Release Notes for Zabbix 2.1.2

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 2.1.2.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 2.1.2. Download it from here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-1851 Hid Finnish, Lithuanian and Swedish translations from the frontend Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1405 Added IP to the warning about ignored messages because of their size Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-6770 Improved host macro resolving by using configuration cache to get hosts used in trigger expressions Server
ZBXNEXT-1098 Added internal check support to Zabbix proxies Proxy Server
ZBX-6587 Fixed Windows binary descriptions Agent Installation
ZBXNEXT-1528 Added, net.if.out and item support on HP-UX platform Agent

Bug Fixes

ZBX-6888 Fixed javascript error in popups with "select all" checkbox Frontend
ZBX-6897 Fixed synchronization of the "httptest" configuration table Proxy
ZBX-6898 Fixed processing of queue request; items that are not checked will be included in the queue Server
ZBX-6889 Fixed processing of availability data by the server Server
ZBX-6885 Fixed host group error message on delete API
ZBX-1583 Removed duplicated indexes for 6 tables when using MySQL Installation
ZBX-6864 Fixed fullscreen parameter validation Frontend
ZBX-6865 Fixed "NULL" value validation API Frontend
ZBX-6863 Fixed severity buttonset colour displaying Frontend
ZBX-6386 Fixed discovered fields update validation in items, triggers and graphs API
ZBX-6020 Fixed displaying MySQL errors for PHP 5.5.0 and newer; thanks to Michel Meyers API Frontend Installation
ZBX-6746 Fixed template linking to proxy if the agent with the same name is auto-registered Proxy Server
ZBX-6458 Fixed "name" parameter validation for hostgroup.update method and improved error messages API
ZBX-6838 Fixed bug with SQL errors in the application popup window Frontend
ZBX-6817 Fixed update for web scenarios, to link items to the right application Frontend
ZBX-6837 Added possibility select templated hosts in item configuration list filter Frontend
ZBX-6795 Corrected percentage value in graph pie charts Frontend
ZBX-6283 Added graph filter gradation recalculation Frontend
ZBX-6451 Fixed the amount of items and triggers displayed for "Status of Zabbix" Frontend
ZBX-6672 Fixed Windows agent performance counters being capped to 100 Agent
ZBX-6808 Fixed "Host metadata" field in actions and improved validation for action conditions API Frontend
ZBX-6825 Fixed names of the added items, when editing graph Frontend
ZBX-6843 Fixed MySQL error while upgrading DB Installation
ZBX-6826 Fixed default values for graphs.width and graphs.height Installation
ZBX-6793 Removed irrelevant condition for pie graphs that decided whether data from history should be used Frontend
ZBX-4986 Absolute URLs replaced with relative Frontend
ZBX-6831 Fixed webtest item conversion in 1.8->2.0 database upgrade patch for MySQL Installation
ZBX-6451 Fixed items and items_unsupported internal checks counting discovery rules as items Proxy Server
ZBX-6527 Fixed proc.mem calculations with getprocs() for AIX Agent
ZBX-5924 Fixed curl verify host option setting in ez texting Server
ZBX-6664 Removed printing of informative line about -vv option after zabbix_sender failure if this option was already used Agent
ZBX-6275 Removed the "error" columns in the template item, trigger and discovery rule lists Frontend
ZBX-5604 Fixed updating graphs and graph prototypes when items are not specified API
ZBX-6586 Added sid checking for logout action Frontend
ZBX-6819 Fixed memory leak in snmp trapper regular expression processing Proxy Server
ZBX-6646 Removed Micro and Milli units, unifieded length for y-axis values and fixed division by zero in graphs Frontend
ZBX-6777 Added pointer cursor to the main menu tabs Frontend
ZBX-6699 Added object flags in Host, Host group, Template and Item get methods API
ZBX-6794 Fixed host name displaying in pie charts Frontend
ZBX-6143 Fixed choice for icon label location Frontend
ZBX-6372 In trigger filtering, trigger severity default value changed to "Not classified" Frontend
ZBX-6624 Fixed incorrect y-axis interval names for "s" units Frontend
ZBX-282 Added sensor item support for Linux kernels newer than v2.4 Agent

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbix指导手册。 for full details.


See 升级指南 for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.1.2.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free 升级服务 for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 联系我们 for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 2.1 Manual


