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2022 Zabbix中国峰会
2022 Zabbix中国峰会

23 Web 监控


这个小部件显示Web拨测 监视场景的状态摘要。


在用户没有权限访问某些组件元素的情况下,该元素的名称在组件的配置中会显示为不可访问。这会导致无法访问的监控项、无法访问的主机、无法访问的组、无法访问的拓扑图和无法访问的图表出现,而不是显示该元素的 "真实 "名称。

除了所有小部件通用 的配置参数之外,您还可以设置下列专属配置项:

参数 说明
主机组 输入要在组件中显示的主机组。这个字段支持自动补全,输入一个组的名称在下拉框选择你需要的主机组名称。
排除主机组 输入要从组件中隐藏的主机组。这个字段支持自动补全,输入一个组的名称在下拉框选择你需要的主机组名称。
来自这些主机组的主机数据将不会显示在组件中。例如主机001, 002, 003属于A组,主机002, 003也属于B组。如果我们选择同时显示A组和排除B组,只有主机001的数据将显示在仪表板中。
主机 输入要在组件中显示的主机。这个字段支持自动补全,输入一个主机的名称在下拉框选择你需要的主机名称。
标签 可以通过包括以及排除特定的标签和标签值的方法,指定标签以限制组件中同时显示的Web 监控项的数量。标签名称匹配区分大小写。
Exists - 存在特定的标签名称
Equals - 存在特定的标签名称和值(区分大小写)
Contains - 输入的字符串存在特定的标签名称(通配,不区分大小写)
Does not exist - 排除存在特定的标签名称
Does not equal - 排除存在特定的标签名称和值(区分大小写)
Does not contain - 排除输入的字符串存在特定的标签名称(通配,不区分大小写)
And/Or - 所有条件同时满足,标签名相同的条件将按Or条件分组<br >Or - 满足任意条件即可
显示维护中的主机 加入正在维护状态的主机。

Web monitoring widget

Once you have completed the configuration, you might like to see the widget with the data it displays. To do it, go to MonitoringDashboards, click on the name of a dashboard where you created the widget.

In this example, you can see the widget named "Zabbix frontend" displaying the status of the web monitoring for three host groups: "Internal network," "Linux servers," and "Web servers."

A web monitoring widget displays the following information:

  • a name of a widget; below it, there are four columns:
    • Host group - displays a list of host groups that contain hosts having web scenarios configured;
    • Ok - displays a number of web scenarios (in green color) when two conditions are observed:
      • Zabbix has collected the latest data for a web scenario(s);
      • all steps that were configured in a web scenario are in "Ok" Status.
    • Failed - displays a number of web scenarios (in red color), which have some failed steps:
      • click on the host name, and it will open a new window; the Status column provides detailed information (in red color) on the step where Zabbix failed to collect the data; and also,
      • gives a hint for the parameter that has to be corrected in the configuration form.

  • Unknown - displays a number of web scenarios (in grey color) for which Zabbix has neither collected data, nor has an information about the failed steps.

Viewing the status and data

Clickable links in the widget allow to easily navigate and quickly acquire a full information on each web scenario. Thus, to view:

  • the Status of a web scenario, click on the name of a host group.
  • more detailed statistics, click on the scenario name. In this example it is "Zabbix frontend".
  • the details in the case of Failed status, click on a host group name; in the window that opens, click on a web scenario name in the Name column; it will open more detailed information on the configured steps for which Zabbix failed to collect the data.

Now, you can return to the web scenario configuration form and correct your settings.

To view the details in the case of Unknown status, you can repeat the same steps as explained for Failed.

At the first monitoring instance, a web scenario is always displayed in Unknown state, which is switched to Failed or Ok state right after the first check. In the case when a host is monitored by the proxy, the status change occurs in accordance with the data collection frequency configured on the proxy.