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9 Puglin do PostgreSQL

Visão geral

Essa seção lista os parâmetros suportados no arquivo de configuração do plugin do agente PostgreSQL Zabbix 2 (postgresql.conf).

Desde o Zabbix 6.0.10, o PostgreSQL é um plugin carregável, que está disponível e descrito por completo em PostgreSQL plugin repository

Note que:

  • Os valores padrão refletem o padrão do processo, e não os valores nos arquivos de configuração fornecidos;
  • O Zabbix suporta somente arquivos de configuração codificados em UTF-8 sem BOM;
  • Comentários que começam com "#" somente são suportados no inicio da linha.


Parâmetro Descrição
-V --version Exibe a versão do plugin e informações sobre licença.
-h --help Exibe informação de ajuda (atalho).


Nas versões anteriores de Zabbix 6.0.10, os nomes de parâmetro começavam com Plugins.Postgres.<Parameter> ao invés de Plugins.PostgreSQL.<Parameter>. Por exemplo, Plugins.Postgres.KeepAlive.

Parâmetro Obrigatório Range Default Description
Plugins.PostgreSQL.CallTimeout não 1-30 global timeout Maximum wait time (in seconds) for a request to be completed.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.CustomQueriesPath não disabled Full pathname of the directory containing .sql files with custom queries.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.Database não Default database for connecting to PostgreSQL; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.Password não Default password for connecting to PostgreSQL; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSCAFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSConnect estiver configurado para: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificate for peer certificate verification for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases; used if no value is specified in a named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSCertFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSConnect estiver configurado para: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the PostgreSQL certificate or certificate chain for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases; used if no value is specified in a named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSConnect não Encryption type for communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases; used if no value is specified in a named session.
Supported values:
required - connect using TLS as transport mode without identity checks;
verify_ca - connect using TLS and verify certificate;
verify_full - connect using TLS, verify certificate and verify that database identity (CN) specified by DBHost matches its certificate.
Undefined encryption type means unencrypted connection.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSKeyFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.TLSConnect estiver configurado para: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the PostgreSQL private key for encrypted communications between Zabbix agent 2 and monitored databases; used if no value is specified in a named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.Uri não Default URI for connecting to PostgreSQL; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.

Should not include embedded credentials (they will be ignored).
Must match the URI format.
Supported schemes: tcp, unix.
Examples: tcp://
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Default.User não Default username for connecting to PostgreSQL; used if no value is specified in an item key or named session.
Supported since version 6.0.18.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.KeepAlive não 60-900 300 Maximum time of waiting (in seconds) before unused plugin connections are closed.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.Database não Database for session connection.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.Password não Must match the password format. Password for session connection.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSCAFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSConnect estiver configurado para: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the top-level CA(s) certificate peer certificate verification.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSCertFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSConnect estiver configurado: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the PostgreSQL certificate or certificate chain.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSConnect não Encryption type for PostgreSQL connection.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

Supported values:
required - connect using TLS as transport mode without identity checks;
verify_ca - connect using TLS and verify certificate;
verify_full - connect using TLS, verify certificate and verify that database identity (CN) specified by DBHost matches its certificate.
Undefined encryption type means unencrypted connection.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSKeyFile não
(sim, se Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.TLSConnect estiver configurado para: verify_ca, verify_full)
Full pathname of a file containing the PostgreSQL private key.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.Uri não Connection string of a named session.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.

Should not include embedded credentials (they will be ignored).
Must match the URI format.
Supported schemes: tcp, unix.
Examples: tcp://
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Sessions.<SessionName>.User não Named session username.
<SessionName> - define name of a session for using in item keys.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.System.Path sim Path to external plugin executable. Supported since Zabbix 6.0.10.
Plugins.PostgreSQL.Timeout não 1-30 global timeout Request execution timeout (how long to wait for a request to complete before shutting it down).

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