Notes de publication pour Zabbix 4.2.0rc2
L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 4.2.0rc2.
Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur
Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 4.2.0rc2. Téléchargez-le depuis download.
Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.
New Features and Improvements
ZBXNEXT-5109 | Implemented test value saving before test sessions in preprocessing test forms Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-1238, ZBXNEXT-4988 |
Added ability to test media types from UI Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-5114 | Improved multiline input control Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5123 | Added server address and port to the Zabbix sender output Agent |
ZBXNEXT-5105 | Added context menu for trigger name in event details page Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5011, ZBXNEXT-5012 |
Implemented testing option for item preprocessing steps API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-4865, ZBXNEXT-4961 |
Added preprocessing steps to work with Prometheus agents API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-155 | Added support of multiple macros in map element label, url name and url value API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5083, ZBXNEXT-4861 |
Added support of LLD rule as dependent item API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5081 | Added item preprocessing support to proxies Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-4967 | Added Zabbix sender data sending to multiple destinations given in ServerActive configuration parameter Agent |
ZBX-15286 | Dropped support use of discovered items as master API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-158 | Added ability to use discovery returned string as hostname and visible name API Frontend Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-5013 | Removed adaptive chunking from TimescaleDB script Installation |
ZBXNEXT-5016 | Extended preprocessing error messages to include intermediate step results Server |
ZBXNEXT-4898 | Added support IPv6 for "net.dns" and "net.dns.record" Agent |
ZBXNEXT-5037 | Added "skip" parameter for vmware.eventlog key Proxy Server |
ZBXNEXT-4819 | Implemented date and time showing in SVG graph widget Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-221 | Implemented hosts and hostgroups multiselect in items and triggers table filter API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4944 | Added javascript item preprocessing step API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-4857 | Added animated GIF support for Zabbix Maps API Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-5046 | Added non-destructive resizing and reordering of dashboard widgets Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4731 | Implemented host and template level tags API Frontend Installation Proxy Server |
Added monitoring of internal metrics from an external Zabbix instance Frontend Agent Installation Proxy Server Templates |
ZBXNEXT-4087 | Implemented preprocessing of LLD rules API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-4868 | Added TimescaleDB support Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-4877 | Implemented support for custom JSON path in LLD macros API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1190 | Implemented item prototype mass update and combined adding, updating and removing of applications in single control in item mass update form Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4933 | Dropped support of "elementid" in map.create() and map.update() methods API |
ZBXNEXT-4933 | Dropped support of string format for "headers" and "variables" in httptest.create() and httptest.update() methods API |
ZBXNEXT-4873 | Implemented single dot datasets to be drawn as points in line vector graphs Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4724 | Added validation and throttling preprocessing rules, ability to discard values and set errors API Frontend Server |
ZBXNEXT-4876 | Moved global search page to MVC framework Frontend |
ZBX-14876 | Added a new optional parameter <regex_excl_dir> to items vfs.dir.size[] and vfs.dir.count[] Agent |
ZBXNEXT-4792 | Added column "Latest values" in Monitoring->Problems and Dashboard Frontend |
ZBX-15202 | Implemented widget pausing methods in dashboard; made graph widget paused when using selection box or opening a tooltip Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-2315 | Implemented content matching in web monitoring headers Frontend Proxy Server |
Added ability to send email messages in HTML format on demand API Frontend Installation Server |
ZBXNEXT-1282, ZBXNEXT-4730 |
Added changes to introduce regex based matching for auto-registration Frontend Server |
Corrections de bugs
ZBX-15931 | Fixed triggers filter for php 5.4 Frontend |
ZBX-15839 | Fixed broken layout of the breadcrumbs in Safari browser Frontend |
ZBX-15867 | Fixed invalid DNS being accepted when receiving discovery contents from Zabbix proxy Server |
ZBX-15821 | Fixed SQL statement performance used in template.unlink() method API |
ZBX-15578 | Fixed IPMI errors in case of infrequent reading of values Proxy Server |
ZBX-15862 | Fixed processing of long (megabytes) preprocessing test results Server |
ZBX-15098 | Fixed undefined index in application selection popup window Frontend |
ZBX-15840 | Fixed the type of pre-installed first email media as "text/plain" Server |
ZBX-15351 | Fixed PHP error in "Problems by severity" if no problems Frontend |
ZBX-8907 | Fixed weird description for queue trigger in templates Templates |
ZBX-15552 | Fixed compilation with LibreSSL as OpenSSL replacement and OpenSSL without PSK support Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-10317 | Made info column on item list page always visible Frontend |
ZBX-15322 | Fixed graph area near grid line with 0 value Frontend |
ZBX-15207 | Fixed deprecated css features Frontend |
ZBX-15798 | Fixed proxy configuration update failure on Oracle; fixed failure on empty SQL buffer on Oracle Proxy Server |
ZBX-15219 | Fixed unwanted removing scenario post fields on scenario update API Frontend |
ZBX-11278 | Reworked property state indicator in mass update screens Frontend |
ZBX-15716 | Fixed escalation cancel message is called if escalation interrupts with unfinished step or recovery Server |
ZBX-15468 | Fixed LDAP configuration form not being able to save changes when user password field is empty string Frontend |
ZBX-15669 | Fixed page scroll after widget being added to dashboard Frontend |
ZBX-15548 | Fixed resolving of {ITEM.VALUE} macro in the trigger description Frontend |
ZBX-15774 | Fixed memory leak in housekeeper when elasticsearch is used Server |
ZBX-15788 | Fixed crash when substituting LLD macros in calculated item formula expression Server |
ZBX-15608 | Fixed when Widget Graph show disabled trigger/problem Frontend |
ZBX-10397 | Fixed when global messaging severities unchecked if profile saved earlier Frontend |
ZBX-15693 | Fixed widget default height in schema.tmpl Frontend Installation Server |
ZBX-15596 | Fixed when widget in frontend can be created larger than API validation supports API Frontend |
ZBX-15308 | Fixed timeselector in screens when page is opened with link containing sid argument Frontend |
ZBX-15694 | Fixed trimming of empty spaces for custom multiplier in item and item prototype preprocessing forms Frontend |
ZBX-15196 | Fixed "Follow redirects" checkbox not being enabled by default for HTTP agent in item, item prototype and LLD rule create forms Frontend |
ZBX-15670 | Fixed inefficient vmware eventlog downloading Proxy Server |
ZBX-15483 | Fixed undefined index in Item Prototype update Frontend |
ZBX-15270 | Fixed graph widget configuration form cross browser issues Frontend |
ZBX-15300 | Fixed widgets extra space at the bottom Frontend |
ZBX-8091 | Added alphabetic ordering of net.dns.record respond Agent |
ZBX-15707 | Fixed check box design when drag and drop an interface into SNMP Frontend |
ZBX-15535 | Fixed validation of min/max value range in graph widget; fixed translation string in graph widget Frontend |
ZBX-15386 | Fixed Trigger overview not showing OK triggers API Frontend |
ZBX-14538 | Fixed error message when value of lifetime or history/trends storage period is out of range API Frontend |
ZBX-15614 | Fixed validation of y axis item on classic graph create and update API Frontend |
ZBX-15226 | Fixed missing visual gap under page title Frontend |
ZBX-15560 | Fixed incorrect URL argument formatting when parameters are non-indexed arrays Frontend |
ZBX-15719 | Fixed undefined index in trigger expression popup Frontend |
ZBX-15332 | Fixed dashboard svg graph update on timeselector interval change Frontend |
ZBX-15728 | Fixed agent startup problem in Win 2008 R2 w/o SP1, removed dependency on version helper API Agent |
ZBX-15622 | Fixed trigger expression test dialog not being usable with long trigger expressions Frontend |
ZBX-13332 | Fixed Request-URI Too Long errors in PopUps; fixed lost focus, when closing error popup Frontend |
ZBX-15607 | Fixed possibility of zombie processes occurring when signaling agent during metric execution Agent |
ZBX-10496 | Fixed links to installation instructions in README file Documentation |
ZBX-15625 | Removed links leading to media type edit form for non-superadmins in Reports->Notifications page Frontend |
ZBX-8344 | Remove trimming of leading and trailing whitespaces for data received from agent Documentation Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-15703 | Fixed use of uninitialized variable when receiving 0 bytes on listening socket Proxy Server |
ZBX-15537 | Fixed visual bug when filter tab was overlapped by sub navigation Frontend |
ZBX-15539 | Fixed validation of master item in item update form Frontend |
ZBX-15532 | Fixed undefined index error on problems page when trigger expression contains web items Frontend |
ZBX-15488 | Fixed permission check for inherited triggers API |
ZBX-15646 | Fixed web-server 'Request-URI Too Long' error in trigger description dialog Frontend |
ZBX-15688 | Fixed wrong host group and host selection in trigger dependencies window Frontend |
ZBX-15686 | Fixed wrong number of selected triggers when navigate to inherited template Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4941 | Changed overflow statements to execute one by one for Oracle for better performance Proxy Server |
ZBX-15664 | Fixed "Undefined index" errors on maps with enabled automatic icon mapping Frontend |
ZBX-15667 | Fixed wrong default Zabbix server status for new installation Installation |
ZBX-15512 | Fixed performance issues and significant memory consumption on several pages which contains host popup menus Frontend |
ZBX-15512 | Fixed performance issues in "Problems by severity" widget Frontend |
ZBX-15593 | Fixed database upgrade patch to stop upgrade on commit failure Proxy Server |
ZBX-15611 | Fixed crash in configuration syncer when there are groups with same name and when removing preprocessing steps from item Server |
ZBX-15242 | Fixed value trimming and duplicate catching in SVG graph pattern fields Frontend |
ZBX-15250 | Fixed selection box height calculation in classic graph Frontend |
ZBX-15379 | Fixed -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings when compiling with GCC 7 and -Wextra Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-15179 | Fixed when message about blocking user login is displayed only on next login attempt API Frontend |
ZBX-15494 | Fixed handling numbers that written in scientific notation Agent Server |
ZBX-15533 | Fixed cutting and trimming event tags and values Server |
ZBX-15442 | Fixed reporting idle time in datasender's process state information Proxy |
ZBX-15424 | Fixed when multiselect doesn't trim values and recognizes untrimmed values as new ones Frontend |
ZBX-14644 | Fixed maintenance time periods "start_date" field being reset to "1920" instead of DB default value when updating via edit form Frontend |
ZBX-15422 | Fixed SQL errors when linked template have item prototype with equal key as host item API |
ZBX-15456 | Fixed incorrect style property in Monitoring->Problems; removed unused id from filter form Frontend |
ZBX-15412 | Fixed Name column overlaps the Application column in the Template view Frontend |
ZBX-15316 | Fixed problem with socket inheritance preventing Windows agent from restarting under certain circumstances Agent |
ZBX-15271 | Added link to documentation in all man pages Documentation |
ZBX-15577 | Fixed restricted user access to the host name when calling host_screen Frontend |
ZBX-13335 | Fixed low performance with linkage of items and item prototypes to a lot of hosts API |
ZBX-15435 | Fixed "Undefined index" errors in the "Problems" widget with multiple active maintenances which part of these are inaccessible Frontend |
ZBX-15417 | Changed vmware collector to perform datastore configuration refresh only when directly monitoring ESXi version lower than v6.0 Proxy Server |
ZBX-14896 | Fixed low performance of the SQL statement when link template to many hosts API |
ZBX-15220 | Fixed displaying of last value for values received in the same second API |
ZBX-15451 | Fixed event correlation when "Event tag pair" condition is used and tag contains special characters Server |
ZBX-15460 | Reset agent availability when host status changes, e.g., when host gets disabled Server |
ZBX-15331 | Updated LLD item creation/updating error messages Server |
ZBX-15465 | Removed html non-breaking space from visiblity checkbox labels Frontend |
ZBX-15307 | Fixed upper level maps positioning in Monitoring Map screen Frontend |
ZBX-15428 | Improved regular expression performance by studying compiled pattern Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-11761 | Added warnings in case of TLS identity mismatch Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-15373 | Fixed removal of trigger when deleting discovered item; fixed removal of dependent child items when removing master item API |
ZBX-14613 | Fixed hostgroup.delete and host.delete API methods to validate maintenance constraint API |
ZBX-14863 | Fixed authentication settings form of LDAP anonymous binding Frontend |
ZBX-15374 | Fixed SQL and PHP errors on chart3.php page Frontend |
ZBX-15301 | Fixed monotonous lag behind in Windows "system.localtime" Agent |
ZBX-15377 | Fixed error messages for arrays in GET parameters Frontend |
ZBX-15369 | Fixed "Undefined index: label" in map.update() method API |
ZBX-15376 | Fixed "Undefined index: refresh" on several pages with disabled guest user Frontend |
ZBX-15375 | Fixed web scenario step name can consist only of whitespaces Frontend |
ZBX-15375 | Fixed undefined index on Web scenario configuration page Frontend |
ZBX-15372 | Fixed SQL and PHP errors on "Slide shows" page when enter slides.php witout GET parameters Frontend |
ZBX-15359 | Fixed undefined index in maintenance.create and maintenance.update API calls API |
ZBX-15358 | Fixed undefined index in configuration.import API call without one or several rules API |
ZBX-15355 | Fixed undefined index in configuration.import API call API |
ZBX-14926 | Fixed empty "inventory" property being returned by API if inventory mode is disabled API |
ZBX-15354 | Fixed undefined index in API calls without "auth" parameter API |
ZBX-15399 | Fixed IPv4 connections not being accepted when IPv6 mask is used Agent Proxy Server |
ZBX-14331 | Fixed error allowing users to change type of a host interface that already has items attached API |
ZBX-15241 | Fixed escaping regexp symbols in preprocessing output parameter when creating item by LLD Server |
ZBX-15254 | Fixed incorrect matching string highlight in multiselect autocomplete box Frontend |
ZBX-15136 | Fixed displaying 'Plain text' on the dashboard as html Frontend |
ZBX-14592 | Fixed calculation of SLA and availability report when problem has negative duration API Frontend |
ZBX-15400 | Fixed possible crash in preprocessing manager when items with change/throttle preprocessing steps were not being monitored anymore Server |
ZBX-13804 | Fixed generic popup form submission Frontend |
ZBX-15313 | Fixed unit suffix support in calculated item expressions Server |
ZBX-15156 | Fixed undefined offset error in host screen with web item API |
ZBX-14980 | Fixed problem with filter by itemids and hostids in history.get API |
ZBX-15224 | Fixed failed query errors when receiving non UTF-8 history values Proxy Server |
ZBX-14624 | Fixed agent collector not releasing connection to missing/removed disk devices Agent |
ZBX-15279 | Fixed handling of LLD processing errors that should have resulted in not supported LLD rule state Server |
ZBX-14604 | Fixed displaying of the graph name on screens Frontend |
ZBXNEXT-4588 | Renamed 'display options' tab to 'displaying options'; fixed multiple layout issues, footnote in hint-box, field value handling, calculation of mouse position, multiple issues related with Y axis and problem styling Frontend |
ZBX-15159 | Fixed existing context menu closing when new one is opened Frontend |
ZBX-15233 | Renamed fuzzytime() function description in dropdown list Frontend |
ZBX-12801 | Excluded zabbix_sender.dll from MS Windows builds with TLS Agent |
ZBXNEXT-4883 | Fixed when trigger in problem state hides all dependent triggers in history view Frontend |
ZBX-15260 | Improved misleading warning message when agent fails to find log file during processing logrt[] item Agent |
ZBX-15258 | Fixed update interval of "Zabbix queue" item in server's template to be consistent with proxy template, added missing units in proxy template Templates |
ZBX-15225 | Improved handling of timeouts in "vfs.dir.size" and "vfs.dir.count" items on Windows agent Agent |
ZBX-15206 | Fixed deprecated net-snmp attribute Proxy Server |
ZBX-15067 | Fixed configuration sync of interfaces without hosts Proxy Server |
ZBX-15238 | Fixed updating nextcheck time in discovery rules to avoid overlaps between discovery executions Proxy Server |
ZBX-13673 | Fixed regexp validation when pattern contain slash character Frontend |
ZBX-13773 | Fixed naming inconsistencies in agent template, added more trigger descriptions in proxy and server templates Installation Templates |
ZBX-14528 | Fixed incorrect keycode handling in multiselect input fields Frontend |
ZBX-15124 | Fixed trigger overview behavior when show "any" API Frontend |
ZBX-14648 | Fixed performance with deletion of item in template linked to many hosts API |
ZBX-9011 | Added new LLD macros for vmware HV low-level discovery Proxy Server |
ZBX-15105 | Fixed colorpicker tooltip update Frontend |
ZBX-14928 | Fixed "check now" being executed for active items and templates API Frontend |
ZBX-15153 | Fixed custom interval validation; fixed parsing of custom intervals when user macros context contains forward slash Frontend |
ZBX-9038 | Fixed memory of performance counters consumed during vmware update Proxy Server |
ZBX-8383 | Updated Tomcat template for compatibility with recent Tomcat versions Installation Templates |
ZBX-15078 | Fixed API authentication for ldap users having gui access disabled API |
ZBX-14880 | Fixed misleading ldap authentication error messages API Frontend |
ZBX-14877 | Fixed style of disabled action on high contrast theme Frontend |
ZBX-14606 | Removed strict-transport-security header from frontend Frontend |
ZBX-15020 | Fixed negative time selector offset when selecting time range in graph Frontend |
ZBX-14977 | Fixed creation of unneeded database record if host prototype inventory mode is disabled; fixed validation for host and host prototype inventory mode API |
ZBX-15146 | Fixed SQL error occurred when too long IP address is attempted to be written in database API |
ZBX-15148 | Fixed web scenario item selection in SVG graph widget Frontend |
ZBX-15107 | Fixed error handling in logrt[] items if regular expression for file name is not valid Agent |
ZBX-14800 | Fixed resolving of functional macros in graph widget name Frontend |
ZBX-15178 | Fixed wrong behaviour when referencing unexisting capture groups in item regexp preprocessing, general pcre code improvements Agent Server |
Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour
Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.
Mise à jour
Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.2.0.
Assistance commerciale
Zabbix propose une large gamme de Services professionnels. Nous proposons également une Services de mise à jour migration facile et sans accroc vers des versions antérieures de Zabbix. Merci de Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs et pour en savoir plus sur ces services.- Zabbix Offre d’assistance Enterprise
- Zabbix Formation
- Zabbix Services de développement
ZABBIX 7.2.3
ZABBIX 7.0.9
ZABBIX 6.4.21
ZABBIX 6.0.38
ZABBIX 5.0.46
ZABBIX 7.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.21rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 7.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.1
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 7.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 7.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 7.2.0
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.8
ZABBIX 7.0.7rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2025 (3)
ZABBIX 7.0.7
ZABBIX 7.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.6
- Voir les versions précédentes 2024 (76)
ZABBIX 6.0.37
ZABBIX 6.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20
ZABBIX 6.0.36
ZABBIX 5.0.45
ZABBIX 6.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.20rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.5
ZABBIX 6.0.35
ZABBIX 7.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 7.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34
ZABBIX 7.0.4
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.19
ZABBIX 5.0.44
ZABBIX 7.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.19rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.3
ZABBIX 6.4.18
ZABBIX 6.0.33
ZABBIX 5.0.43
ZABBIX 7.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.18rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 7.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.1
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.17
ZABBIX 6.0.32
ZABBIX 7.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.17rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.16
ZABBIX 6.0.31
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.15
ZABBIX 6.0.30
ZABBIX 6.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.14
ZABBIX 6.0.29
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.13
ZABBIX 6.0.28
ZABBIX 5.0.42
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.12
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.27
ZABBIX 6.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.26
ZABBIX 5.0.41
ZABBIX 6.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.41rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2023 (109)
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 6.4.10
ZABBIX 6.0.25
ZABBIX 6.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.9
ZABBIX 6.0.24
ZABBIX 5.0.40
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 6.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.8
ZABBIX 6.0.23
ZABBIX 5.0.39
ZABBIX 4.0.50
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 6.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.50rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 6.4.7
ZABBIX 6.0.22
ZABBIX 5.0.38
ZABBIX 4.0.49
ZABBIX 6.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.49rc1
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 6.4.6
ZABBIX 6.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.37
ZABBIX 4.0.48
ZABBIX 6.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.48rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.5
ZABBIX 6.0.20
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 6.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.4
ZABBIX 6.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.36
ZABBIX 4.0.47
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.47rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.3
ZABBIX 6.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.35
ZABBIX 4.0.46
ZABBIX 7.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.46rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.2
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.0.17
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 5.0.34
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.16
ZABBIX 6.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.1
ZABBIX 6.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.45
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.9
ZABBIX 5.0.33
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.45rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.8
ZABBIX 6.0.14
ZABBIX 6.4.0
ZABBIX 5.0.32
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0rc1
💥 Breaking Changes (1) -
ZABBIX 6.2.7
ZABBIX 6.0.13
ZABBIX 5.0.31
ZABBIX 6.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta6
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.31rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2022 (110)
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta5
ZABBIX 6.2.6
ZABBIX 6.0.12
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta4
ZABBIX 6.2.5
ZABBIX 6.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.30
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.2.4
ZABBIX 6.0.10
ZABBIX 5.0.29
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc2
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 6.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.2.3
ZABBIX 6.0.9
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.28
ZABBIX 4.0.44
ZABBIX 6.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.44rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.2
ZABBIX 6.0.8
ZABBIX 5.0.27
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 6.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.1
ZABBIX 6.0.7
ZABBIX 5.0.26
ZABBIX 4.0.43
ZABBIX 6.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.43rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.42
ZABBIX 6.0.6
ZABBIX 5.0.25
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.42rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.5
ZABBIX 5.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.41
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta3
ZABBIX 6.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.41rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 6.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 6.0.4
ZABBIX 5.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.40
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 6.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.40rc1
ZABBIX 6.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 6.0.3
ZABBIX 5.4.12
ZABBIX 5.0.22
ZABBIX 6.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.2
ZABBIX 6.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.1
ZABBIX 5.4.11
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc4
ZABBIX 5.0.21
ZABBIX 4.0.39
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc3
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.39rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 6.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.10
ZABBIX 5.0.20
ZABBIX 4.0.38
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.38rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta2
- Voir les versions précédentes 2021 (98)
ZABBIX 5.4.9
ZABBIX 5.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.37
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.37rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.8
ZABBIX 5.0.18
ZABBIX 4.0.36
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 5.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.36rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 5.4.7
ZABBIX 5.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 5.4.6
ZABBIX 5.0.17
ZABBIX 4.0.35
ZABBIX 5.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.35rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 5.4.5
ZABBIX 5.0.16
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.34
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.34rc1
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.4.4
ZABBIX 5.0.15
ZABBIX 4.0.33
ZABBIX 6.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.33rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.3
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.14
ZABBIX 5.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.2
ZABBIX 5.2.7
ZABBIX 5.0.13
ZABBIX 4.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.1
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.12
ZABBIX 4.0.31
ZABBIX 5.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta3
ZABBIX 5.0.11
ZABBIX 5.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.6
ZABBIX 5.0.10
ZABBIX 4.0.30
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.32
ZABBIX 5.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.32rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.5
ZABBIX 5.0.9
ZABBIX 4.0.29
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 5.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.2.4
ZABBIX 5.0.8
ZABBIX 4.0.28
ZABBIX 5.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.28rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2020 (78)
ZABBIX 5.2.3
ZABBIX 5.0.7
ZABBIX 5.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.2
ZABBIX 5.0.6
ZABBIX 4.0.27
ZABBIX 5.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.1
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc3
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0
ZABBIX 5.0.5
ZABBIX 4.0.26
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 5.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 5.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.25
ZABBIX 5.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.25rc1
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 5.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.24
ZABBIX 5.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc2
ZABBIX 5.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.2
ZABBIX 5.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.10
ZABBIX 4.0.22
ZABBIX 4.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.1
ZABBIX 4.4.9
ZABBIX 4.0.21
ZABBIX 5.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0
ZABBIX 5.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.4.8
ZABBIX 4.0.20
ZABBIX 3.0.31
ZABBIX 4.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.31rc1
ZABBIX 5.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 4.4.7
ZABBIX 4.0.19
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30
ZABBIX 4.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.18
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.30rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.5
ZABBIX 4.0.17
ZABBIX 5.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.17rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2019 (76)
ZABBIX 3.0.29
ZABBIX 4.4.4
ZABBIX 4.0.16
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.29rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.3
ZABBIX 4.4.2
ZABBIX 4.0.15
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc2
ZABBIX 4.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.1
ZABBIX 4.2.8
ZABBIX 4.0.14
ZABBIX 4.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0
ZABBIX 4.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.7
ZABBIX 4.0.13
ZABBIX 4.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.2.6
ZABBIX 4.0.12
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.5
ZABBIX 4.0.11
ZABBIX 4.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.4
ZABBIX 4.0.10
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 4.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.3
ZABBIX 4.0.9
ZABBIX 4.2.2
ZABBIX 4.0.8
ZABBIX 3.0.28
ZABBIX 4.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.28rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.1
ZABBIX 4.0.7
ZABBIX 3.0.27
ZABBIX 4.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.27rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0
ZABBIX 4.0.6
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.26
ZABBIX 4.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.26rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 4.0.5
ZABBIX 4.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 4.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.4
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc3
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha3
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.25
ZABBIX 4.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.25rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2018 (74)
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 4.0.3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 4.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 4.0.2
ZABBIX 3.0.24
ZABBIX 4.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.24rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.15
ZABBIX 3.4.15rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.23
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.23rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.14
ZABBIX 3.0.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.22rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.13
ZABBIX 3.0.21
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.12
ZABBIX 3.0.20
ZABBIX 2.2.23
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha9
ZABBIX 3.4.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.23rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.11
ZABBIX 3.0.19
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha8
ZABBIX 3.4.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.10
ZABBIX 3.0.18
ZABBIX 2.2.22
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha7
ZABBIX 3.4.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.22rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.9
ZABBIX 3.0.17
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc3
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha6
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.8
ZABBIX 3.0.16
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 3.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 3.0.15
ZABBIX 3.4.7
ZABBIX 3.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc2
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.6
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.4.6rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2017 (68)
ZABBIX 3.4.5
ZABBIX 3.2.11
ZABBIX 3.0.14
ZABBIX 2.2.21
ZABBIX 4.0.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc3
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.4
ZABBIX 3.2.10
ZABBIX 3.0.13
ZABBIX 3.4.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.3
ZABBIX 3.2.9
ZABBIX 3.0.12
ZABBIX 3.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.2
ZABBIX 3.2.8
ZABBIX 3.0.11
ZABBIX 2.2.20
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.1
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.4.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.7
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.10
ZABBIX 2.2.19
ZABBIX 3.4.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.6
ZABBIX 3.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.5
ZABBIX 3.0.9
ZABBIX 2.2.18
ZABBIX 2.0.21
ZABBIX 3.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.21rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.4
ZABBIX 3.0.8
ZABBIX 2.2.17
ZABBIX 3.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.17rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2016 (58)
ZABBIX 3.2.3
ZABBIX 3.0.7
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.2
ZABBIX 3.0.6
ZABBIX 2.2.16
ZABBIX 2.0.20
ZABBIX 3.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.20rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.1
ZABBIX 3.0.5
ZABBIX 2.2.15
ZABBIX 2.0.19
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.19rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.2.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha2
ZABBIX 3.2.0alpha1
ZABBIX 3.0.4
ZABBIX 2.2.14
ZABBIX 3.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.14rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.3
ZABBIX 2.2.13
ZABBIX 2.0.18
ZABBIX 3.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.13rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.18rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.2
ZABBIX 2.4.8
ZABBIX 2.2.12
ZABBIX 2.0.17
ZABBIX 3.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.17rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.1
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 3.0.0
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 3.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta2
ZABBIX 3.0.0beta1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha6
- Voir les versions précédentes 2015 (24)
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha5
ZABBIX 2.4.7
ZABBIX 2.2.11
ZABBIX 2.0.16
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha4
ZABBIX 2.4.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.11rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.16rc1
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha3
ZABBIX 3.0.0alpha2
ZABBIX 2.5.0
ZABBIX 2.4.6
ZABBIX 2.2.10
ZABBIX 2.0.15
ZABBIX 2.4.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.10rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.5
ZABBIX 2.4.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.9
ZABBIX 2.2.9rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.4
ZABBIX 2.4.4rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2014 (56)
ZABBIX 2.4.3
ZABBIX 2.2.8
ZABBIX 2.0.14
ZABBIX 1.8.22
ZABBIX 2.4.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.14rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.22rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.2
ZABBIX 2.4.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.7
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.7rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.1
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.4.0
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.13
ZABBIX 1.8.21
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.4.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.5
ZABBIX 2.0.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.21rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.4
ZABBIX 2.2.6
ZABBIX 2.2.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.3
ZABBIX 2.2.5
ZABBIX 2.3.2
ZABBIX 2.2.5rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc4
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc3
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.3.1
ZABBIX 2.3.0
ZABBIX 2.0.12
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.3
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.3rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.2
ZABBIX 2.0.11
ZABBIX 1.8.20
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc3
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.20rc1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2013 (38)
ZABBIX 2.2.1
ZABBIX 2.0.10
ZABBIX 1.8.19
ZABBIX 2.2.1rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.19rc1
ZABBIX 2.2.0
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc2
ZABBIX 2.2.0rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.9
ZABBIX 2.1.8
ZABBIX 2.1.7
ZABBIX 2.0.9
ZABBIX 1.8.18
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.18rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.6
ZABBIX 2.1.5
ZABBIX 2.1.4
ZABBIX 2.1.3
ZABBIX 2.0.8
ZABBIX 2.1.2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.8rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.7
ZABBIX 2.0.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.17
ZABBIX 1.8.17rc1
ZABBIX 2.1.1
ZABBIX 2.1.0
ZABBIX 2.0.6
ZABBIX 2.0.6rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.5
ZABBIX 2.0.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.16
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.4
- Voir les versions précédentes 2012 (30)
ZABBIX 1.8.16rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.4rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.3
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.15
ZABBIX 1.8.15rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.2rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.1
ZABBIX 1.8.14
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc2
ZABBIX 2.0.1rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.14rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc6
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc5
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.13
ZABBIX 1.8.13rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.12
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.12rc1
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.11
ZABBIX 2.0.0rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.11rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.9
- Voir les versions précédentes 2011 (26)
ZABBIX 1.8.10
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.10rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.8
ZABBIX 1.8.9
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.9rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.7
ZABBIX 1.8.8
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.6
ZABBIX 1.8.8rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.7
ZABBIX 1.8.7rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.6
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.5
ZABBIX 1.8.6rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.4
ZABBIX 1.8.5
ZABBIX 1.8.5rc1
ZABBIX 1.9.3
ZABBIX 1.9.2
ZABBIX 1.8.4
ZABBIX 1.4.7
- Voir les versions précédentes 2010 (14)
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc4
ZABBIX 1.9.1
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc2
ZABBIX 1.9.0
ZABBIX 1.8.4rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc4
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc3
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc2
ZABBIX 1.8.3rc1
ZABBIX 1.8.2
ZABBIX 1.6.9
ZABBIX 1.8.1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2009 (13)
ZABBIX 1.6.8
ZABBIX 1.7.4
ZABBIX 1.7.3
ZABBIX 1.7.2
ZABBIX 1.6.7
ZABBIX 1.7.1
ZABBIX 1.7.0
ZABBIX 1.6.6
ZABBIX 1.6.5
ZABBIX 1.6.4
ZABBIX 1.6.3
ZABBIX 1.6.2
- Voir les versions précédentes 2008 (10)
ZABBIX 1.6.1
ZABBIX 1.5.4
ZABBIX 1.4.6
ZABBIX 1.5.3
ZABBIX 1.5.2
ZABBIX 1.5.1
ZABBIX 1.4.5
- Voir les versions précédentes 2007 (15)
ZABBIX 1.4.4
ZABBIX 1.4.3
ZABBIX 1.4.2
ZABBIX 1.4.1
ZABBIX 1.3.5
ZABBIX 1.3.8
ZABBIX 1.3.7
ZABBIX 1.3.6
ZABBIX 1.1.7
ZABBIX 1.3.4
ZABBIX 1.3.3
ZABBIX 1.1.6
ZABBIX 1.1.5
ZABBIX 1.3.2
- Voir les versions précédentes 2006 (7)
ZABBIX 1.3.1
ZABBIX 1.1.4
ZABBIX 1.1.3
ZABBIX 1.1.2
ZABBIX 1.1.1
- Voir les versions précédentes 2004 (1)