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Appendix 2. Changes from 2.0 to 2.2

Backward incompatible changes


ZBXNEXT-1975 implemented a new "text" data type
ZBXNEXT-1975 dropped support of text type fields in the get method "filter" parameter
ZBXNEXT-1485 output value "refer" has been deprecated for all get methods
ZBXNEXT-1492 dropped support of output shorten for all get methods


ZBXNEXT-1491 action.get: selectConditions and selectOperations will now return an array of objects instead of an object
ZBX-6668 action.update: fixed possibility to update action conditions and operations alone


ZBXNEXT-1975 changed the data type of the "message" property to text


ZBXNEXT-928 replaced the templateid property with templateids, which will return an array of parent application IDs


ZBX-5916 dcheck.get: removed the dhostids parameter
=== discoveryrule ===

ZBX-6400 dropped support of type 8 (Aggregate check), 15 (Calculated check) and 17 (SNMP Trap check)
ZBXNEXT-1575 dropped support of status 3, not supported
=== event ===

ZBXNEXT-1574 removed the value_changed property


ZBX-6975 changed the default value of “yaxismax” to 100
ZBX-6673 graph.delete: fixed errors in screens after parent graph deleting
ZBXNEXT-1491 graph.get: selectGraphItems will now return an array of graph items instead of an object


ZBXNEXT-1491 graphprototype.get: selectGraphItems will now return an array of graph items instead of an object


ZBX-6975 changed the default value of “yaxisside” to 0
ZBX-5846 graphitem.getobjects: removed method


ZBXNEXT-1975 changed the data type of log history and text history "value" property to text


ZBXNEXT-1689 host.get: removed the with_historical_items parameter


ZBXNEXT-1689 hostgroup.get: removed the with_historical_items parameter


ZBXNEXT-1491 iconmap.get: selectMappings will now return an array of icon mappings instead of an object


ZBXNEXT-1689 removed the prevorgvalue property
ZBXNEXT-1575 dropped support of status 3, not supported


ZBX-7163 changed the default value of “label_location” to 0 for "Map" object
ZBX-7163 changed the default value of “label_location” to -1 for "Map element" object
=== webcheck === ZBXNEXT-1491 webcheck.get: selectSteps will now return an array of scenario steps instead of an object

Other changes and bug fixes


ZBXNEXT-1491 implemented property array support for all get methods
Bug fixes:
ZBXNEXT-1505 implemented property array support for the output parameter in all get methods
ZBX-5752 fixed inherited object IDs being returned when deleting template objects
ZBX-5565 fixed API returns HTML when the database is down


Bug fixes:
ZBX-7053 fixed type-specific operation command properties not being reset when changing type
ZBX-6808 fixed multiple action condition validation problems


ZBXNEXT-1575 implemented support of event type action condition
ZBXNEXT-1575 alert.get: implemented the objectids parameter; triggerids has been depreacated.
ZBXNEXT-1575 alert.get: implemented the eventsource and eventobject parameters
Bug fixes:
ZBXNEXT-1491 alert.get: fixed the hostids and groupids parameters


ZBXNEXT-928 application.delete: allowed deleting applications used in HTTP tests

Bug fixes:
ZBX-5498 application.create: fixed no error triggered if an empty parameter is passed
ZBX-7086 application.massadd: fixed application mass add from different hosts or templates validation
ZBXNEXT-1051 application.massadd: fixed regression, was impossible to link many items and fixed "excludeSearch"
ZBX-5972 application.update: fixed application being inherited incorrectly when changing its name and an application with the same name already exists on a linked host
ZBX-5498 application.update: fixed no error triggered if an empty parameter is passed
=== dcheck ==

ZBXNEXT-1438 implemented the snmpv3_contextname property
ZBXNEXT-450 implemented the snmpv3_authprotocol and snmpv3_privprotocol properties


Bug fixes:
ZBX-6124 dhost.create: removed unimplemented method
ZBX-6124 dhost.delete: removed unimplemented method
ZBX-6124 dhost.update: removed unimplemented method


ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented support of username and password properties for Simple check LLD rules
ZBXNEXT-817 implemented support of username and password properties for Database monitor LLD rules
ZBXNEXT-1438 implemented the snmpv3_contextname property
ZBXNEXT-450 implemented the snmpv3_authprotocol and snmpv3_privprotocol properties
ZBXNEXT-1633 discoveryrule.get: implemented the selectHostPrototypes parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5990 discoveryrule.copy: fixed not being able to copy an LLD rule when logged in as an admin user
ZBX-5972 discoveryrule.update: fixed LLD rule being inherited incorrectly when changing its key and an LLD rule with the same key already exists on a linked host


Bug fixes:
ZBX-7238 fixed permission checks for admin users
ZBX-6256 drule.exists: fixed "druleids" parameter not working
ZBX-6256 drule.get: fixed "limitSelect" sorting dchecks and dhosts results by "name" instead of IDs
ZBXNEXT-109 drule.update: improved discovery rule check deleting
=== dservice ===

Bug fixes:
ZBX-6124 dservice.create: removed unimplemented method
ZBX-6124 dservice.delete: removed unimplemented method
ZBXNEXT-1505 dservice.get: fixed SQL error when using the dcheckids parameter
ZBX-6124 dservice.update: removed unimplemented method


ZBXNEXT-1575 the source property now supports value 3 - internal event
ZBXNEXT-1575 the object property now supports values 4 - item and 5 - LLD rule
ZBXNEXT-1575 event.acknowledge: trying to acknowledge a non-trigger event will now raise an error
ZBX-7105 event.get: sort field object has been deprecated; added sort field clock
ZBXNEXT-1575 event.get: the source and object parameters will now default to trigger events and trigger objects respectfully
ZBXNEXT-1575 event.get: passing an incorrect value for the source or object parameter will now trigger an error
ZBXNEXT-1575 event.get: implemented the objectids parameter; triggerids has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-1575 event.get: implemented the selectRelatedObject parameter; selectItems and selectTriggers has been deprecated

Bug fixes:
ZBX-6099 event.get: fixed select_acknowledges count not returning 0 if no acknowledges exist
ZBX-5719 event.get: fixed returning only trigger events by default for users without super admin privileges
=== graph ===

ZBXNEXT-1 graph.get: implemented the expandName parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5604 fixed not beeing able to update graphs without specifying items
ZBX-6678 added write permissions check for Y axis MIN/MAX items
ZBX-6649 added numeric validation when selecting item for graphs
ZBX-5990 fixed being able to access graphs that contain items from hosts with "Deny" permissions
ZBX-6866 graph.update: fixed beeing able to add graph items from other hosts for templated graphs
ZBX-6386 graph.update: fixed being able to update discovered graphs


Bug fixes:
ZBX-5604 fixed not beeing able to update graph prototypes without specifying items
ZBX-6678 added write permissions check for Y axis MIN/MAX items
ZBX-6649 added numeric validation when selecting item for graph prototypes
ZBX-5990 fixed being able to access graph prototypes that contain items from hosts with "Deny" permissions
ZBX-6866 graphprototype.update: fixed beeing able to add graph items from other hosts for templated graph prototypes


Bug fixes:
ZBX-6124 history.create: removed unimplemented method
ZBX-6124 history.delete: removed unimplemented method
=== host ===

ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented the flags property
ZBX-6126 host.delete: changed to support arrays of IDs; passing objects has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-1633 host.get: implemented the selectDiscoveryRule and selectHostDiscovery parameters
ZBX-5915 host.get: fixed selectParentTemplates parameter using an incorrect property name when passing count
ZBXNEXT-20 host.get: implemented the selectHttpTests parameters
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6699 host.get: fixed "with_*" parameters taking in account prototypes and discovery rules
ZBX-6465 host.massupdate: now there will be an exception if disabling host inventory and setting inventory fields at the same time
ZBX-6465 host.massupdate: fixed that setting some host inventory field to a disabled inventory enables it


ZBX-7121 increased size of ip property to 64 characters
ZBXNEXT-1633 hostinterface.update: forbid updating interfaces for discovered hosts
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6953 added validation for DNS name limiting it to 64 characters
=== hostprototype ===

ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented the host prototype API
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7224 hostprototype.update: fixed host prototype children group deletion
=== hostgroup ===

ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented the flags property
ZBXNEXT-1633 hostgroup.delete: forbid deleting host groups that are used as group prototypes
ZBXNEXT-1633 hostgroup.get: implemented the selectDiscoveryRule and selectGroupDiscovery parameters
ZBXNEXT-1633 hostgroup.update: forbid updating discovered host groups
ZBXNEXT-1633 hostgroup.update: forbid updating host groups for discovered hosts
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6458 hostgroup.update: fixed "name" parameter validation
ZBX-6699 hostgroup.get: fixed "with_*" parameters taking in account prototypes and discovery rules
ZBX-6651 fixed template name for duplicate items in validation message


ZBXNEXT-1597 implemented the scenario step variables property
ZBXNEXT-1597 renamed macros to variables, macros has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-20 renamed webcheck to httptest, httptest has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-20 implemented the hostid and templateid properties
ZBXNEXT-20 renamed the webstepid property of the httpstep object to httpstepid, webstepid has been deprecated
ZBX-6050 httptest.create: fixed duplicate step name validation
ZBXNEXT-20 httptest.get: implemented the templateids, inherited, templated, expandName and expandStepName parameters
ZBX-6050 httptest.update: fixed duplicate step name validation

Bug fixes:
ZBX-6356 httptest.get: fixed web scenarios without an application not being returned for admin users
ZBX-7235 httptest.update: fixed activating and deactivating a web scenarios
=== item ===

ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented support of username and password properties for Simple check items
ZBXNEXT-817 implemented support of username and password properties for Database monitor items
ZBXNEXT-1438 implemented the snmpv3_contextname property
ZBXNEXT-450 implemented the snmpv3_authprotocol and snmpv3_privprotocol properties
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7171 fixed displaying correct percentages in error messages
ZBX-6699 item.get: fixed "with_*" parameters taking in account prototypes and discovery rules
ZBXNEXT-1491 item.get: fixed selectHosts returning double template objects
ZBX-6386 item.update: fixed being able to update read-only properties of discovered items
ZBX-5972 item.update: fixed template item being inherited incorrectly when changing its key and an item with the same key already exists on a linked host
ZBX-7165 item.update: fixed snmp fields validation
=== itemprototype ===

ZBXNEXT-1633 implemented support of username and password properties for Simple check item prototypes
ZBXNEXT-817 implemented support of username and password properties for Database monitor item prototypes
ZBXNEXT-1438 implemented the snmpv3_contextname property
ZBXNEXT-450 implemented the snmpv3_authprotocol and snmpv3_privprotocol properties
ZBXNEXT-1491 itemprototype.get: implemented the selectDiscoveryRule parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBXNEXT-1491 itemprototype.get: fixed selectItems not returning web items
ZBX-5972 itemprototype.update: fixed template item prototype being inherited incorrectly when changing its key and an item prototype with the same key already exists on a linked host


ZBXNEXT-715 increased size of label property of map elements and map links to 2048
ZBXNEXT-1124 implemented the severity_min property
ZBXNEXT-1491 map.get: implemented the selectUrls parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-3934 fixed map link color attribute not being validated
ZBX-7247 map.create: fixed checking permissions to objects used in map elements
ZBX-5927 map.get: fixed preservekeys affecting selectSelements and selectLinks
ZBX-6084 map.delete: fixed favourites removing
ZBX-7247 map.update: fixed checking permissions to objects used in map elements
ZBX-6399 map.update: fixed map element linking
=== proxy ===

ZBX-7121 increased size of ip property of interface to 64 characters
ZBX-6362 proxy.create: fixed proxy interface array structure, multiple interface support has been deprecated and only single interface must be used
ZBX-6126 proxy.delete: changed to support arrays of IDs; passing objects has been deprecated
ZBX-6362 proxy.get: renamed selectInterfaces to selectInterface; selectInterfaces has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-1633 proxy.update: forbid updating proxies for discovered hosts
ZBX-6362 proxy.update: fixed proxy interface array structure, multiple interface support has been deprecated and only single interface must be used
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6771 "status" field on creating proxy is mandatory and is being validated
=== screen ===

Bug fixes:
ZBX-6084 screen.delete: fixed favourites removing


Bug fixes:
ZBX-7259 added "elements" field validation to be a number between 1 and 100


ZBXNEXT-1786 the name of the script can now contain a hierarchical category path
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7053 script.delete: fixed displaying correct error message for scripts linked to action operation
ZBXNEXT-1491 script.get: fixed subselects not working when not requesting the groupid and host_access properties
ZBX-6446 script.getobjects: removed unimplemented method
=== template ===

ZBXNEXT-20 template.get: implemented the selectHttpTests and with_httptests parameters
Bug fixes:
ZBX-6699 template.get: fixed "with_*" parameters taking in account prototypes and discovery rules
ZBX-5915 template.get: fixed selectParentTemplates parameter using an incorrect property name when passing count
ZBXNEXT-1491 template.get: fixed selectTemplate and selectHosts not working with count
ZBX-3684 template.get: fixed always returning a hostid attribute in the result
ZBXNEXT-1633 template.update: forbid updating templates for discovered hosts
=== trigger ===

ZBX-6883 added possibility to use empty parameters of trigger functions; first parameter of functions last(), band() and strlen(); second parameter of functions sum(), avg(), last(), strlen(), min(), max(), delta(), str(), regexp() and iregexp(); third parameter of function band(); fourth parameter of function count()
ZBXNEXT-1575 value_flags is renamed to state; value_flags has been deprecated
ZBXNEXT-1574 creating or disabling a trigger will no longer generate unknown events
ZBXNEXT-1466 trigger.create: new triggers will be created in OK state with an empty error message
ZBXNEXT-1466 trigger.get: implemented the expandComment parameter
Bug fixes:
ZBX-7171 fixed displaying correct percentages in error messages
ZBX-5990 fixed being able to access triggers that contain items from hosts with "Deny" permissions
ZBX-5706 trigger.adddependencies: fixed returning an object instead of an array of trigger IDs
ZBX-5718 trigger.create: fixed unknown event generation for templated triggers
ZBX-7256 trigger.get: fixed sorting by hostname
ZBX-7164 trigger.update: fixed read only fields to no longer change when linking template to host
ZBX-7026 trigger.update: "error" field is no longer changed when expression is changed
ZBX-6386 trigger.update: fixed being able to update read-only properties of discovered triggers
ZBX-6192 trigger.update: removing check if field was changed, all received fields will be updated and propagated to inherited objects
=== triggerprototype ===

ZBX-6883 added possibility to use empty parameters of trigger functions; first parameter of functions last(), band() and strlen(); second parameter of functions sum(), avg(), last(), strlen(), min(), max(), delta(), str(), regexp() and iregexp(); third parameter of function band(); fourth parameter of function count()
Bug fixes:
ZBX-5990 fixed being able to access trigger prototypes that contain items from hosts with "Deny" permissions
ZBX-6613 fixed trigger prototype create/update error message
ZBX-7164 triggerprototype.update: fixed read only fields to no longer change when linking template to host
ZBX-7026 triggerprototype.update: "error" field is no longer changed when expression is changed
=== user ===

ZBX-2872 user.authenticate: deprecated
ZBX-6126 user.delete: changed to support arrays of IDs; passing objects has been deprecated

Bug fixes:
ZBX-6952 added "theme" field validation
ZBX-6127 changed the default value of "type" to 1
ZBX-6126 user.delete: implemented empty parameter validation


Bug fixes:
ZBX-6124 usergroup.massremove: removed unimplemented method
=== usermacro ===

Bug fixes:
ZBX-5714 usermacro.get: fixed output refer not returning hosts when used together with the hostids parameter