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2022 Zabbix中国峰会
2022 Zabbix中国峰会

14 拓扑图导航树






选择 拓扑图导航树 作为类型:

通用 的配置参数对所有组件都是可用的,您还可以设置下列专属配置项:

显示不可用的拓扑图 选中复选框以显示用户没有访问权限的拓扑图。

Navigation tree elements are displayed in a list. You can:

  • drag an element (including its child elements) to a new place in the list;
  • expand or collapse an element to display or hide its child elements;
  • add a child element (with or without a linked map) to an element;
  • add multiple child elements (with linked maps) to an element;
  • edit an element;
  • remove an element (including its child elements).

Element configuration

To configure a navigation tree element, either add a new element or edit an existing element.

The following navigation tree element configuration parameters are available:

Name Enter the navigation tree element name.
Linked map Select the map to link to the navigation tree element.
This field is auto-complete so starting to type the name of a map will offer a dropdown of matching maps.
Add submaps Mark this checkbox to add the submaps of the linked map as child elements to the navigation tree element.