A seção Monitoramento→ Dashboard é projetada para exibir resumos de todas as informações importantes em um dashboard.
Embora apenas um dashboard possa ser exibido por vez, é possível configurar vários dashboards. Cada dashboard pode conter uma ou várias páginas que podem ser exibidas em um slideshow rotativo.
Uma página de dashboard é composta por widgets, e cada widget é projetado para exibir informações de um tipo e origem específicos, como um resumo, um mapa, um gráfico, o relógio, etc.
O acesso aos hosts nos widgets depende das permissions dos hosts.
Páginas e widgets são adicionados ao dashboard e editados no modo de edição do dashboard. As páginas podem ser visualizadas e rotacionadas no modo de visualização do dashboard.
O período de tempo exibido nos widgets de gráficos é controlado pelo time period selector localizado acima dos widgets. O rótulo do seletor de período de tempo, localizado à direita, exibe o período de tempo atualmente selecionado. Clicar no rótulo da aba permite expandir e recolher o seletor de período de tempo.
Observe que, quando o dashboard é exibido no modo quiosque e apenas os widgets são mostrados, é possível reduzir o período do gráfico ao dar um duplo clique no gráfico.
The minimum width of a dashboard is 1200 pixels. The dashboard will not shrink below this width; instead a horizontal scrollbar is displayed if the browser window is smaller than that.
The maximum width of a dashboard is the browser window width. Dashboard widgets stretch horizontally to fit the window. At the same time, a dashboard widget cannot be stratched horizontally beyond the window limits.
Technically the dashboard consists of 12 horizontal columns of always equal width that stretch/shrink dynamically (but not to less than 1200 pixels total).
Vertically the dashboard may contain a maximum of 64 rows. Each row has a fixed height of 70 pixels. A widget may be up to 32 rows high.
Ao clicar em um host no widget dos Últimos 20 incidentes será apresentado o menu flutuante do host. Este menu inclui links para scripts customizados, dados recentes, triggers, inventário, gráficos e telas daquele host.
O menu de host é acessível ao clicar em um host em diversos locais:
Clicando no Incidente apresentado no widget dos Últimos 20 incidentes será apresentado o menu flutuante de triggers e eventos. Ele contêm a lista de eventos e, se definido, a descrição da trigger e uma URL clicável.
It is possible to create a new dashboard in two ways:
You will be first asked to enter general dashboard parameters:
Parameter | Description |
Owner | Select system user that will be the dashboard owner. |
Name | Enter dashboard name. |
Default page display period | Select period for how long a dashboard page is displayed before rotating to the next page in a slideshow. |
Start slideshow automatically | Mark this checkbox to run a slideshow automatically one more than one dashboard page exists. |
When you click on Apply, an empty dashboard is opened:
To populate the dashboard, you can add widgets and pages.
Click on the Save changes button to save the dashboard. If you click on Cancel, the dashboard will not be created.
Para adicionar um widget a um painel:
No formulário de configuração do widget:
Os seguintes widgets podem ser adicionados a um painel:
No modo de edição do painel, os widgets podem ser redimensionados e movidos painel clicando na barra de título do widget e arrastando-o para um novo localização. Além disso, você pode clicar nos seguintes botões no canto superior direito canto do widget para:
Clique em Salvar alterações para que o painel faça as alterações no widgets permanentes.
Dashboard widgets can be copied and pasted, allowing to create a new widget with the properties of an existing one. They can be copy-pasted within the same dashboard, or between dashboards opened in different tabs.
A widget can be copied using the widget menu. To paste the widget:
A copied widget can be used to paste over an existing widget using the Paste option in the widget menu.
A slideshow will run automatically if the dashboard contains two or more pages (see Adding pages) and if one of the following is true:
parameterThe pages rotate according to the intervals given in the properties of the dashboard and individual pages. Click on:
Slideshow-related controls are also available in kiosk mode (where only the page content is shown):
To add a new page to a dashboard:
Page N
name where 'N' is the incremental number of the page. The page display period allows to customize how long a page is displayed in a slideshow.A new page will be added, indicated by a new tab (Page 2).
The pages can be reordered by dragging-and-dropping the page tabs. Reordering maintains the original page naming. It is always possible to go to each page by clicking on its tab.
When a new page is added, it is empty. You can add widgets to it as described above.
Dashboard pages can be copied and pasted, allowing to create a new page with the properties of an existing one. They can be pasted from the same dashboard or a different dashboard.
To paste an existing page to the dashboard, first copy it, using the page menu:
To paste the copied page:
The page menu can be opened by clicking on the three dots next to the page name:
It contains the following options:
The widget menu contains different options based on whether the dashboard is in the edit or view mode:
Widget menu | Options |
In dashboard edit mode: |
Copy - copy the widget Paste - paste a copied widget over this widget This option is grayed out if no widget has been copied. Delete - delete the widget |
In dashboard view mode: |
Copy - copy the widget Download image - download the widget as a PNG image (only available for graph/classic graph widgets) Refresh interval - select the frequency of refreshing the widget contents |
When configuring some of the widgets:
there is an extra option called Dynamic item. You can check this box to make the widget dynamic - i.e. capable of displaying different content based on the selected host.
Now, when saving the dashboard, you will notice that a new host selection field has appeared atop the dashboard for selecting the host (while the Select button allows selecting the host group in a popup):
Thus you have a widget, which can display content that is based on the data from the host that is selected. The benefit of this is that you do not need to create extra widgets just because, for example, you want to see the same graphs containing data from various hosts.
Permissions to dashboards for regular users and users of 'Admin' type are limited in the following way:
Clicking on a host in the Problems widget brings up the host menu. It includes links to host inventory, latest data, problems, graphs, dashboards, web scenarios and configuration. Note that host configuration is available for Admin and Superadmin users only.
Global scripts can also be run from the host menu. These scripts need to have their scope defined as 'Manual host action' to be available in the host menu.
The host menu is accessible by clicking on a host in several other frontend sections:
The problem event popup includes the list of problem events for this trigger and, if defined, the trigger description and a clickable URL.
To bring up the problem event popup:
Resolved values of {ITEM.VALUE} and {ITEM.LASTVALUE} macros in trigger descriptions are truncated to 20 characters. To see the entire values you may use macro functions with these macros, e.g. {{ITEM.VALUE}.regsub("(.*)", \1)}
, {{ITEM.LASTVALUE}.regsub("(.*)", \1)}
as a workaround.