Notes de publication pour Zabbix 6.0.9rc1

L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 6.0.9rc1.

Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur

Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 6.0.9rc1. Téléchargez-le depuis download.

Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-6666 Added listen socket security fix for Zabbix agent 2 on Windows Agent

Corrections de bugs

ZBX-20644 Fixed slow loading of Latest data when filtered by single host Frontend
ZBX-19783 Added sourceip handling for scheduled reports Server
ZBX-21517 Fixed invalid update interval handling in network discovery and web scenario scheduling Proxy Server
ZBX-21558 Fixed possible crash in value cache when a new item is being added in low memory situation Server
ZBX-21116 Fixed undefined offset error when adding dependency for trigger prototype on host trigger API
ZBX-21536 Fixed backslash escape in trigger expression constructor Frontend
ZBX-20943 Fixed LLD hostgroup prototypes failure at 2nd and consequent runs because of long hostgroup names Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-21519 Added note about php-fpm process name in documentation of PHP-FPM by Zabbix agent template Documentation Templates
ZBX-21608 Fixed inability to import a template without linked templates when no changes in template linkage are selected in import options API
ZBX-21494 Fixed 'Highlight whole row' checkbox label clickability on Problems page Frontend
ZBX-21332 Fixed runtime errors when linking items from two templates that populate same inventory field API
ZBX-18142 Fixed validation of input parameters in context menu AJAX requests Frontend
ZBX-20683 Fixed action buttons functionality in Tags tab of host configuration if it is opened as popup on another Tags tab Frontend
ZBX-21304 Fixed ping item preprocessing regex in PHP-FPM templates to be compatible with Zabbix agent 2 Templates
ZBX-21343 Fixed trends, history and interval values being incorrectly converted to years in item list subfilter Frontend
ZBX-21070 Fixed missing discovery rule for a discovered host group and updated links to host prototype API Frontend
ZBX-21149 Fixed 'Update interval' field not being set read-only for items created from prototypes Frontend
ZBX-21534 Fixed parsing of backslashes in quoted function parameters API
ZBX-41474 Fixed shortened tag names with multibyte symbols Frontend
ZBX-21270 Fixed already used color autocompletion in graph widget edit form Frontend
ZBX-21422 Fixed inability to change password and/or username on templated SSH items Frontend
ZBX-21454 Added blocking of rtc signals during script execution Proxy Server
ZBX-21495 Fixed selection of IPMI parameters in the host form Frontend
ZBX-21449 Fixed accessibility attributes Frontend
ZBX-21461 Fixed item "Checksum of /etc/passwd" Templates
ZBX-21266 Fixed {ITEM.KEY} macro not getting expanded in expression macros Server
ZBX-21264 Fixed empty service suggestions in SLA reports Frontend

Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour


Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.

Mise à jour

Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.0.9.

Assistance commerciale

Zabbix propose une large gamme de Services professionnels. Nous proposons également une Services de mise à jour migration facile et sans accroc vers des versions antérieures de Zabbix. Merci de Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs et pour en savoir plus sur ces services.


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