Release Notes for Zabbix 3.0.18

Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 3.0.18.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at

This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 3.0.18. Download it from here.

The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.

Bug Fixes

ZBX-13549 Fixed displaying of not monitored triggers in maps Frontend
ZBX-14333 Fixed {ESC.HISTORY} and action log not to display colon without target host when executed on Zabbix server Server
ZBX-13043 Removed error message for when user has defined media but all of them are disabled Server
ZBX-13774 Fixed creating and updating items with multiple specific scheduling intervals API Frontend
ZBX-12175 Fixed subfilter entries with long names going off the screen Frontend
ZBX-12644 Fixed filter being partially reset when using pagination in availability report page Frontend
ZBX-12882 Fixed in popup window being allowed to select applications from different hosts when editing item mass update form Frontend
ZBX-13788 Fixed host availability stuck in unknown state after proxy changes Proxy Server
ZBX-12372 Fixed duplication of prefix "/" for second parameter "path" in items "*" Server

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See Zabbixマニュアル for full details.


See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 3.0.18.

Commercial support

Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 営業への問い合わせ for pricing and more details.


Zabbix 3.0 Manual


