Bug fixes:
ZBX-10232 service.getSla: fixed SQL errors with invalid "year" parameter in IT services report
Bug fixes:
ZBX-10316 removed faulty web scenario step name validation
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9738 hostgroup.delete: fixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8235 item.update: fixed losing initial values when updating templated items
Bug fixes:
ZBX-9093 host.create: fixed "inventory" property causing SQL errors when using MySQL strict mode
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5656 fixed "timeperiods" validation when passing a single timeperiod object
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6174 trigger.get: fixed "skipDependent" option not handling cases when triggers upon which other triggers depend are disabled (or have disabled items or disabled item hosts).
Bug fixes:
ZBX-8151 configuration.import: fixed XXE vulnerability while importing XML with external entities
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6151 fixed graph prototype validation so item prototypes are no longer allowed from multiple discovery rules
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7674 trigger.delete: fixed trigger unlink from IT Services
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6151 fixed trigger prototype validation so item prototypes are no longer allowed from multiple discovery rules
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7693 fixed admin users being able to edit media for other users
ZBX-7703 user.login: fixed being able to switch users without proper credentials when using HTTP authentication
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7101 action.get: fixed generated SQL queries when simultaneously selecting more than one condition and operation
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7091 fixed multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6992 service.getsla: fixed calculation of SLA for PostgreSQL
No changes.
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6644 itemprototype.get: fixed sorting by history and trends fields
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6561 map.get: fixed incorrect API response (only for zabbix administrators)
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6261 service.get: fixed method not working with Oracle
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6408 template.delete: fixed action conditions not being deleted and actions not being disabled when deleting a template
ZBX-6389 trigger.get: added option "selectLastEvent" to select latest trigger event
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6413 fixed wrongly implemented web scenario name validation, which raised exception even if name was not set
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6142 action.update: fixed not being able to remove the "current host" target from remote command operations
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6005 event.get: fixed not returning network discovery or auto-registration events for admin users when passing only the "source" parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6214 hostgroup.massupdate: fixed being able to unlink all groups from a host
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5900 fixed timeperiod validation in maintenance periods
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5945 map.get: fixed selectSelements used together with expandUrls not returning map URls when their IDs match map element URL IDs; selements urls property will now be returned as an array instead of a hash
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5532 service.get: added support of 1.8 service time reading
ZBX-6002 service.getsla: improved SLA calculation performance
Bug fixes:
ZBX-3534 fixed not being able to link templates with read-only permissions
ZBX-5806 template.massadd: fixed returning an empty hostids array
ZBX-5806 template.massremove: fixed returning an empty hostids array
=== user ===
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6097 user.login: fixed the ability to override LDAP configuration
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5648 disallowed explicitly setting the "templateid" property for objects
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5977 application.massadd: disallowed possibility to add discovery rule in applications
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5977 removed possibility to add an LLD rule to an application
ZBX-5684 discoveryrule.get: added support for 'interfaceids' parameter
ZBX-5751 discoveryrule.get: fixed parameter "selectGraph" not working
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5693 fixed possibility to create graph with the same name as existing graph prototype within template; improved error message
ZBX-5740 graph.get: removed unsupported "discoveryids" parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5693 fixed possibility to create graph prototype with the same name as existing graph within template; improved error message
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5860 hostgroup.massupdate: fixed multiple issues
ZBX-5837 hostgroup.get: fixed filtering by proxy status in HostGroup API get method
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5737 image.create: fixed image saving using Oracle
ZBX-5704 image.create: fixed validation on file uploading
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5684 item.get: added possibility to unset 'flags' parameter in CItem get()
ZBX-5684 item.get: fixed inconsistency that CItem get() returned discovery rules and item prototypes by default
ZBX-5740 item.get: removed unsupported "discoveryids" parameter
ZBX-5742 item.get: fixed sorting of triggers returned by the selectTriggers parameter
ZBX-4097 item.get: fixed the group, host and application parameters being case insensitive
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5684 itemprototype.get: added support for 'graphids' parameter
ZBX-5751 itemprototype.get: fixed parameter "selectGraph" not working. Fixed "limitSelects" for "selectTriggers" not working
ZBX-5740 itemprototype.get: fixed parameter "selectTriggers" not working
ZBX-5742 itemprototype.get: fixed sorting of triggers returned by the selectTriggers parameter
=== maintenance ===
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5656 maintenance.create: fixed "timeperiods" validation when passing a single timeperiod object
Bug fixes:
ZBX-1946 fixed the colspan and rowspan properties not being validated
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5744 script.getscriptsbyhost: fixed returning an unnecessary array of hosts for each script
=== templatescreen ===
ZBX-4833 templatescreen.copy: implemented
ZBX-4833 templatescreen.isreadable: implemented
ZBX-4833 templatescreen.iswritable: implemented
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5648 templatescreen.update: disallowed updating the "templateid" property
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5643 fixed sql error by adding permission check for triggers when adding nonexistent dependencies
ZBX-5643 fixed being able to create circular dependencies
ZBX-3920 added check for dependency duplicates
ZBX-5740 trigger.get: removed unsupported "discoveryids" parameter
ZBX-4097 trigger.get: fixed the group and host parameters being case insensitive
ZBX-5111 trigger.update: fixed child trigger data reset after changes in parent trigger
=== triggerprototype ===
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5698 triggerprototype.create: fixed bug when response doesn't return "triggerids"
ZBX-5665 triggerprototype.delete: fixed bug when deleting a trigger prototype and not deleting created triggers
ZBX-4097 triggerprototype.get: fixed the group and host parameters being case insensitive
=== user ===
Bug fixes:
ZBX-3907 user.logout: fixed user.logout method
Bug fixes:
ZBX-4983 usermacro.replacemacros: fixed an error when attempting to replace existing macro with identical macro
ZBX-5489 alert.create: removed
ZBX-5489 alert.delete: removed
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5307 fixed undefined index error when importing a trigger that depends on an unexisting trigger
ZBX-5307 fixed errors when importing item prototypes without applications
ZBX-5489 event.create: removed
ZBX-5489 event.delete: removed
ZBX-5489 event.deleteByTriggerIds: removed
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5363 fixed checking that the Y axis MAX value is greater than Y axis MIN value when the MAX value is not fixed
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5363 fixed check that the Y axis MAX value is greater than Y axis MIN value when the MAX value is not fixed
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5250 host.massRemove: fixed macros parameter not working
Bug fixes:
ZBX-4852 fixed delay_flex attribute validation
ZBX-5510 item.get: fixed Oracle DB error when trying to retrieve the name of the item and using the group parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5434 fixed error when inheriting an item prototype with the same key as an item on the target host or template
ZBX-5351 maintenance.get: implemented the selectTimeperiods parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5317 map.update: fixed duplicate entry error when updating map link triggers
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5250 template.massRemove: fixed macros parameter not working
ZBXNEXT-1253 templatescreenitem.get: implemented
ZBX-2060 implemented the expandExpression parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5307 fixed being able to create dependencies from a templated trigger to an inherited trigger
ZBX-5307 fixed inherited trigger dependencies not being validated on hosts
ZBX-5308 fixed templated triggers not overriding dependencies on inherited triggers
ZBX-2060 triggerprototype.get: implemented the expandExpression parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5440 fixed not being able to remove the last user or the last permission from a user group
ZBX-5440 usergroup.massUpdate: fixed checking that the usrgrpids parameter is passed
ZBX-5292 the value attribute can now be set to an empty string
Bug fixes:
ZBX-4316 fixed checking that the status_codes attribute of a step object is valid
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5252 fixed multiple level templated application inheritance
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5349 graphprototype.create: fixed graph prototypes being created as plain graphs
ZBX-5208 host.update: the interfaces parameter will now also accept a single interface
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5079 host.get: fixed selectTriggers and selectGraphs returning objects that the user has no permissions to
ZBX-5060 host.update: fixed inventory_mode attribute not being updated without updating inventory
ZBX-5208 host.update: fixed interface updating not working
ZBX-5060 host.massUpdate: fixed inventory_mode attribute not being updated without updating inventory
ZBX-5267 hostgroup.delete: fixed method not accepting a single ID
ZBX-4007 hostgroup.get: fixed the graphid attribute being returned for hostgroup objects
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5208 hostinterface.massRemove: fixed checking that the default interface is not deleted
Bug fixes:
ZBX-2055 fixed flexible interval validation
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5311 proxy.delete: fixed checking that a proxy is not used for monitoring or network discovery
Bug fixes:
ZBX-4007 fixed using resources from child nodes
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5065 fixed checking that services do not create circular dependencies
ZBX-5065 service.delete: fixed not being able to delete services with soft linked dependencies
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5079 template.get: fixed selectTriggers and selectGraphs returning objects that the user has no permissions to
Bug fixes:
ZBX-4963 fixed inherited trigger prototypes lacking certain data
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5213 usergroup.massUpdate: fixed update failing when updating only permissions or users
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5053 fixed checking that the Y axis MAX value is greater than Y axis MIN value
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5053 fixed checking that the Y axis MAX value is greater than Y axis MIN value
ZBX-4861 fixed graph item color not being validated
ZBX-5150 value_type attribute can accept value 3, numeric, for aggregate items
ZBX-5150 value_type attribute can accept value 3, numeric, for aggregate items
ZBX-5032 user.get: implemented the selectMediatypes parameter
ZBX-5032 usermedia.create: removed
ZBX-5032 usermedia.delete: removed
ZBX-5032 usermedia.isReadable: removed
ZBX-5032 usermedia.isWritable: removed
ZBX-5032 usermedia.update: removed