Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 4.0.0alpha3

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 4.0.0alpha3.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 4.0.0alpha3. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-4357 Added support of "selectTriggerDiscovery" option in trigger.get method
ZBXNEXT-4152 Replaced double box select fields with multiselect fields and added filtering by proxy and server only in host list
ZBXNEXT-4273 Added default event status colors in themes with option to customize them
ZBXNEXT-4216 Added 'copytruncate' log file rotation support for logrt[], logrt.count[]
ZBXNEXT-4144 Added asterisk mark and aria-label property to all forms required fields
ZBXNEXT-768 Added item unit blacklisting with character "!" in order to disable metric prefixes
ZBXNEXT-4295 Added selection of the create images tickbox by default on "Maps import" page
ZBXNEXT-1456 Added filter by item discovery status for item configuration view; thanks to Volker Fröhlich for the original patch
ZBXNEXT-3991 Added additional params to net.if.* key output for linux base agent
ZBXNEXT-3480 Added support of inventory macros in event tags
ZBXNEXT-4175 Implemented ability to send email to several email addresses specified as user media
ZBXNEXT-4139 Added high contrast light and high contrast dark themes
ZBXNEXT-4247 Removed deprecated API methods: user.updareProfile, user.addMedia, user.updateMedia, user.deleteMedia, usergroup.massAdd, usergroup.massUpdate and usermedia.get
ZBXNEXT-970 Added more detailed error information to notification message when DB is unavailable
ZBXNEXT-4137 Removed green background from cells
ZBXNEXT-4157 Added map status summary to be readable by screen reader software
ZBXNEXT-4127 Implemented popup displaying in overlay dialogues
ZBXNEXT-1520 Increased the maximum Hosts/DNS name character length from 63 to 255
ZBXNEXT-4108 Implemented search of problems by trigger name
ZBXNEXT-4143 Implemented keybord interaction in top navigation
ZBXNEXT-1567 Added item "vfs.dir.count" for counting directory entries
ZBXNEXT-4135 Added tooltips for vertical labels
ZBXNEXT-4146 Added icons for error and success messages
ZBXNEXT-4156 Added option to view graphs items data and multiple items graph data as table
ZBXNEXT-4160 Reworked monitoring Discovery screen to show hint info right in the table cell
ZBXNEXT-761 Added rules to make dbschema.c, schema.sql and data.sql from schema.tmpl, data.tmpl and templates.tmpl if there is a need to
ZBXNEXT-4186 Added ability to adjust colors for new graph items in graph creation form according selected theme
ZBXNEXT-4145 Fixed appearance of host column based on number of hosts specified in filter
ZBXNEXT-4118 Implemented advanced options for tag-based search of problems
ZBXNEXT-4134 Added 'lang' attribute to page body
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed Zabbix server to accept active Zabbix proxy requests only from allowed address if specified
ZBXNEXT-4181 Fixed passive Zabbix proxy to accept Zabbix server requests only from allowed address
ZBX-10576 Restructured unixODBC related code, moved it to a dedicated directory
ZBX-3783 Added strict validation for proxy.delete() method; proxy cannot be deleted when used in actions
ZBX-11909 Replaced with in data.sql

Correções de bugs

ZBX-13403 Allowed proxy to execute remote commands on agents using encrypted connection
ZBX-13441 Fixed crashes in case of failures (e.g. timeouts) during VMware hypervisor discovery
ZBX-12607 Fixed performance of map.get API method and map-related views
ZBX-11391 Generated an error if expanding LLD macros results in an empty tag name
ZBX-13300 Fixed addJsFile() name
ZBX-13030 Removed proxy's ability to export unprocessed history data via loadable modules
ZBXNEXT-3581 Dropped plain text protocol support and made header mandatory; fixed IP fragmentation handling by including header in Zabbix get request, Zabbix server/proxy passive check request and frontend request to Zabbix server
ZBX-13194 Fixed incorrect processing of zabbix[wcache,value,*] internal check
ZBX-13060 Added limitation for meaningless server reconnection attempts to incorrectly configured passive proxy
ZBX-13233 Added new memory metrics for Linux platform - "active", "anon", "inactive" and "slabs"; thanks to Tomasz Kłoczko for the original patch
ZBX-12643 Improved error log message in case Zabbix server database cannot be used due to empty "users" table
ZBX-11720 Fixed memory leak which breaks vfs.fs.size, vfs.fs.inode and vfs.dir.size items if compiled with LeakSanitizer
ZBX-13131 Fixed truncated multiline text values from network discovery SNMP checks
ZBX-13117 Fixed vfs.dir.size with symbol links on Windows
ZBX-12045 Fixed inconsistencies in configure -h output
ZBX-13325 Fixed trend.get() method with Oracle backend
ZBX-13223 Fixed graphs duplication in graph preview
ZBX-13345 Removed SID from URL in screen edit mode
ZBX-13055 Fixed problems with DNS resolver interface on NetBSD
ZBX-13214 Added support of \0 matching group for regsub and iregsub methods
ZBX-13208 Eliminated race condition that caused history collection for newly created items to start before preprocecessing steps finished syncing
ZBX-13246 Fixed processing of command line arguments which are longer than 2KB for proc.num and proc.mem items on AIX
ZBX-13130 Fixed Zabbix proxy not to generate high network traffic when server does not accept data
ZBX-13288 Fixed image ghosting for mass update of map elements
ZBX-11422 Fixed compilation warnings under OS X 64bit
ZBX-13276 Fixed compatibility issue with Elasticsearch versions starting from 6.0
ZBX-13196 Fixed setting of transaction error flag in commit operation
ZBX-13221 Fixed trimming of values in overlay dialogues
ZBX-13221 Added "Timeout" validation in web scenario step overlay dialogue
ZBX-12389 Fixed latest data host group filter
ZBX-13119 Removed 'empty' button in trigger selection window for map constructor item modal form
ZBX-12661 Fixed Low-level discovery of dependent items not working after being edited and resulting in undefined offset error or foreign key constraint violation
ZBX-13254 Fixed 'skip' parameter behaviour for log[], log.count[], logrt[], logrt.count[] items in case log files initially do not exist
ZBX-13253 Fixed losing the 1st record by log[] and logrt[] items if 'skip' parameter is used and log file initially is empty
ZBX-13275 Fixed slow housekeeping of events on MySQL
ZBX-13264 Fixed Zabbix agent compilation on OS/X
ZBX-13245 Fixed IP fragmentation handling in Zabbix server response to Zabbix proxy
ZBX-13258 Fixed misaligned user group permission controls
ZBX-13031 Fixed Java gateway compilation without libpcre
ZBX-12963 Fixed passing argument to external check item that contain literal $
ZBX-12991 Removed default values for "active_since" and "active_till" fields in maintenance.create API method
ZBX-13270 Fixed default selection of the required host permissions radio in the global scripts form
ZBX-12758 Fixed slow housekeeping of events due to missing index on foreign key
ZBX-11305 Fixed color and label for event status on event details page
ZBX-13238 Fixed spelling of Elasticsearch
ZBX-13056 Fixed incorrect positioning of context menu when it is opened using keyboard
ZBX-13241 Fixed memory leak on Zabbix server when executing remote commands through proxy
ZBXNEXT-4139 Fixed displaying of the eventlog severitites and severities in trigger map element
ZBX-13178 Fixed ipc_path value in error message
ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility of trigger status getting stuck in PROBLEM or OK state due to transaction error in history synchronization, added deadlock to a list of recoverable errors
ZBX-12251 Fixed possibility that new history values are lost and not processed by Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy due to recoverable transaction error
ZBX-12996 Fixed radio button and label inconsistency in maintenance period configuration
ZBX-12895 Improved performance of DB patch for updating data in the alerts table
ZBX-12082 Fixed possibility to select triggers with same name in multiselect
ZBX-12983 Fixed compilation warnings under Windows
ZBX-10578 Fixed redundant init_result() calls; thanks to MATSUDA Daiki for the patch
ZBX-12793 Fixed system compiler checks during source configuration
ZBX-11970 Fixed style for some enumerators and structure type declarations

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 4.0.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 4.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.