Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 1.8.2

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 1.8.2.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 1.8.2. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

Fixes and minor improvements

ZBX-2116 fixed black images instead of vertical text in monitoring->overview
ZBX-2084 fixed JSON decoding class, which didn't work due to PCRE backtrace limit, enabled native PHP JSON functions, rewrote code with sockets
ZBX-2239 fixed mutex (un)locking so that zabbix_server does not become forever defunct when killed
ZBX-1983 fixed port validation in host agent port, IPMI port and in discovery checks ports (now supports port ranges like "21-80,465")
ZBX-2228 fixed compilation under FreeBSD with enabled LDAP
ZBX-2236 fixed processing of Telnet checks by Zabbix proxy
ZBX-2234 fixed icon for mass open action in status of triggers
ZBX-2233 fixed processing of action condition 'Trigger <>'
ZBX-1357 updated French translation; thanks to alixen
ZBX-2048 fixed sorting in screens dropdown
ZBX-2221 fixed expanding/collapsing categories in "Latest Data"
ZBX-2225 fixed linkage if templated items are used in graphs as Y axis min and max values
ZBX-2225 complete rewrite of the server code for template linkage
ZBX-2210 added template replace option for hosts mass update
ZBX-2219 fixed graphs data in data.sql
ZBX-1345 time filter redesigned, sliders moved to top inside filter
ZBX-2151 fixed header sorting in overview for items and triggers
DEV-456 added filter to dashboard
ZBX-2191 remove broken trigger from the default dataset
ZBX-2172 fixed object available scripts sorting alphabetically
ZBX-2217 fixed JS error in status of triggers page in IE
ZBX-2199 fixed time output format when time is less then 1 ms
ZBX-1956 fixed deletion of last row or col in screen
ZBX-1956 added cursor pointer on minus (remove) icons in screens
ZBX-1347 added support of hostnames and keys with spaces in sender input file
ZBX-2189 fixed compilation under AIX 5.3
ZBX-1229 added comparison between IPv4, IPv4-mapped and IPv4-compatible allowed server addresses
ZBX-1949 fixed "housekeeping" procedure for the table "housekeeper" itself, added configuration parameter "MaxHousekeeperDelete" for the server
ZBX-2173 fixed too long URL for webgraph when many websteps are defined
ZBX-2139 fixed collecting of active checks after configured with user macro
ZBXNEXT-238 added a command line option to zabbix_sender to send metrics in real time when reading from stdin
ZBX-1000 enabled zabbix_sender to read its input from stdin; thanks to leo
ZBX-2011 fixed e-mail sending format to meet 'SMTP/MIME e-mail' standards since UTF-8 is used. Thanks to Olexiy Zagorskiy.
ZBX-2136 fixed handling of logitems with logtimefmt in db cache
ZBX-2193 updated Russian translation; thanks to dotneft
ZBX-2185 added view of parent template of linked template to host
ZBX-2179 fixed errors connected with Triggers Info screen element
ZBX-2184 added maintenance info to dashboard latest issues
ZBX-1772 changed frontend timezone to match PHP server
DEV-455 added configurable filter to "Status of triggers" screen element
DEV-454 implemented screen export
ZBX-2144 fixed internal and aggregate checks for hosts monitored by a proxy
ZBX-2052 fixed sending of regexps to agents
ZBX-2129 fixed links from monitoring to configuration when All nodes are selected
ZBX-2146 fixed error when try to view slideshow without slides
ZBX-2161 added permission checks for map link triggers
ZBX-2169 fixed adding dependencies to triggers on mass update
ZBX-2157 fixed script permissions
ZBX-2135 fixed screens ignore nodes "All" option in selection dropdown
ZBX-1954 fixed config file errors if special chars are used in db password
ZBX-2075 admins now have access only to users they share usergroup with [action operations]
ZBX-2147 fixed permission check for item configuration
ZBX-2158 fixed map image deletion
ZBX-2155 ipv6 addresses are now case insensitive
ZBX-2005 fixed graph being deleted when any of its items are deleted
ZBX-2163 fixed possibility to acknowledge events regardless of GUI events settings
ZBX-2160 fixed permission issue in reports when accessing by user or admin
ZBX-1346 explicitly note that hostname in configuration files is case sensitive
ZBX-2006 added explicit dependency on "lber" library to gain better portability on upcoming Fedora "ld" changes. Thanks to Dan Horak.
ZBX-1575 added UnsafeUserParameters configuration option for agents
ZBX-2108 added checking double values for "out of range" errors for the MySQL
ZBX-2114 improvements in SQL filtering of hosts and templates by nodes
ZBX-18, ZBX-1018, ZBX-1070, ZBX-1123, ZBXNEXT-96, ZBX-2143 dealing with database problems in a uniform way for all database engines
ZBX-2089 fixed computing calculated items for proxied hosts
ZBX-2109 disabled Web monitoring for disabled hosts and hosts under maintenance
ZBX-2121 events from Windows eventlog with type 'EVENTLOG_SUCCESS' are treated as 'Information' in Zabbix as in Windows
ZBX-1994 using /proc/sys instead of the deprecated sysctl() on Linux
ZBXNEXT-236 added support of comma delimited list of host groups in aggregate checks
ZBXNEXT-236 added support of item keys with brackets ("") in aggregate checks
ZBXNEXT-236 added support of arrays in item key parameters
ZBX-1371 improved performance of the configuration screens hostgroups, templates, hosts
DEV-452 support of s,m,h,d,w,T suffixes in trigger expressions and functions
ZBX-1357 added Ukrainian translation; thanks to zalex_ua
ZBX-2013 fixed error in trigger test screen
ZBX-2087 fixed permission scheme in actions
ZBX-2067 fixed undefined variable errors in actions screen
ZBX-2053 fixed evaluating of case sensitivity on the server/agent side of regular expressions
ZBX-2077 added support of Failure/Success Audit eventlog severity
ZBXNEXT-257 added support of time-based disabling of data collection for items
ZBX-2051 fixed memory leak in processing of calculated items
ZBX-886 removed duplicate and outdated strings from locales
ZBX-1790 restored support of the hyphen (-) in item key names
ZBX-1962 explicit 'not monitored' response for active agents on disabled hosts
ZBX-1522 fixed server crash on an undefined user macro
ZBX-2039 fixed pattern matching in function count
ZBXNEXT-119 added support for time shifted functions
ZBX-1878 reverted map label background drawing
ZBX-2016 fixed code with "_itow_s()" and "zbx_wsnprintf" to avoid possible run-time memory corruption. Thanks to Takanori Suzuki.
ZBX-2059 fixed special char treatment in XML export
ZBX-1655 improved error message on map saving with circular reference
ZBX-1823 improved map element labels expansion in map editing screen
ZBX-1991 added sequences for autoincrement fields to oracle.sql
ZBX-2045 fixed trigger editor not preserving element ordering
ZBX-2003 fixed evaluation of division and subtraction
ZBX-2029 fixed monitoring triggers showing triggers with true dependencies
ZBX-1902 fixed error when creating dependency for a trigger that belongs to the same template
ZBX-1705 fixed various front-end problems with Oracle database
ZBX-1299 added check for the minimal (1.0.0) libssh2 library version
ZBX-1975 fixed permission check in graphs with web items
ZBX-2023 improved trigger configuration page
DEV-453 implemented import/export of Zabbix maps
ZBX-1320 fixed graph header alignment
ZBX-2041 minor configuration comment change about LogFile parameter for Windows agent
ZBX-1876 added remarks to configuration files of Zabbix server and proxy about fping6
ZBX-1876 fixed processing of ICMP pings when "fping" or "fping6" binaries are missing
ZBX-1995 fixed errors when save/update web scenario with existing name
ZBX-2014 fixed pie chart in screen renders last hour of data only
ZBX-2025 fixed deletion of actions
ZBX-3 fixed logging into syslog, Zabbix log levels are properly linked to syslog levels
ZBX-2022 fixed link colour picker in maps in IE7
ZBX-1968 fixed error in log item history in IE8
ZBX-2020 added requirements check for PHP max_input_time
ZBX-1958 fixed problem with a lot of digits in float values
ZBX-1853 fixed template/host full clone with triggers with dependencies
ZBX-1999 fixed bug when cannot create simple check item with macro in parameters
ZBX-1269 fixed offscreen popups
ZBX-1679 fixed error sometimes appearing when using Print button
ZBX-1980 added requirements check for PHP upload_max_filesize
ZBX-2002 refresh timer is now restarted instead of stopped when checkbox is checked
ZBX-1961 added support of '%' prompt for[] check
ZBX-1939 fixed errors when unicode chars are used in item keys
ZBX-1996 fixed JS error in IE7 in maps
ZBX-1328 improved host group mass deletion caption
DEV-450 added support of LogSlowQueries option
ZBX-1974 removed "Dropdown first entry" "1.6.2 comp mode" option
ZBX-1826 fixed error when changing node in monitoring web
ZBX-1943 fixed refresh time selection in dashboard widgets
ZBX-1929 include eventlog.c and eventlog.h files in distribution package
ZBX-1897 include CREDITS file in distribution package
ZBXNEXT-229 further updates for Brazilian Portuguese translation; thanks to murilex
ZBX-1945 speed improvement for synchronization between nodes
ZBX-1940 fixed map creation if Zabbix doesn't contain images
ZBX-1938 fixed permission check inefficiency in charts
ZBX-1957 fixed compilation errors under OpenBSD
ZBX-1869 fixed graph max Y most top value calculation
ZBX-1948 fixed node disappearing after node deleted and then created with same ID
ZBXNEXT-225 update Brazilian Portuguese translation; thanks to murilex
DEV-137 add basic bootstrap script
ZBX-1944 fixed no permission error when trying to view simple graph from childnodes
ZBX-1871 made Zabbix not require mbstring_overload to be enabled
ZBX-1862 fixed host creation with link to templates with trigger dependencies
ZBX-1879 fixed unnecessary line breaks in IE7
ZBX-1931 fixed process of sending active checks to ensure every active item is located in the server cache
ZBX-1935 remove incorrect item and fix minor typo in the default Windows template
ZBX-1650 allowed to pass "-" (dash) in parameters for "UserParameter" flexible parameters
ZBX-1923 fixed processing of data sent by 1.4, 1.6 agents not allowing wrong "eventid" values
ZBX-1763 fixed SLA showing red line when there is no problem
ZBX-1922 fixed compilation of Zabbix agent under ac AIX 5.1/5.2
ZBX-1899 fixed sticky starttime in graphs
ZBX-1785 fixed starttime in screens, slides on screen/slide switch
ZBX-1784 improved displaying big numbers and units in graphs
ZBX-1764 fixed right Y axis problem if on left Y axis no data
ZBX-1912 fixed nonstandard font vertical text display
ZBX-1915 fixed template/host name check on creation/update
ZBX-1820 fixed graph preview in configuration graph form
ZBX-1777 fixed evaluating of the maintenance periods
ZBX-1513 fixed resetting user password when updating user and HTTP auth is enabled
ZBX-1904 fixed naming procedure for discovered IPv6 hosts without DNS provided by replacing all not-allowed symbols with '_'
ZBX-1877 template itself in template linkage popup is now disabled
ZBX-1896 fixed no permission error when trying to view history for a web item
ZBX-1860 fixed line breaks at the beginning of exported XML file
ZBX-1881 fixed checkbox selection cookies
DEV-163 improved the description of "perf_counter" check in the "help_items" table
ZBX-1324 replaced more user visible strings ZABBIX with Zabbix
ZBX-1859 fixed map element image
ZBX-954 fix minor typos and removed // comments

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 1.8.2.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 1.8 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.