2022 Zabbix中国峰会
2022 Zabbix中国峰会

Event tags


There is an option to define custom event tags in Zabbix. Event tags are defined on the trigger level. After the tags are defined, corresponding new events get marked with tag data.

Having custom event tags allows for more flexibility. Most importantly, events can be correlated based on event tags. In other uses, actions can be defined based on event tags.

Event tags are realized as a pair of the tag name and value. You can use only the name or pair it with a value:

MySQL, Service:MySQL, Services, Services:Customer, Applications, Application:Java, Priority:High 

Use cases

Some use cases for this functionality are as follows:

  1. Identify problems in a log file and close them separately
   * Define tags in the log trigger that will identify events using value extraction by the {{ITEM.VALUE<N>}.regsub()} macro; 
          * In trigger configuration, have multiple problem event generation mode;
          * In trigger configuration, use [[:manual/config/event_correlation|event correlation]]: select the option that OK event closes only matching events and choose the tag for matching;
          * See problem events created with a tag and closed individually.
       - Use it to filter notifications
          * Define tags on the trigger level to mark events by different tags; 
          * Use tag filtering in action conditions to receive notifications only on the events that match tag data.
       - See event tag information in the frontend
          * Define tags on the trigger level to mark events by different tags; 
          * See this information in //Monitoring// → //Problems//.
       - Use information extracted from item value as tag value
          * Use an {{ITEM.VALUE<N>}.regsub()} macro in the tag value; 
          * See tag values in //Monitoring// → //Problems// as extracted data from item value.
       - Identify problems better in notifications
          * Define tags on the trigger level;
          * Use an {EVENT.TAGS} macro in the problem notification; 
          * Easier identify which application/service the notification belongs to.
       - Simplify configuration tasks by using tags on the template level
          * Define tags on the template trigger level; 
          * See these tags on all triggers created from template triggers.
       - Create triggers with tags from low-level discovery (LLD)
          * Define tags on trigger prototypes; 
          * Use LLD macros in the tag name or value;
          * See these tags on all triggers created from trigger prototypes.


Event tags are defined in trigger configuration. Event tags can be defined for triggers, template triggers and trigger prototypes.

Macro support

The following macros may be used in event tags:

  • {ITEM.VALUE}, {ITEM.LASTVALUE}, {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.CONN}, {HOST.DNS}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.PORT} and {HOST.ID} macros can be used to populate the tag name or tag value.
  • {INVENTORY.*} macros can be used to reference host inventory values from one or several hosts in a trigger expression (supported since 4.0.0).
  • User macros and user macro context is supported for the tag name/value. User macro context may include low-level discovery macros.
  • Low-level discovery macros can be used for the tag name/value in trigger prototypes.

{EVENT.TAGS} and {EVENT.RECOVERY.TAGS} macros can be used in trigger-based notifications and they will resolve to a comma separated list of event tags or recovery event tags.

Substring extraction

Substring extraction is supported for populating the tag name or tag value, using a macro function - applying a regular expression to the value obtained by the {ITEM.VALUE}, {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macro or a low-level discovery macro. For example:

{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(pattern, output)}
       {{ITEM.VALUE}.iregsub(pattern, output)}
       {{#LLDMACRO}.regsub(pattern, output)}
       {{#LLDMACRO}.iregsub(pattern, output)}

Tag name and value will be cut to 255 characters if their length exceeds 255 characters after macro resolution.

See also: Using macro functions in low-level discovery macros for event tagging.

Viewing event tags

Event tags, if defined, can be seen with new events in:

  • MonitoringProblems
  • MonitoringProblemsEvent details
  • MonitoringDashboardProblems widget (in popup window that opens when rolling the mouse over problem name|

Only the first three tag entries are displayed. If there are more than three tag entries, it is indicated by three dots. If you roll your mouse over these three dots, all tag entries are displayed in a pop-up window.

Note that the order in which tags are displayed is affected by tag filtering and the Tag display priority option in the filter of MonitoringProblems or the Problems dashboard widget.



可以选择在Zabbix中定义自定义事件标签。 事件标签在触发器级别定义。定义标签后,相应的新事件将被标签数据标记。 拥有自定义事件标签可以提供更大的灵活性。最重要的是,事件可以是基于事件标签的correlated。此外,可以基于事件标签来定义动作。 事件标签通过一对tag namevalue实现。您只能使用名称或将其与值配对: MySQL, 服务:MySQL, 服务, 服务:客户, 应用, 应用:Java, 优先级:高



  1. 识别日志文件中的问题并单独关闭它们
    • 在日志触发器中定义标签,它将使用{{ITEM.VALUE<N>}.regsub()}宏的值来提取标签事件;
    • 在触发器配置中,有多个问题事件生成模式;
    • 在触发器配置中,使用event correlation:选择匹配标签的选项的OK事件并关闭匹配事件;
    • 查看使用标签创建的问题事件并单独关闭。
  2. 用标签来过滤通知
    • 在触发级别定义标签以通过不同标签标记事件;
    • 在动作条件中使用标签过滤仅接收与标签数据匹配的事件的通知。
  3. 在前端查看事件标签的信息
    • 在触发器级别定义标签以通过不同标签标记事件;
    • MonitoringProblems查看这个信息
  4. 使用从项目值中提取的信息作为标签值



  • {INVENTORY.*} macros 可用于引用触发器表达式中一个或多个主机的主机清单值(从4.0.0开始支持)。
  • User macros和用户宏可用于标签名/值。用户宏可能包括低级别发现的宏。
  • 低级别发现的宏可以用于触发器原型的标签名/值。



使用宏 function支持子串提取以填充标签名称或标签值 - 将正则表达式应用于{ITEM.VALUE}, {ITEM.LASTVALUE}宏或低级发现宏。 例如:

{{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub(pattern, output)}
       {{ITEM.VALUE}.iregsub(pattern, output)}
       {{#LLDMACRO}.regsub(pattern, output)}
       {{#LLDMACRO}.iregsub(pattern, output)}

如果使用宏后长度超过255个字符,则标签名称和值将被剪切为255个字符。 同样可查看:在low-level discovery macros中使用宏函数作为事件标签。



  • MonitoringProblems
  • MonitoringProblemsEvent details
  • MonitoringDashboardProblems 窗口小部件 (在鼠标悬停在问题名称上时打开的弹出窗口中|

仅显示前三个标签条目。 如果有三个以上的标签条目,则用三个点表示。 如果将鼠标悬停在这三个点上,则所有标记条目都会显示在弹出窗口中。 请注意,标签显示的顺序受标签过滤和监控中 - > 问题问题仪表板小组件过滤器中的标签显示优先级选项的影响。