Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 7.0.9rc1

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 7.0.9rc1.

Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3), thus it is free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial use. More about Zabbix license.

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 7.0.9rc1. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-9686 Improved Zabbix agent 2 Smart plugin error handling with missing privileges Agent

Correções de bugs

ZBX-25876 Fixed escaping in script item parameters Proxy Server
ZBX-24936 Fixed button positioning in button split of multiselect Frontend
ZBX-25466 Removed title from item mass update preprocessing steps checkbox Frontend
ZBX-24751 Fixed trigger and trigger prototype form event name field height update which spans multiple lines Frontend
ZBX-25532 Fixed stacked line graph point rendering Frontend
ZBX-25264 Fixed display of log time in Item history widget Frontend
ZBX-24644 Changed history trends compression header text in housekeeping to also include audit Frontend
ZBX-25824 Fixed SNMP-based discovery rules to prevent potential flooding with requests when a host has flapping availability Proxy Server
ZBX-24690 Fixed YAML generation in compact nested mapping mode API
ZBX-24672 Replaced collector interface with runner interface in Zabbix agent 2 perfmon plugin Agent
ZBX-25391 Fixed error in the log file when retrieving VMware tags from an ESXi host Proxy Server
ZBX-25439 Added MariaDB specific info to MySQL plugin README Agent
ZBX-25108 Added more verbose logging of SNMP async agent failures, fixed error not being cleared in different edge cases Proxy Server
ZBX-25443 Updated Go version requirement to 1.21 Agent
ZBX-25445 Fixed regrepl macro function when capturing groups are used Frontend
ZBX-25568 Fixed user macros in preprocessing scripts not being resolved to latest values Proxy Server
ZBX-25584 Fixed high load of VMware collector in case of large number of new events and added history cache overload control Proxy Server
ZBX-25672 Fixed on-demand configuration sync between Zabbix server and proxy when TimescaleDB is used Proxy Server
ZBX-25460 Fixed inconsistent report of free disk space by Zabbix agent 2 in response to vfs.fs.get on Windows Agent
ZBX-25865 Fixed issue causing metric failure and resulting in poller becoming unresponsive Proxy Server
ZBX-22979 Added focus traps to API Token creation and Event correlation, Scripts, and Services clone popups Frontend
ZBX-25725 Fixed wmi.getall causing crash in Zabbix agent 2 when result contains a pointer to IDispatch Agent
ZBX-25782 Fixed Zabbix proxy failing to create database on RHEL Proxy
ZBX-25501 Fixed scheduled report generation failures when external dashboard resources fail to load Agent
ZBX-25502 Fixed net.dns.record for Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBX-24549 Improved Elasticsearch performance by querying in time intervals and not calling index refresh; added slow query log; fixed queries not working Server

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 7.0.9.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 7.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.