Notes de publication pour Zabbix 6.0.6rc1

L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 6.0.6rc1.

Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur

Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 6.0.6rc1. Téléchargez-le depuis download.

Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-7813 Updated MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.7 Proxy Server
ZBXNEXT-7769 Added support of PHP 8.1 to LDAP authentication Frontend
ZBXNEXT-7722 Fixed runtime errors when using Zabbix with PHP 8.1 Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6891 Removed mongodb implementation, updated template to work with new plugin Agent Templates
ZBXNEXT-7632 Added template for HPE Primera Templates
ZBXNEXT-7630 Added templates for HPE MSA 2060 and MSA 2040 Templates

Corrections de bugs

ZBX-21145 Changed host, item and trigger tag merging logic during template linking and LLD to reduce database updates Server
ZBX-20638 Fixed handling of DB version higher than supported Frontend Proxy Server
ZBX-20750 Fixed excessive escaping of special characters in audit log details, triggers and graphs Server
ZBX-21015 Fixed web scenario tags disappearing from Monitoring -> Hosts -> Web scenario on page autorefresh Frontend
ZBX-20960 Fixed SVG graph widget throwing error when attempting to plot item with valid user macro defined in history storage period Frontend
ZBX-20965 Fixed positioning of change indicator in Item value widget Frontend
ZBX-20994 Fixed access limitation for Oracle DB to list tables accessible to the user Frontend Server
ZBX-21123 Fixed crash when VMware VC was not available at the first moment when starting zabbix_server Proxy Server
ZBX-21044 Fixed JavaScript preprocessing output conversion to utf-8 Server
ZBX-20534 Fixed popup layout for importing when horizontal scroll was not visible Frontend
ZBX-21185 Fixed pattern selector when item name contains square brackets Frontend
ZBX-20669 Fixed focus on fields when clicking on labels Frontend
ZBX-21064 Rewrote pcre.m4 and pcre2.m4 file Installation
ZBX-20029 Fixed deprecated keys in IIS by Zabbix agent templates Templates
ZBX-18035 Updated for Slack and Mattermost media types Documentation
ZBX-21199 Fixed space utilization items in HPE MSA 2040 and 2060 templates Templates
ZBX-20861 Fixed incorrect naming of web scenario items after upgrade Installation
ZBX-20847 Fixed inability to attach any host groups after removing already attached ones Frontend
ZBX-20233 Fixed handling of empty configuration parameters $ZBX_SERVER and $ZBX_SERVER_PORT the same as if they were not defined API Frontend
ZBX-21163 Fixed "Host inventory overview" page behavior when selected host group was removed Frontend
ZBX-20854 Fixed missing headers in Columns field in Top hosts widget configuration form Frontend
ZBX-21143 Changed API URL in media type to a new version Templates
ZBX-20914 Fixed wrong calculation of calculated item formulas Server
ZBX-20875 Fixed filter condition for job discovery rule in MSSQL by ODBC template Templates
ZBX-21146 Fixed item key in NTP service template Templates
ZBX-20565 Fixed visibility of placeholder text in host prototype edit form Frontend
ZBX-20985 Fixed notifications summary for MS Teams media type Templates
ZBX-21137 Fixed VMware collector crash related to datastore state disconnected from all HVs Proxy Server
ZBX-20628 Removed system metrics from PFSense template Templates
ZBX-21136 Fixed value type for checksum of /etc/passwd item in FreeBSD template Templates
ZBX-20903 Removed duplicate in Windows services discovery filter regexp Templates
ZBX-18652 Fixed data overview discrepancy between host location top and left Frontend
ZBX-21111 Fixed HA manager stopping Server
ZBX-20105 Removed bogus dependency on libxml2 from agent Agent Installation Proxy Server
ZBX-21066 Fixed libopenssl.m4 when dealing with lib/64 in openssl 3 Installation

Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour


Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.

Mise à jour

Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.0.6.

Assistance commerciale

Zabbix propose une large gamme de Services professionnels. Nous proposons également une Services de mise à jour migration facile et sans accroc vers des versions antérieures de Zabbix. Merci de Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs et pour en savoir plus sur ces services.


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