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6 Mathematical functions

All functions listed here are supported in:

Mathematical functions are supported with float and integer value types, unless stated otherwise.

Some general notes on function parameters:

  • Function parameters are separated by a comma
  • Expressions are accepted as parameters
  • Optional function parameters (or parameter parts) are indicated by < >
Description Function-specific parameters Comments
abs (value)
The absolute value (from 0) of a value. value - value to check For example, the absolute value of either '3' or '-3' will be '3'.

=> abs(last(/host/key))>10
acos (value)
The arccosine of a value as an angle, expressed in radians. value - value to check The value must be between -1 and 1.

For example, the arccosine of a value '0.5' will be '2.0943951'.

=> acos(last(/host/key))
asin (value)
The arcsine of a value as an angle, expressed in radians. value - value to check The value must be between -1 and 1.

For example, the arcsine of a value '0.5' will be '-0.523598776'.

=> asin(last(/host/key))
atan (value)
The arctangent of a value as an angle, expressed in radians. value - value to check For example, the arctangent of a value '1' will be '0.785398163'.

=> atan(last(/host/key))
atan2 (value,abscissa)
The arctangent of the ordinate (value) and abscissa coordinates specified as an angle, expressed in radians. value - value to check
abscissa - abscissa value
For example, the arctangent of the ordinate and abscissa coordinates of a value '1' will be '2.21429744'.

=> atan2(last(/host/key),2)
avg (<value1>,<value2>,...)
Average value of the referenced item values. valueX - value returned by another function that is working with item history Example:
=> avg(avg(/host/key),avg(/host2/key2))
cbrt (value)
Cube root of a value. value - value to check For example, the cube root of '64' will be '4', of '63' will be '3.97905721'.

=> cbrt(last(/host/key))
ceil (value)
Round the value up to the nearest greater or equal integer. value - value to check For example, '2.4' will be rounded up to '3'.

=> ceil(last(/host/key))

See also floor().
cos (value)
The cosine of a value, where the value is an angle expressed in radians. value - value to check For example, the cosine of a value '1' will be '0.54030230586'.

=> cos(last(/host/key))
cosh (value)
The hyperbolic cosine of a value. value - value to check For example, the hyperbolic cosine of a value '1' will be '1.54308063482'.

Returns value as a real number, not as scientific notation.

=> cosh(last(/host/key))
cot (value)
The cotangent of a value, where the value is an angle, expressed in radians. value - value to check For example, the cotangent of a value '1' will be '0.54030230586'.

=> cot(last(/host/key))
degrees (value)
Converts a value from radians to degrees. value - value to check For example, a value '1' converted to degrees will be '57.2957795'.

=> degrees(last(/host/key))
Euler's number (2.718281828459045). Example:
=> e()
exp (value)
Euler's number at a power of a value. value - value to check For example, Euler's number at a power of a value '2' will be '7.38905609893065'.

=> exp(last(/host/key))
expm1 (value)
Euler's number at a power of a value minus 1. value - value to check For example, Euler's number at a power of a value '2' minus 1 will be '6.38905609893065'.

=> expm1(last(/host/key))
floor (value)
Round the value down to the nearest smaller or equal integer. value - value to check For example, '2.6' will be rounded down to '2'.

=> floor(last(/host/key))

See also ceil().
log (value)
Natural logarithm. value - value to check For example, the natural logarithm of a value '2' will be '0.69314718055994529'.

=> log(last(/host/key))
log10 (value)
Decimal logarithm. value - value to check For example, the decimal logarithm of a value '5' will be '0.69897000433'.

=> log10(last(/host/key))
max (<value1>,<value2>,...)
Highest value of the referenced item values. valueX - value returned by another function that is working with item history Example:
=> max(avg(/host/key),avg(/host2/key2))
min (<value1>,<value2>,...)
Lowest value of the referenced item values. valueX - value returned by another function that is working with item history Example:
=> min(avg(/host/key),avg(/host2/key2))
mod (value,denominator)
Division remainder. value - value to check
denominator - division denominator
For example, division remainder of a value '5' with division denominator '2' will be '1'.

=> mod(last(/host/key),2)
Pi constant (3.14159265358979). Example:
=> pi()
power (value,power value)
The power of a value. value - value to check
power value - the Nth power to use
For example, the 3rd power of a value '2' will be '8'.

=> power(last(/host/key),3)
radians (value)
Convert a value from degrees to radians. value - value to check For example, a value '1' converted to radians will be '0.0174532925'.

=> radians(last(/host/key))
Return a random integer value. A pseudo-random generated number using time as seed (enough for mathematical purposes, but not cryptography).

=> rand()
round (value,decimal places)
Round the value to decimal places. value - value to check
decimal places - specify decimal places for rounding (0 is also possible)
For example, a value '2.5482' rounded to 2 decimal places will be '2.55'.

=> round(last(/host/key),2)
signum (value)
Returns '-1' if a value is negative, '0' if a value is zero, '1' if a value is positive. value - value to check Example:
=> signum(last(/host/key))
sin (value)
The sine of a value, where the value is an angle expressed in radians. value - value to check For example, the sine of a value '1' will be '0.8414709848'.

=> sin(last(/host/key))
sinh (value)
The hyperbolical sine of a value. value - value to check For example, the hyperbolical sine of a value '1' will be '1.17520119364'.

=> sinh(last(/host/key))
sqrt (value)
Square root of a value. value - value to check This function will fail with a negative value.

For example, the square root of a value '3.5' will be '1.87082869339'.

=> sqrt(last(/host/key))
sum (<value1>,<value2>,...)
Sum of the referenced item values. valueX - value returned by another function that is working with item history Example:
=> sum(avg(/host/key),avg(/host2/key2))
tan (value)
The tangent of a value. value - value to check For example, the tangent of a value '1' will be '1.55740772465'.

=> tan(last(/host/key))
truncate (value,decimal places)
Truncate the value to decimal places. value - value to check
decimal places - specify decimal places for truncating (0 is also possible)
=> truncate(last(/host/key),2)