when importing template without checking "Update existing" API |
ZBX-16279 | Fixed trailing spaces handling in value mapping when using MySQL Server |
ZBX-16230 | Fixed unreachable host next check calculation uses both unreachable settings and flexible item interval Proxy Server |
ZBX-16460 | Fixed Zabbix daemon termination on FreeBSD Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-16449 | Fixed wrong order of the displayed latest values in problems Frontend |
ZBX-16435 | Fixed Zabbix graph spinning in preview tab in IE11 Frontend |
ZBX-15766 | Fixed the ability to add an unlimited number of widgets in the Dashboard Frontend |
ZBX-16398 | Fixed selection of discovered services by dservice.get "dcheckids" property API |
ZBX-16370 | Fixed link indicator coloring in network maps Frontend |
ZBX-16502 | Fixed user edit form having a disabled and hidden fields when alias is the same as guest user Frontend |
ZBX-16507 | Fixed vertical scrollbar in kiosk mode when focusinig widgets with hidden headers Frontend |
ZBX-16524 | Fixed failed query error when aggregate checks are used Server |
ZBX-16501 | Fixed log out form being resubmitted when user is already logged back in another tab Frontend |
ZBX-16468 | Fixed undefined index "state" in item prototype selection popup Frontend |
ZBX-16072 | Added more strict validation of host, template and proxy names to prohibit leading and trailing spaces API |
ZBX-16128 | Fixed incorrect action ID in audit log Frontend |
ZBX-16354 | Fixed incorrect sorting by name with capital letters Frontend |
ZBX-16471 | For consistency reason changed translation string 'Resolved by user.' to 'Resolved by Inaccessible user.' Frontend |
ZBX-16469 | Fixed problem that caused impossibility to edit trigger description in problems screen Frontend |
ZBX-16362 | Fixed keyboard event handling in graph widget hintbox Frontend |
ZBX-16474 | Fixed 'Request-URI too long' error in problems mass update page Frontend |
ZBX-16473 | Fixed server-proxy synchronization and pre-preprocessing issues with items that are monitored by server even when their hosts are monitored by proxies Server |
ZBX-16184 | Updated Zabbix sender man page Documentation |
ZBX-16462 | Fixed syntax error in SQL query used to calculate SLA in Monitoring->Services API |
ZBX-16031 | Reworked event update controller, making partly closed set of events closable Frontend |
ZBX-16283 | Fixed read-only shared dashboard without widgets missing placeholder label Frontend |
ZBX-16316 | Fixed dashboard widget and slideshow menu popup not updating current refresh rate and fixed a JS error in slideshows Frontend |
ZBX-16346 | Fixed compilation for Oracle Instant Client v18.5 and higher Proxy Server |
ZBX-16146 | Added missing mandatory tag "<tags/>" into templates/classic/template_app_zabbix_server.xml Templates |
ZBX-16424 | Fixed unable to create/update web scenario from Internet Explorer/Edge Frontend |
ZBX-15954 | Fixed functional macros resolving in maps Frontend |
ZBX-15905 | Reverted changes that introduced error with write permissions in assets directory Frontend |
ZBX-15804 | Fixed links for discovered hosts, items, triggers and graphs Frontend |
ZBX-10786 | Added placeholder for "Required string" field in web monitoring Frontend |
ZBX-16153 | Fixed 500 Internal Server Error when trying to preview pie/exploded graph without items Frontend |
ZBX-16204 | Fixed undefined offset in CControllerWidgetProblemHostsView Frontend |
Installation and Upgrade Notes
See Zabbix documentation for full details.
See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.4.0.
Commercial support
Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please Contact sales for pricing and more details.- Zabbix Enterprise Support
- Zabbix Training
- Zabbix Development services
ZABBIX 7.2.3
ZABBIX 7.0.9
ZABBIX 6.4.21
ZABBIX 6.0.38
ZABBIX 5.0.46
ZABBIX 7.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.21rc1
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ZABBIX 5.0.46rc1
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ZABBIX 7.2.2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.1
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ZABBIX 7.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 7.2.0
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.8
ZABBIX 7.0.7rc1
- Previous versions of 2025 (3)
ZABBIX 7.0.7
ZABBIX 7.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.6
- Previous versions of 2024 (76)
ZABBIX 6.0.37
ZABBIX 6.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20
ZABBIX 6.0.36
ZABBIX 5.0.45
ZABBIX 6.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.5
ZABBIX 6.0.35
ZABBIX 7.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34
ZABBIX 7.0.4
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.19
ZABBIX 5.0.44
ZABBIX 7.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.19rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.3
ZABBIX 6.4.18
ZABBIX 6.0.33
ZABBIX 5.0.43
ZABBIX 7.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.18rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.1
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.17
ZABBIX 6.0.32
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.17rc1
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ZABBIX 6.4.16
ZABBIX 6.0.31
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.15
ZABBIX 6.0.30
ZABBIX 6.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.14
ZABBIX 6.0.29
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.13
ZABBIX 6.0.28
ZABBIX 5.0.42
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.12
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.27
ZABBIX 6.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.26
ZABBIX 5.0.41
ZABBIX 6.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.41rc1
- Previous versions of 2023 (109)
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 6.4.10
ZABBIX 6.0.25
ZABBIX 6.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.9
ZABBIX 6.0.24
ZABBIX 5.0.40
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 6.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.8
ZABBIX 6.0.23
ZABBIX 5.0.39
ZABBIX 4.0.50
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 6.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.50rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 6.4.7
ZABBIX 6.0.22
ZABBIX 5.0.38
ZABBIX 4.0.49
ZABBIX 6.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.49rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 6.4.6
ZABBIX 6.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.37
ZABBIX 4.0.48
ZABBIX 6.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.48rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.5
ZABBIX 6.0.20
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 6.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.4
ZABBIX 6.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.36
ZABBIX 4.0.47
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.47rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.3
ZABBIX 6.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.35
ZABBIX 4.0.46
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.2
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.17
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 5.0.34
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.16
ZABBIX 6.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.1
ZABBIX 6.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.45
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.9
ZABBIX 5.0.33
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.8
ZABBIX 6.0.14
ZABBIX 6.4.0
ZABBIX 5.0.32
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc1
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.2.7
ZABBIX 6.0.13
ZABBIX 5.0.31
ZABBIX 6.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta6
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc1
- Previous versions of 2022 (110)
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta5
ZABBIX 6.2.6
ZABBIX 6.0.12
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta4
ZABBIX 6.2.5
ZABBIX 6.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.30
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.2.4
ZABBIX 6.0.10
ZABBIX 5.0.29
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.2.3
ZABBIX 6.0.9
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.28
ZABBIX 4.0.44
ZABBIX 6.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.2
ZABBIX 6.0.8
ZABBIX 5.0.27
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.1
ZABBIX 6.0.7
ZABBIX 5.0.26
ZABBIX 4.0.43
ZABBIX 6.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.42
ZABBIX 6.0.6
ZABBIX 5.0.25
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.5
ZABBIX 5.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.41
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.41rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.0.4
ZABBIX 5.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.40
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.0.3
ZABBIX 5.4.12
ZABBIX 5.0.22
ZABBIX 6.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.2
ZABBIX 6.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.1
ZABBIX 5.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.21
ZABBIX 4.0.39
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc3
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.10
ZABBIX 5.0.20
ZABBIX 4.0.38
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta2
- Previous versions of 2021 (98)
ZABBIX 5.4.9
ZABBIX 5.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.37
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.8
ZABBIX 5.0.18
ZABBIX 4.0.36
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 5.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 5.4.7
ZABBIX 5.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 5.4.6
ZABBIX 5.0.17
ZABBIX 4.0.35
ZABBIX 5.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 5.4.5
ZABBIX 5.0.16
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.34
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.4.4
ZABBIX 5.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.33
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.3
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.14
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.2
ZABBIX 5.2.7
ZABBIX 5.0.13
ZABBIX 4.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.1
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.12
ZABBIX 4.0.31
ZABBIX 5.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.6
ZABBIX 5.0.10
ZABBIX 4.0.30
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.5
ZABBIX 5.0.9
ZABBIX 4.0.29
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.2.4
ZABBIX 5.0.8
ZABBIX 4.0.28
ZABBIX 5.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.28rc1
- Previous versions of 2020 (78)
ZABBIX 5.2.3
ZABBIX 5.0.7
ZABBIX 5.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.2
ZABBIX 5.0.6
ZABBIX 4.0.27
ZABBIX 5.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.1
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc3
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0
ZABBIX 5.0.5
ZABBIX 4.0.26
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.25
ZABBIX 5.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.24
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.2
ZABBIX 5.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.10
ZABBIX 4.0.22
ZABBIX 4.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.1
ZABBIX 4.4.9
ZABBIX 4.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0
ZABBIX 5.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.4.8
ZABBIX 4.0.20
ZABBIX 3.0.31
ZABBIX 4.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 4.4.7
ZABBIX 4.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30
ZABBIX 4.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.5
ZABBIX 4.0.17
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.17rc1
- Previous versions of 2019 (76)
ZABBIX 3.0.29
ZABBIX 4.4.4
ZABBIX 4.0.16
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.3
ZABBIX 4.4.2
ZABBIX 4.0.15
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.1
ZABBIX 4.2.8
ZABBIX 4.0.14
ZABBIX 4.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0
ZABBIX 4.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.7
ZABBIX 4.0.13
ZABBIX 4.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.2.6
ZABBIX 4.0.12
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.5
ZABBIX 4.0.11
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.4
ZABBIX 4.0.10
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.3
ZABBIX 4.0.9
ZABBIX 4.2.2
ZABBIX 4.0.8
ZABBIX 3.0.28
ZABBIX 4.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.1
ZABBIX 4.0.7
ZABBIX 3.0.27
ZABBIX 4.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0
ZABBIX 4.0.6
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.26
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.0.5
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc3
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.25
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.25rc1
- Previous versions of 2018 (74)
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.0.2
ZABBIX 3.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.15
ZABBIX 3.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.14
ZABBIX 3.0.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.13
ZABBIX 3.0.21
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.12
ZABBIX 3.0.20
ZABBIX 2.2.23
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 3.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.23rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.11
ZABBIX 3.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 3.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.10
ZABBIX 3.0.18
ZABBIX 2.2.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 3.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.22rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.9
ZABBIX 3.0.17
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.8
ZABBIX 3.0.16
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 3.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 3.0.15
ZABBIX 3.4.7
ZABBIX 3.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.4.6rc1
- Previous versions of 2017 (68)
ZABBIX 3.4.5
ZABBIX 3.2.11
ZABBIX 3.0.14
ZABBIX 2.2.21
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc3
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.4
ZABBIX 3.2.10
ZABBIX 3.0.13
ZABBIX 3.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.3
ZABBIX 3.2.9
ZABBIX 3.0.12
ZABBIX 3.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.2
ZABBIX 3.2.8
ZABBIX 3.0.11
ZABBIX 2.2.20
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.1
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.7
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.10
ZABBIX 2.2.19
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.6
ZABBIX 3.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.5
ZABBIX 3.0.9
ZABBIX 2.2.18
ZABBIX 2.0.21
ZABBIX 3.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.4
ZABBIX 3.0.8
ZABBIX 2.2.17
ZABBIX 3.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.17rc1
- Previous versions of 2016 (58)
ZABBIX 3.2.3
ZABBIX 3.0.7
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.2
ZABBIX 3.0.6
ZABBIX 2.2.16
ZABBIX 2.0.20
ZABBIX 3.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.1
ZABBIX 3.0.5
ZABBIX 2.2.15
ZABBIX 2.0.19
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.0.4
ZABBIX 2.2.14
ZABBIX 3.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.3
ZABBIX 2.2.13
ZABBIX 2.0.18
ZABBIX 3.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.13rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.2
ZABBIX 2.4.8
ZABBIX 2.2.12
ZABBIX 2.0.17
ZABBIX 3.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 3.0.0
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha6
- Previous versions of 2015 (24)
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 2.4.7
ZABBIX 2.2.11
ZABBIX 2.0.16
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 2.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 2.5.0
ZABBIX 2.4.6
ZABBIX 2.2.10
ZABBIX 2.0.15
ZABBIX 2.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.5
ZABBIX 2.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.9
ZABBIX 2.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.4
ZABBIX 2.4.4rc1
- Previous versions of 2014 (56)
ZABBIX 2.4.3
ZABBIX 2.2.8
ZABBIX 2.0.14
ZABBIX 1.8.22
ZABBIX 2.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.22rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.2
ZABBIX 2.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.7
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.1
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.0
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.13
ZABBIX 1.8.21
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.5
ZABBIX 2.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.21rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.4
ZABBIX 2.2.6
ZABBIX 2.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.3
ZABBIX 2.2.5
ZABBIX 2.3.2
ZABBIX 2.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc3
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.1
ZABBIX 2.3.0
ZABBIX 2.0.12
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.3
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.2
ZABBIX 2.0.11
ZABBIX 1.8.20
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc1
- Previous versions of 2013 (38)
ZABBIX 2.2.1
ZABBIX 2.0.10
ZABBIX 1.8.19
ZABBIX 2.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.19rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.0
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.9
ZABBIX 2.1.8
ZABBIX 2.1.7
ZABBIX 2.0.9
ZABBIX 1.8.18
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.6
ZABBIX 2.1.5
ZABBIX 2.1.4
ZABBIX 2.1.3
ZABBIX 2.0.8
ZABBIX 2.1.2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.7
ZABBIX 2.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.17
ZABBIX 1.8.17rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.1
ZABBIX 2.1.0
ZABBIX 2.0.6
ZABBIX 2.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.5
ZABBIX 2.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.16
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.4
- Previous versions of 2012 (30)
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.3
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.15
ZABBIX 1.8.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.1
ZABBIX 1.8.14
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc6
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc5
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.13
ZABBIX 1.8.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.12
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.11
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.9
- Previous versions of 2011 (26)
ZABBIX 1.8.10
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.8
ZABBIX 1.8.9
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.7
ZABBIX 1.8.8
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.6
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.7
ZABBIX 1.8.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.6
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.5
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.4
ZABBIX 1.8.5
ZABBIX 1.8.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.3
ZABBIX 1.9.2
ZABBIX 1.8.4
ZABBIX 1.4.7
- Previous versions of 2010 (14)
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc4
ZABBIX 1.9.1
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.0
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.2
ZABBIX 1.6.9
ZABBIX 1.8.1
- Previous versions of 2009 (13)
ZABBIX 1.6.8
ZABBIX 1.7.4
ZABBIX 1.7.3
ZABBIX 1.7.2
ZABBIX 1.6.7
ZABBIX 1.7.1
ZABBIX 1.7.0
ZABBIX 1.6.6
ZABBIX 1.6.5
ZABBIX 1.6.4
ZABBIX 1.6.3
ZABBIX 1.6.2
- Previous versions of 2008 (10)
ZABBIX 1.6.1
ZABBIX 1.5.4
ZABBIX 1.4.6
ZABBIX 1.5.3
ZABBIX 1.5.2
ZABBIX 1.5.1
ZABBIX 1.4.5
- Previous versions of 2007 (15)
ZABBIX 1.4.4
ZABBIX 1.4.3
ZABBIX 1.4.2
ZABBIX 1.4.1
ZABBIX 1.3.5
ZABBIX 1.3.8
ZABBIX 1.3.7
ZABBIX 1.3.6
ZABBIX 1.1.7
ZABBIX 1.3.4
ZABBIX 1.3.3
ZABBIX 1.1.6
ZABBIX 1.1.5
ZABBIX 1.3.2
- Previous versions of 2006 (7)
ZABBIX 1.3.1
ZABBIX 1.1.4
ZABBIX 1.1.3
ZABBIX 1.1.2
ZABBIX 1.1.1
- Previous versions of 2004 (1)