SEB Bank has always had a flair for digital innovation, and when they needed a unified monitoring tool that could tackle any log monitoring challenge, they came straight to Zabbix. See how we gave SEB the flexibility to meet their log monitoring needs by allowing for a whole host of custom implementations.
Monitoring Antwerp University Hospital's IT infrastructure is a big challenge, and in this case study you'll see how our local partner harnessed the power of Zabbix to make sure that vital systems are always up and running and that the quality of patient care is never compromised.
fTLD Registry (fTLD) is changing the way banks, insurers, and producers around the world interact with their customers by offering more secure domains. Read our case study to see why they trust Zabbix to guarantee a multi-layered domain defense strategy.
By controlling power outages and taking prompt corrective action with Zabbix, perishable product losses decreased by 75%.
See how our client used Zabbix’s unparalleled data collection abilities to build a "super attendant" with analytical and predictive capabilities as well as the ability to continuously learn.
Find out how we worked together with our Premium Partner Unirede Inteligência em TI to help our client Linx turn data into action, optimizing their operations and allowing them to focus on what matters most – the customer.
Take an out-of-this-world look at how Zabbix helps the European Space Agency collect data, monitor payloads, and react to alerts in real time.
With Zabbix, the company experienced a reduction of up to 70% in operational costs and other benefits related to data-based decision-making, following the data driven concept and automation at the technological environment level for rapid responses to incidents.
クラウド基盤からRPA、ネットワークに至るまで幅広く活用 ベンダーロックインから脱却し、監視体制の内製化を促進
複数の監視ツールを利用して顧客システムの保守・運用を実施していたNTTコミュ ニケーションズが、Zabbixを導入することで大幅なコスト削減と業務の自動化・ 効率化を実現した。
With Zabbix 6.0 LTS, you can monitor your car or a whole car fleet and track them with Zabbix Geo maps. Learn how to deploy Zabbix for Automotive Monitoring.
Using Zabbix Open-Source software, which is powerful yet extremely reliable and highly scalable, Zabbix official partner Nobius quickly created a new system to Punch Pubs & Co and significantly reduced the total cost of ownership.
将来的なサービス基盤拡張も視野に入れ、最新LTS「Zabbix 5.0」を採用したHARP 「かゆいところは確実に修正」が長期利用のポイント
How Bank of China Uses a Scale-Out Database to Support Zabbix Monitoring at Scale
The Bodleian Digital Library System and Services department have used Zabbix since 2015 for monitoring infrastructure which consists of over 350 virtual servers, multiple storage systems, and two tape robot libraries.
With Zabbix setup and running since 2010, the company managed to effortlessly monitor well over 100’000 devices all with a single Zabbix server, thus being able to guarantee quality services to its customers.
Zabbix now not only monitors the IT infrastructure of MVG, but also provides control over stations and moving vehicles (trams and subways).
4万超のアイテムを一台のZabbix Serverで監視。西日本有数の大規模学内システムの安定稼働をZabbixが支えています。
サイバーエージェントが求める「スピード感」をテンプレート機能やオートディスカバリー機能、API連携による自動化で実現しました。, LLCはZabbixを使用することで、直面していた監視システムの不足を満たし、問題の通知、傾向の特定、キャパシティプランニングによって既存の問題を解決しました。
ITtelligent Consulting ServicesはZabbix監視ソフトウェアを使用することで、同社の顧客システムのより先を見越したケアをすることができるようになり、全般的により生産性が上がるようになりました
Zabbixソリューションの導入後、Eltele ASはデータベース増大の改善、ハウスキーピング問題の解消、安定性の大幅な向上、誤通知の最小限への減少を果たし、今までないレベルでの顧客満足度の向上を実現しました。
Zabbix監視ソフトウェアを使用することで、Total Server Solutions, LLCはカスタム監視の導入を簡単に行うことができ、その結果、主要クライアントのパフォーマンスを向上させることができました。
An online travel company, MakeMyTrip, uses Zabbix to monitor their hybrid infrastructure in cooperation with other tools. Zabbix is in charge of generating alerts and keeping MakeMyTrip up to date with the status of virtual machines, datacenters, private and public clouds.