Заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 1.9.9

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Zabbix - открытое решение распределенного мониторинга корпоративного класса. Zabbix выпускается под лицензией GPL, таким образом, продукт бесплатный как для коммерческого, так и некоммерческого использования. Полный текст лицензии доступен на http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.

Этот документ содержит заметки о выпуске для Zabbix 1.9.9. Загрузите его со страницы скачать.

Следующие разделы описывают выпуск в деталях и предоставляют самую последнюю и другую информацию, которая дополняет основную документацию продукта.

Новые возможности и улучшения

ZBX-4558 Added audit logging when udpating and creating triggers Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1066 Removed the "Monotoring - Hosts" page Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1066 Remade the "Search" page layout Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1066 Added the host pop up menu to the "Events", "Event details", "Latest data" and "Overview" pages Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1066 Added the "Host screens" link to all of the host pop up menus Frontend
ZBXNEXT-814 Added support of disabling media types API Frontend Server
ZBXNEXT-1024 Added support for more vm.memory.size modes for various platforms Agent Installation
ZBXNEXT-1019 Updated jQuery to 1.7.1 and jQuery-ui to 1.8.17 Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1058 Added an item lifetime indicator icon in the item configuration Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1058 Changed the default discovery rule 'lifetime' field value to 30 days Frontend
ZBX-4479 Added possibility to add a dependency from a template to a host API Server
ZBX-4483 Added transparency support for image resizing Frontend
ZBXNEXT-905 Redesign Configuration->Triggers Frontend
ZBXNEXT-912 Redesign Configuration->Slide shows Frontend
ZBXNEXT-406 Replaced an older 'status' check to an internal 'zabbix[host,<type>,available]' check Frontend Installation Server
ZBX-4009 Added new option in map configuration which enables macros expanding Frontend Installation
ZBX-3286 Added ability to automatically delete low level discovered resources Frontend Installation Server
ZBX-2806 Improved processing of escalations Server
ZBX-1357 Updated Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, Greek, Latvian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators Frontend
ZBX-3527 Improved host form to allow selection of default interface API Frontend
ZBX-4262 Added support of item prototypes for graph y axis min/max API Frontend Server
ZBX-4311 Fixed graph prototype name validation API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-906 Redesign Configuration->Host groups API Frontend
ZBX-4024 New build process for database schema and data, also new location of database related files; db data file uses transactions now Installation

Исправления ошибок

ZBX-4586 Implemented item's application validation in the Item.update and Item.create API methods API
ZBX-4577 Fixed possible SQL errors when updating a configuration on a proxy Proxy
ZBX-4106 Fixed "Status of triggers" screen element layout Frontend
ZBX-4558 Fixed deleting child template triggers when moving a trigger to a template API Frontend
ZBX-4558 Fixed child template trigger attributes being reset when updating a template trigger API
ZBX-4558 Fixed trigger form "type" field value being inverted Frontend
ZBX-4520 Removed possibility to create dependencies from hosts to templates API
ZBX-4467 Removed the warning message when setting the zoom to "All" in screen monitoring Frontend
ZBX-4434 Fixed validation of duplicated user macros; fixed some error messages Frontend
ZBX-4555 Fix compilation error on Solaris (get rid of INT_MAX dependency) Installation Server
ZBX-4523 Fixed impossibility to correctly translate some parts of Zabbix Frontend
ZBX-4513 Refactored value mappings form Frontend
ZBX-4477 Fixed new expressions created on each Zabbix regexp update Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1058 Fixed confirmation pop-up showing up on auto refresh in latest data Frontend
ZBX-2701 Removed empty value mappings from a default data Installation
ZBX-4505 Fixed global macro recreation instead of updating API Frontend
ZBX-4505 Fixed audit message appearing when saving an unchanged global macro Frontend
ZBX-4519 Fixed impossibility to delete template : Unknown column 'h.name' API
ZBX-4468 Removed possibility to add to value mappings few items with same name Frontend
ZBX-4483 Added proper icon image resizing Frontend
ZBX-4456 Fixed error position in IT services form Frontend
ZBX-4470 Fixed node initialization in DM setup Frontend
ZBX-4407 Fixed import hosts from 1.8 version Frontend
ZBX-4425 Fixed item prototype interface mapping when cloning a discovery rule API
ZBX-4459 Fixed values are cleared when try to add incorrect value mapping, negative values now allowed Frontend
ZBX-4458 Fixed js error in global macro form, changed layout to be consistant with other places Frontend
ZBX-4449 Fixed IT services SLA graph permission checks Frontend
ZBX-4448 Fixed proxy interface validation API
ZBX-4455 Fixed the 'sortorder' field validation in the IT services form Frontend
ZBX-4427 Fixed map element host group highlighting Frontend
ZBX-4446 Fixed event duration calculation Frontend
ZBX-2806 Fixed possible double notification messages Server
ZBX-4425 Fixed unsetting interface when performing Item::udpate requests API
ZBX-4436 Fixed wrong sql query in discovery popup Frontend
ZBX-4429 Fixed problem with wrong mysql comment tag and warning in mysql function when update to 1.9.8 Installation
ZBX-4418 Fixed possible SQL errors while processing of time functions Server
ZBX-4336 Fixed problem with item status clearing when changing to active in frontend Frontend
ZBX-4260 Replaced event sorting by 'clock' with 'eventid' API Frontend
ZBX-4381 Fixed permission check in SLA reports Frontend
ZBX-4411 Remade the zbx_stripos() function whithout the use of mb_stripos() Frontend
ZBX-4015 Fixed multiple XSS issues Frontend
ZBX-4334 Changed disabled triggers and scenarios to be shown by default Frontend
ZBX-4403 Fixed low level discovery rule creation API
ZBX-3832 Removed support of aggregated graph items Frontend Installation Server
ZBX-4235 Fixed operations with decimal numbers for certain locales Frontend
ZBX-4382 Fixed missing dates in the midle of graph axis API Frontend
ZBX-3366 Fixed API sorting API Frontend

Заметки по инсталляции и обновлению


Смотрите Документация Zabbix для получения более подробной информации.


Смотрите пошаговым инструкциям for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 1.9.9.

Коммерческая поддержка

Компания Zabbix предоставляет полный спектр Профессиональных услуг. Мы также предоставляем Услугу обновления с отсутствием времени простоя для более простой миграции с более ранних версий Zabbix. Пожалуйста Свяжитесь с отделом продаж для уточнения стоимости и более детальной информации.

Полезные ссылки

Zabbix 1.9 Manual

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Zabbix - бесплатное программное обеспечение с открытым исходным кодом. Никаких ограничений и скрытых расходов