Release Notes for Zabbix 2.1.0
Zabbix Team is pleased to announce the availability of Zabbix 2.1.0.
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GPL, thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. A complete text of the license is available at
This document contains the release notes for Zabbix 2.1.0. Download it from here.
The following sections describe the release in details and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements its main documentation.
New Features and Improvements
ZBXNEXT-1653 | Added regexp extraction support to file/web/log keys Agent |
ZBXNEXT-322 | Implemented value cache Server |
ZBXNEXT-1571 | Added support for proc.num for HP-UX Agent |
ZBX-6299 | Added JSON validator Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1726 | Added support for optional host metadata to active agent for auto-registration API Frontend Agent Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1114 | Improved multiselect support in action condition configuration page Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-367 | Added printing Aliases and PerfCounters when agent is run with -p option Agent |
ZBX-6581 | Added printing host name to a web scenario error log message Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1408 | Added multiselect in Action -> Conditions and Operations, in Scripts and in Item filter. Redesigned Host -> Templates form and added multiselect. Improved multiselect, added possibility to ignore elements API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1124 | Implemented minimum trigger severity filter in maps Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-928 | Changed application inheritance logic to allow linking multiple templates with the same applications API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-928 | Allowed to delete applications used in HTTP tests API |
ZBXNEXT-1051 | Added possibility to add new elements in multiselect, added multiselect in hosts mass update and in items mass update form, and fixed regressions in application.massadd and in application filter API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-8 | Added used swap size support for Windows and OSF Agent |
ZBXNEXT-1597 | Added support for content retrieval based on regular expressions in web monitoring Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1438 | Added SNMPv3 context name support Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1407 | Implement multiselect in multiple pages for host and host groups Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1 | Added support of {host:key.last/min/avg/max()} macros in graph titles API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1649 | Added fine grained control of housekeeper tasks Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1712 | Improved create button for applications, items, triggers and web scenarios Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1712 | Removed useless host name field in applications, items and web scenarios Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-384 | Added support of new notification macros {ACTION.*} and {EVENT.RECOVERY.*}; {EVENT.*} macros now return information of the event which triggered an action Server |
ZBXNEXT-1105 | Added logging of used configuration file name for agentd, server and proxy daemons Agent Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1575 | Implemented internal event and notification support API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1575 | The error icon in the item, LLD rule and trigger lists will no longer be displayed for disabled objects Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1575 | New triggers will now be created in OK state API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1575 | The status indicator in the trigger list will also display the "Unknown" status Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1575 | Implemented new notification macros: {ITEM.STATE<1-9>}, {LLDRULE.ID}, {LLDRULE.NAME}, {LLDRULE.DESCRIPTION}, {LLDRULE.KEY}, {LLDRULE.STATE} and {TRIGGER.STATE} Server |
ZBXNEXT-579 | Added support of net.if.discovery for FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD Agent |
ZBXNEXT-300 | Added support of IPMI discrete sensors Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1659 | Added support of anti-aliased normal and bold lines for graphs and map connectors Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1399 | Implemented multiselect in dashboard configuration Frontend |
ZBX-6292 | Added support of time postfixes in trigger expression constructor Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-354 | Added macro expansion for allowed hosts setting in trapper items Server |
ZBXNEXT-109 | Implemented discovery rule check editing Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-109 | Improved discovery rule check deleting API |
ZBXNEXT-1550 | Added support of loadable modules for extending Zabbix agent checks, also server and proxy simple checks Agent Installation Proxy Server |
ZBX-6226 | Added command request (global script) result logging Server |
ZBXNEXT-1243 | Added support for agent system.swap.size key on AIX Agent |
ZBXNEXT-1574 | Removed unknown event support API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1574 | Dropped the event value_changed property API Installation |
ZBX-6126 | Changed the proxy.delete, user.delete and host.delete methods to accept both objects and IDs API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1334 | Added whitespace trimming for server lists in agent conf file and allowed hosts for trapper items Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-4393 | Added usage of configuration parameter Timeout for SNMP checks Proxy Server |
ZBX-6038 | Added zfs to the default list of filesystems discovered by LLD based templates Installation |
ZBXNEXT-1500 | Added support of full 64 bit address space for object IDs in non-DM setup API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1466 | Implemented macro support in trigger comments API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Implemented property array support for all get methods API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Implemented the map.get selectUrls parameter API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Implemented the itemprototype.get selectDiscoveryRule parameter API |
ZBXNEXT-484 | Added filtering by application in Monitoring -> Overview and Data/Triggers overview screen elements API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1089 | Added support of user macros in global scripts Server |
ZBXNEXT-1526 | Added support of configurable number of retries per web scenario API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1286 | Added support of low-level discovery macros in trigger prototype expressions API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-450 | Added support of SHA authentication protocol and AES privacy protocol for SNMPv3 chacks API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-308 | Added support of web monitoring using HTTP proxy API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-20 | Added support of templated web scenarios API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-887 | Changed permission logic so that read permission does not override write permission anymore API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1492 | Dropped support of output shorten for the API get methods API |
ZBXNEXT-1410 | Increased performance of operation with historical and configuration caches Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1304 | Added resolving of LLD macros in item prototype and a trigger prototype descriptions Server |
ZBXNEXT-1472 | Added support of parallel processing of time-based functions Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1323 | Implemented macros in script confirmation text API Frontend |
ZBX-3449 | Added support of multiple dynamic SNMP indexes Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-1441 | Added media type name to action operations description Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1186 | Increased length to 2048 characters of expression field for triggers API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1433 | Moved operation delay field to Operation tab Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1322 | Implemented automatic update of database structure when upgrading to newer version Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
ZBX-3236 | Added support of value mapping for character data Frontend Server |
ZBX-3817 | Improved performance of the "data sender" process Proxy |
ZBX-5436 | Added support of AllowRoot parameter by server and proxy daemons Proxy Server |
ZBX-5180 | Redesigned maintenance periods form Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1335 | Changed pingers to work without connection to a database Proxy Server |
ZBX-5127 | Redesigned regular expressions form Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1663 | Added support for notification macros {TRIGGER.NAME.ORIG}, {ITEM.NAME.ORIG}, {ITEM.KEY.ORIG} Server |
Bug Fixes
ZBX-2622 | Added link to last event in monitoring triggers page Frontend |
ZBX-6362 | Fixed proxy interface array structure API Frontend |
ZBX-6645 | Suppressed PHP error messages for DB connection tests in installation wizard step 3 Frontend Installation |
ZBXNEXT-484 | Fixed displaying data and triggers in monitoring overview page if no applications defined Frontend |
ZBX-6429 | Fixed Monitoring -> Events filter clearing and events acknowledging API Frontend |
ZBX-6648 | Improved trigger filter popup - shows hosts and groups that are enabled and have monitored triggers Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1682 | Added negative number validation for "New flexible interval" field Frontend |
ZBX-6459 | Improved localization in maintenance Frontend |
ZBX-6748 | Fixed event filter period resetting Frontend |
ZBX-6693 | Improved groups and hosts filter in available report, slide shows and screen monitoring pages Frontend |
ZBX-6662 | Fixed acknowledged message count for problem events in dashboard "system status" block Frontend |
ZBX-6471 | Fixed action operations step ordering Frontend |
ZBX-6361 | Fixed proxy interface creating through Proxy API API |
ZBX-6651 | Fixed template name for duplicate items in validation message API |
ZBX-6268 | Removed links from inactive subfilter items in item list Frontend |
ZBX-6446 | Removed unused getObjects() method from Script API API |
ZBX-6710 | Fixed item list display after item deletion Frontend |
ZBX-6718 | Fixed "placeholder" attribute for IE9 Frontend |
ZBX-6399 | Fixed map element linking API |
ZBX-6447 | Fixed time control start time calculation filter in Administration -> Audit Frontend |
ZBX-6678 | Added write permission check in graphs and graph prototypes for Y axis MIN/MAX items API Frontend |
ZBX-5672 | Fixed horizontal grid and Y axis for graphs Frontend |
ZBX-6692 | Fixed displaying age and last change in monitoring triggers page Frontend |
ZBX-5711 | Fixed favorites not being added in dashboard Frontend |
ZBX-4620 | Added escaping of HTML entities for search results as well for item and trigger pages Frontend |
ZBX-4620 | Fixed inability to unset sub-filters in item configuration list Frontend |
ZBX-5620 | Fixed layout of edit forms Frontend |
ZBX-6597 | Removed debug trace in frontend for unsuccessful login if debug mode is enabled for guest group Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1550 | Fixed agent crash on Microsoft Windows Agent |
ZBX-6679 | Fixed monitoring event filter, it will now ignore groups and hosts without active triggers Frontend |
ZBX-6685 | Fixed multiselect available data sorting in jsrpc Frontend |
ZBX-6356 | Fixed displaying web scenarios for administrator users API |
ZBX-6667 | Fixed unused hostid parameter in maintenance configuration page Frontend |
ZBX-6649 | Added numeric validation when selecting item for graphs and graph prototypes API Frontend |
ZBX-6668 | Fixed possibility to update action conditions and operations alone API |
ZBX-6666 | Fixed passing incorrect host and template ID directly from URL Frontend |
ZBX-6650 | Fixed minor layout issues for reset button and buttons in edit forms Frontend |
ZBX-6642 | Fixed not being able to use web items in plain text screen elements Frontend |
ZBX-6642 | Fixed disabled items not being displayed in screen element item selection pop ups Frontend |
ZBX-6654 | Fixed inconsistent column order in the item prototype list Frontend |
ZBX-6644 | Fixed sorting by history and trends fields in itemprototype.get API API |
ZBX-6631 | Made the "Debug" link available for guest users Frontend |
ZBX-5589 | Added validation of timeout and retry count parameters of net.dns item Agent |
ZBX-6575 | Fixed frontend permission validation for actions, hosts, maintenance, maps, proxies, screens and templates Frontend |
ZBX-6626 | Fixed time displaying for graphs Frontend |
ZBX-6562 | Fixed incorrect rounding in graphs for "s" units, fixed < 1 ms and 0s interval Frontend |
ZBX-5953 | Added output of web monitoring status (yes/no) when configuring proxy or server Installation Proxy Server |
ZBX-6613 | Fixed trigger prototype create/update error message API |
ZBX-6619 | Fixed template context not remembered when deleting screen from template with mass delete Frontend |
ZBX-6614 | Fixed array_keys() expecting array when calling CTemplateScreen get() with countOutput parameter API |
ZBX-6595 | Fixed empty "sort" parameter in the GET request causing the web monitoring list to be displayed incorrectly Frontend |
ZBX-4636 | Fixed broken UFT-8 characters in log item on Windows agent when encoding parameter is not set Agent |
ZBX-6465 | Fixed undefined index, when inventory mode is not set in API call API |
ZBX-6580 | Fixed space between name and count in item subfilter Frontend |
ZBX-6476 | Fixed trigger function validation Frontend Server |
ZBX-6529 | Changed iteration in DBConditionInt() from cursor to foreach() which doesn't copy whole input ID list, thus decreasing memory usage Frontend |
ZBX-6465 | Fixed host inventory mode being enabled even if only some inventory fields were updated API |
ZBX-6530 | Formatted some exception messages in CImage.php which where incorrectly formatted and not translated API |
ZBX-4590 | Added support for multibyte path to logrt items on Windows Agent |
ZBX-6460 | Fixed HTML entity encoding in condition names in action configuration page Frontend |
ZBX-6435 | Fixed compiler warnings Proxy Server |
ZBX-6305 | Fixed display name support in email sender Frontend Server |
ZBX-6480 | Fixed default timeout being shown instead of the stored one in web scenario step properties Frontend |
ZBX-5532 | Updated 1.8 time format to 2.0 for "services_times" table Installation |
ZBX-1511 | Fixed division by zero in graphs Frontend |
ZBX-1950 | Fixed no values in graphs Frontend |
ZBX-2424 | Fixed duplicates and zero values in Y axis Frontend |
ZBX-3311 | Fixed duplicates in Y axis Frontend |
ZBX-6287 | Added Milli and Micro support in graphs Frontend |
ZBX-6263 | Fixed invisible negative points in graphs Frontend |
ZBX-6271 | Removed positive intervals if graph is negative Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed Y axis label rounding Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed incorrect zero line definition Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed interval rewriting Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed negative Y axis Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed small value rounding to zero Frontend |
ZBX-2579 | Fixed unit types in Y axis Frontend |
ZBX-6445 | Fixed unnecessary trimming for IPMI sensor field for item prototypes and discovery rules Frontend |
ZBX-6335 | Removed unused alerts.nextcheck field Installation |
ZBX-6427 | Added message noting that maximum number of flexible intervals has been reached Frontend |
ZBX-6427 | Fixed new flexible interval not being hidden when max number of flexible intervals reached Frontend |
ZBX-6393 | Fixed missing "New flexible interval" field validation in discovery rule editing form Frontend |
ZBX-3643 | Fixed trend average calculation for 64 bit unsigned integer values Server |
ZBX-6397 | Synchronized discovery rule username/password field validation with items Frontend |
ZBX-6400 | Fixed type list in discovery rule form Frontend |
ZBX-6360 | Fixed all items being listed in item configuration if nonexistent host is provided in filter "Host" field Frontend |
ZBX-6387 | Fixed navigation problems when opening profile page from trigger or graph prototype list Frontend |
ZBX-6369 | Fixed "Use custom multiplier" field validation in items Frontend |
ZBX-6366 | Fixed "New flexible interval" field validation in item prototypes Frontend |
ZBX-6334 | Fixed naming inconsistency in triggers and graph prototypes Frontend |
ZBX-6336 | Fixed "array to string conversion" error in triggers Frontend |
ZBX-6332 | Fixed button IDs in graph editing form Frontend |
ZBX-6234 | Improved validation of command request (global scripts) tag values Server |
ZBX-6331 | Fixed page title in graph prototypes Frontend |
ZBX-3357 | Fixed confusing naming and coloring in Monitoring -> Overview hint popup Frontend |
ZBX-3357 | Fixed incorrectly blinking colors in non default themes Frontend |
ZBX-5990 | Fixed permission check in graphs and triggers and fixed host full clone API |
ZBX-5972 | Fixed template items, LLD rules, item prototypes and applications being inherited incorrectly when changing their name and an object with the same already exists on a linked host API |
ZBX-6221 | Added failure response to proxy config/heartbeat requests with not matching hostname Server |
ZBX-869 | Fixed expanding/collapsing all groups without an application when only one was activated in Monitoring -> Latest data Frontend |
ZBX-6192 | Improved trigger update, must update only changed fields API Frontend |
ZBX-6256 | Fixed "limitSelect" in drule.get sorting dchecks and dhosts results by name instead of IDs API |
ZBX-6256 | Fixed drule.exists "druleids" parameter not working API |
ZBX-6276 | Fixed function to get URL parameter error message Frontend |
ZBX-6245 | Fixed monitoring trigger filter criteria saving Frontend |
ZBX-6237 | Fixed Y axis item adding field, now it is available also if item list is empty Frontend |
ZBX-6123 | Ensured sequential IT service updates by database syncers Server |
ZBX-5668 | Added upgrade patch to change "server_check_interval" field value to 10 Installation |
ZBX-3078 | Added signal handling to agent also when it's not ran as daemon Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-6229 | Removed pretty formatting from Java gateway JSON responses Java gateway |
ZBX-5549 | Removed unused PERM_READ_LIST and PERM_MAX constants Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBX-3646 | Improved agent termination and resource cleanup on Windows Agent |
ZBX-6219 | Fixed proxy sending host availability data for templates Proxy |
ZBX-6196 | Added missing HTTPS and TELNET options to Service type condition in Action configuration Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1574 | Changed the text in the "ack" column for triggers with no events in the trigger pop up of the "System status" widget to "No events" Frontend |
ZBX-6006 | Fixed URLs not displayed in map configuration Frontend |
ZBX-6084 | Fixed adding/removing items from dashboard favourites API Frontend |
ZBX-6166 | Fixed SQL error in Oracle, when linking a template Frontend |
ZBX-5973 | Improved performance of SNMP dynamic index item cache building in poller processes Proxy Server |
ZBX-6169 | Fixed colors in "Server info" and "Hosts info" screen items for dark orange/blue themes Frontend |
ZBX-6172 | Removed unknown trigger status code from maps Frontend |
ZBX-6126 | Implemented empty parameter validation in user.delete API |
ZBX-6160 | Changed the frontend to use temporary Oracle connections instead of persistent Frontend |
ZBX-5034 | Fixed vfs.file.exists incorrectly reporting file as not existing in the case of errors Agent |
ZBX-6162 | Fixed undefined indexes in Dashboard -> Host status Frontend |
ZBX-6041 | Fixed item sorting in log item filter Frontend |
ZBX-6127 | Fixed default value for type column in users table Installation |
ZBXNEXT-1589 | Removed 'win32floppy' directory Installation |
ZBX-6098 | Fixed profile key types Frontend Installation |
ZBX-6119 | Fixed displaying of events in Monitoring -> Triggers Frontend |
ZBX-6093 | Unified how the "access denied" page is displayed in different scenarios Frontend |
ZBX-6125 | Fixed empty new line in configuration of actions Frontend |
ZBX-6108 | Fixed time control position remembering in Monitoring -> Web Frontend |
ZBX-6111 | Removed unused profile key: web.popup.itemtype Frontend |
ZBX-6073 | Fixed page title in Zabbix installation page Frontend |
ZBX-6102 | Fixed type of web.httpconf.showdisabled profile record Frontend |
ZBX-6099 | Fixed event.get select_acknowledges count returning incorrect results if no acknowledgements exist API Frontend |
ZBX-6065 | Removed useless deletes when housekeeper deletes old history Server |
ZBX-6078 | Fixed graph item creating API |
ZBX-6050 | Fixed duplicate step name validation in httptest.create and httptest.update API |
ZBX-5846 | Removed the graphitem.getobjects method API |
ZBX-5706 | Fixed trigger.adddependencies returning an object instead of an array of trigger IDs API |
ZBX-5916 | Removed the unnecessary dhostids parameter from dcheck.get API |
ZBX-5719 | Fixed event.get returning only trigger events by default for admin users API |
ZBX-5915 | Fixed the host.get and template.get selectParentTemplates parameter using an incorrect property name when passing count API |
ZBX-6049 | Fixed "Undefined index" in web scenario steps Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed alert.get hostids and groupids parameters API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed multiple subselects returning hashes instead of arrays API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed item.get selectHosts returning double template objects API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed itemprototype.get selectItems not returning web items API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed template.get selectTemplates and selectHosts not working with count API |
ZBXNEXT-1491 | Fixed script.get subselects not working when not requesting the groupid and host_access properties API |
ZBX-5944 | Fixed displaying of trigger expression testing Frontend |
ZBX-5909 | Fixed proxy compilation when using '--with-sqlite3' Proxy |
ZBX-5904 | Fixed history filtering by items Frontend |
ZBX-5927 | Fixed selectMappings returning a hash of mappings instead of an array in iconmap.get API Frontend |
ZBX-5927 | Fixed preservekeys affecting selectSelements and selectLinks in map.get API Frontend |
ZBX-5888 | Fixed incorrect message in trigger expression test Frontend |
ZBX-5895 | Fixed including map in a map Frontend |
ZBX-5718 | Fixed unknown event generation for templated triggers API |
ZBX-5749 | Fixed macro resolving in triggers in network maps Frontend |
ZBX-5752 | Fixed incorrect API results, when deleting template objects API |
ZBX-5709 | Fixed trigger recreation after template trigger expression change caused event history deletion API |
ZBX-5711 | Added caching for frontend favorite values Frontend |
ZBX-5711 | Removed redundant queries when editing web scenario Frontend |
ZBX-5565 | Fixed HTML being returned on API requests if DB is down API Frontend |
ZBX-3396 | Added error message if FreeType support is missing Frontend |
ZBX-4355 | Fixed response for inode items on file systems not supporting them Agent |
ZBX-5673 | Fixed incorrect Y-scale if point value > 10 PB Frontend |
ZBX-875 | Fixed duplicate Y-scale Frontend |
ZBX-3934 | Unified color code validation in frontend Frontend |
ZBX-5498 | Improved performance of template linkage operations in API API |
ZBX-5498 | Applications API refactoring API |
ZBX-5560 | Fixed recovery sound being saved incorrectly in user profile Frontend |
ZBX-2770 | Added autofocus for first field in the frontend forms Frontend |
ZBX-5463 | Fixed inability to login if HTTP auth is enabled and frontend access is set to internal Frontend |
ZBX-5383 | Changed maximum data size accepted via Zabbix communication protocol to be 64 MB Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-5167 | Fixed incorrect screen count on the templated screen configuration page Frontend |
ZBX-5142 | Changed media type field label from 'Description' to 'Name' Frontend |
ZBX-5314 | Increased size of autoincrement fields for PostgreSQL database Installation |
ZBX-1845 | Added tabs to host massupdate form Frontend |
Installation and Upgrade Notes
See Zabbixマニュアル for full details.
See Upgrade procedure for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.1.0.
Commercial support
Zabbix Company provides a full range of Professional Services. We also provide trouble-free Upgrade Service for easy migration from earlier versions of Zabbix. Please 営業への問い合わせ for pricing and more details.- Zabbix Enterprise Support
- Zabbix トレーニング
- Zabbix Development Services
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ZABBIX 5.0.38rc1
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ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 6.4.6
ZABBIX 6.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.37
ZABBIX 4.0.48
ZABBIX 6.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.48rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.5
ZABBIX 6.0.20
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 6.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.4
ZABBIX 6.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.36
ZABBIX 4.0.47
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.47rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.3
ZABBIX 6.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.35
ZABBIX 4.0.46
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.2
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.17
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 5.0.34
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.16
ZABBIX 6.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.1
ZABBIX 6.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.45
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.9
ZABBIX 5.0.33
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.8
ZABBIX 6.0.14
ZABBIX 6.4.0
ZABBIX 5.0.32
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc1
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.2.7
ZABBIX 6.0.13
ZABBIX 5.0.31
ZABBIX 6.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta6
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc1
- Show older versions 2022 (110)
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta5
ZABBIX 6.2.6
ZABBIX 6.0.12
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta4
ZABBIX 6.2.5
ZABBIX 6.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.30
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.2.4
ZABBIX 6.0.10
ZABBIX 5.0.29
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.2.3
ZABBIX 6.0.9
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.28
ZABBIX 4.0.44
ZABBIX 6.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.2
ZABBIX 6.0.8
ZABBIX 5.0.27
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.1
ZABBIX 6.0.7
ZABBIX 5.0.26
ZABBIX 4.0.43
ZABBIX 6.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.42
ZABBIX 6.0.6
ZABBIX 5.0.25
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.5
ZABBIX 5.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.41
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.41rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.0.4
ZABBIX 5.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.40
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.0.3
ZABBIX 5.4.12
ZABBIX 5.0.22
ZABBIX 6.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.2
ZABBIX 6.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.1
ZABBIX 5.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.21
ZABBIX 4.0.39
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc3
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.10
ZABBIX 5.0.20
ZABBIX 4.0.38
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta2
- Show older versions 2021 (98)
ZABBIX 5.4.9
ZABBIX 5.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.37
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.8
ZABBIX 5.0.18
ZABBIX 4.0.36
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 5.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 5.4.7
ZABBIX 5.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 5.4.6
ZABBIX 5.0.17
ZABBIX 4.0.35
ZABBIX 5.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 5.4.5
ZABBIX 5.0.16
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.34
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.4.4
ZABBIX 5.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.33
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.3
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.14
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.2
ZABBIX 5.2.7
ZABBIX 5.0.13
ZABBIX 4.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.1
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.12
ZABBIX 4.0.31
ZABBIX 5.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.6
ZABBIX 5.0.10
ZABBIX 4.0.30
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.5
ZABBIX 5.0.9
ZABBIX 4.0.29
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.2.4
ZABBIX 5.0.8
ZABBIX 4.0.28
ZABBIX 5.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.28rc1
- Show older versions 2020 (78)
ZABBIX 5.2.3
ZABBIX 5.0.7
ZABBIX 5.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.2
ZABBIX 5.0.6
ZABBIX 4.0.27
ZABBIX 5.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.1
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc3
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0
ZABBIX 5.0.5
ZABBIX 4.0.26
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.25
ZABBIX 5.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.24
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.2
ZABBIX 5.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.10
ZABBIX 4.0.22
ZABBIX 4.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.1
ZABBIX 4.4.9
ZABBIX 4.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0
ZABBIX 5.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.4.8
ZABBIX 4.0.20
ZABBIX 3.0.31
ZABBIX 4.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 4.4.7
ZABBIX 4.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30
ZABBIX 4.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.5
ZABBIX 4.0.17
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.17rc1
- Show older versions 2019 (76)
ZABBIX 3.0.29
ZABBIX 4.4.4
ZABBIX 4.0.16
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.3
ZABBIX 4.4.2
ZABBIX 4.0.15
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.1
ZABBIX 4.2.8
ZABBIX 4.0.14
ZABBIX 4.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0
ZABBIX 4.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.7
ZABBIX 4.0.13
ZABBIX 4.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.2.6
ZABBIX 4.0.12
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.5
ZABBIX 4.0.11
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.4
ZABBIX 4.0.10
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.3
ZABBIX 4.0.9
ZABBIX 4.2.2
ZABBIX 4.0.8
ZABBIX 3.0.28
ZABBIX 4.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.1
ZABBIX 4.0.7
ZABBIX 3.0.27
ZABBIX 4.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0
ZABBIX 4.0.6
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.26
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.0.5
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc3
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.25
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.25rc1
- Show older versions 2018 (74)
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.0.2
ZABBIX 3.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.15
ZABBIX 3.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.14
ZABBIX 3.0.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.13
ZABBIX 3.0.21
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.12
ZABBIX 3.0.20
ZABBIX 2.2.23
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 3.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.23rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.11
ZABBIX 3.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 3.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.10
ZABBIX 3.0.18
ZABBIX 2.2.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 3.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.22rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.9
ZABBIX 3.0.17
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.8
ZABBIX 3.0.16
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 3.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 3.0.15
ZABBIX 3.4.7
ZABBIX 3.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.4.6rc1
- Show older versions 2017 (68)
ZABBIX 3.4.5
ZABBIX 3.2.11
ZABBIX 3.0.14
ZABBIX 2.2.21
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc3
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.4
ZABBIX 3.2.10
ZABBIX 3.0.13
ZABBIX 3.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.3
ZABBIX 3.2.9
ZABBIX 3.0.12
ZABBIX 3.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.2
ZABBIX 3.2.8
ZABBIX 3.0.11
ZABBIX 2.2.20
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.1
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.7
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.10
ZABBIX 2.2.19
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.6
ZABBIX 3.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.5
ZABBIX 3.0.9
ZABBIX 2.2.18
ZABBIX 2.0.21
ZABBIX 3.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.4
ZABBIX 3.0.8
ZABBIX 2.2.17
ZABBIX 3.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.17rc1
- Show older versions 2016 (58)
ZABBIX 3.2.3
ZABBIX 3.0.7
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.2
ZABBIX 3.0.6
ZABBIX 2.2.16
ZABBIX 2.0.20
ZABBIX 3.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.1
ZABBIX 3.0.5
ZABBIX 2.2.15
ZABBIX 2.0.19
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.0.4
ZABBIX 2.2.14
ZABBIX 3.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.3
ZABBIX 2.2.13
ZABBIX 2.0.18
ZABBIX 3.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.13rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.2
ZABBIX 2.4.8
ZABBIX 2.2.12
ZABBIX 2.0.17
ZABBIX 3.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 3.0.0
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha6
- Show older versions 2015 (24)
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 2.4.7
ZABBIX 2.2.11
ZABBIX 2.0.16
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 2.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 2.5.0
ZABBIX 2.4.6
ZABBIX 2.2.10
ZABBIX 2.0.15
ZABBIX 2.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.15rc1
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ZABBIX 2.4.4
ZABBIX 2.4.4rc1
- Show older versions 2014 (56)
ZABBIX 2.4.3
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ZABBIX 2.0.14
ZABBIX 1.8.22
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ZABBIX 2.0.13
ZABBIX 1.8.21
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc2
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ZABBIX 2.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.21rc1
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ZABBIX 2.3.1
ZABBIX 2.3.0
ZABBIX 2.0.12
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ZABBIX 2.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.2
ZABBIX 2.0.11
ZABBIX 1.8.20
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ZABBIX 1.8.20rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc2
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ZABBIX 2.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc1
- Show older versions 2013 (38)
ZABBIX 2.2.1
ZABBIX 2.0.10
ZABBIX 1.8.19
ZABBIX 2.2.1rc1
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ZABBIX 1.8.19rc1
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ZABBIX 2.1.8
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ZABBIX 2.0.9
ZABBIX 1.8.18
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ZABBIX 1.8.18rc1
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ZABBIX 1.8.17
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ZABBIX 2.0.5
ZABBIX 2.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.16
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.4
- Show older versions 2012 (30)
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.3
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.15
ZABBIX 1.8.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.1
ZABBIX 1.8.14
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc2
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ZABBIX 1.8.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc6
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ZABBIX 1.8.13
ZABBIX 1.8.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.12
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.11
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.9
- Show older versions 2011 (26)
ZABBIX 1.8.10
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.8
ZABBIX 1.8.9
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc2
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ZABBIX 1.9.7
ZABBIX 1.8.8
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ZABBIX 1.8.8rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.6
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ZABBIX 1.8.7
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ZABBIX 1.8.6
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ZABBIX 1.9.5
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ZABBIX 1.9.4
ZABBIX 1.8.5
ZABBIX 1.8.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.3
ZABBIX 1.9.2
ZABBIX 1.8.4
ZABBIX 1.4.7
- Show older versions 2010 (14)
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc4
ZABBIX 1.9.1
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.0
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.2
ZABBIX 1.6.9
ZABBIX 1.8.1
- Show older versions 2009 (13)
ZABBIX 1.6.8
ZABBIX 1.7.4
ZABBIX 1.7.3
ZABBIX 1.7.2
ZABBIX 1.6.7
ZABBIX 1.7.1
ZABBIX 1.7.0
ZABBIX 1.6.6
ZABBIX 1.6.5
ZABBIX 1.6.4
ZABBIX 1.6.3
ZABBIX 1.6.2
- Show older versions 2008 (10)
ZABBIX 1.6.1
ZABBIX 1.5.4
ZABBIX 1.4.6
ZABBIX 1.5.3
ZABBIX 1.5.2
ZABBIX 1.5.1
ZABBIX 1.4.5
- Show older versions 2007 (15)
ZABBIX 1.4.4
ZABBIX 1.4.3
ZABBIX 1.4.2
ZABBIX 1.4.1
ZABBIX 1.3.5
ZABBIX 1.3.8
ZABBIX 1.3.7
ZABBIX 1.3.6
ZABBIX 1.1.7
ZABBIX 1.3.4
ZABBIX 1.3.3
ZABBIX 1.1.6
ZABBIX 1.1.5
ZABBIX 1.3.2
- Show older versions 2006 (7)
ZABBIX 1.3.1
ZABBIX 1.1.4
ZABBIX 1.1.3
ZABBIX 1.1.2
ZABBIX 1.1.1
- Show older versions 2004 (1)