Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 2.0.0rc2

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 2.0.0rc2.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 2.0.0rc2. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-1162 Improved performance of processing of triggers by history syncers and timer processes
ZBXNEXT-1149 Import of nested maps, import form redesign
ZBXNEXT-744 Added support of {ITEM.ID} and {TRIGGER.EXPRESSION} macros in notifications and commands
ZBXNEXT-914 Redesign Administration->DM
ZBX-4751 Removed "WITH OIDS" option from PostgreSQL database scheme
ZBXNEXT-397 Added support of web monitoring by Zabbix proxy
ZBX-3531 Configuration export/import
ZBX-4581 Added time unit symbols support to aggregate items
ZBX-4333 Implemented dependency validation in trigger::adddependencies
ZBX-4333 Implemented dependency inheritance in the trigger.adddependencies and trigger.deletedependencies methods
ZBXNEXT-904 Redesign Configuration->Screens
ZBX-4600 Trigger dependencies will now be deleted when executing a mass update with no dependencies selected
ZBX-4563 Changed the hostmacro related UserMacro method interfaces
ZBX-4563 Improved SQL query debug log design
ZBX-4537 Improved include_once statements to make Zabbix code easier to reuse
ZBXNEXT-1113 Redesign Configuration->Host->Discovery rules
ZBXNEXT-1107 Redesign Configuration->Audit
ZBX-2604 Added processing of not supported items monitored by a proxy
ZBXNEXT-903 Redesign Configuration->Items
ZBXNEXT-909 Redesign Configuration->Discovery

Correções de bugs

ZBX-4788 Fixed trigger severity being reset when changing dependencies via mass update
ZBX-4787 Fixed graph axis item selection popup shows only monitored hosts
ZBX-4779 Fixed new groups import
ZBX-4775 Fixed discovery rules import
ZBX-4700 Fixed errors in item list when using interface related macro in template item key
ZBX-4761 Fixed "&" escaping in form inputs
ZBX-4749 Fixed proxy crash on exit when deleting trend cache
ZBX-4778 Fixed port field validation in creating discovery rule
ZBX-4718 Fixed Graph axis item cloning in host Full Clone
ZBX-4621 Fixed macro update using host.massupdate
ZBX-4697 Fixed error when massupdate group for hosts that belongs to different groups
ZBX-4257 Fixed creating discovery rules, items and item prototypes
ZBX-4765 Fixed filter fields being unset when saving of discovery rule fails
ZBX-4736 Fixed undefined variable in Inventory Hosts
ZBX-4764 Fixed critical error in Administration->Notifications
ZBX-4753 Properly pluralized "Last n issues" message in dashboard
ZBX-3613 Updated notification sounds; fixed sound playback in profile
ZBX-4713 Fixed ACK status for triggers visible in Dashboard and Screens
ZBX-4752 Fixed creating SNMPv1 item prototypes with data type "boolean"
ZBX-4702 Fixed dynamic item saving in Screens
ZBX-4257 Fixed updating templated items
ZBX-4710 Fixed replacing graph Y axis item prototypes when cloning a discovery rule
ZBX-4710 Fixed deleting hosts when a graph prototype uses a normal item for it's Y scale
ZBX-4365 Added plural translation support for the failed login attempt message
ZBX-4365 Fixed user being redirected to the dashboard after trying to login with an incorrect password
ZBX-3528 Fixed letter numbering of long lists
ZBX-4725 Fixed processing lld rules with macros in a key
ZBX-4730 Removed incorrect JS function call in the event history screen
ZBX-3522 Fixed errors when inserting too long values in the user_history and profiles tables
ZBX-4333 Fixed trigger inheritance when calling trigger.update whithout a trigger expression
ZBX-4333 Fixed host trigger mass update
ZBX-4333 Fixed trigger dependency copying
ZBX-4629 Fixed processing Y axis min/max values for graph prototypes
ZBX-4641 Fixed errors in a "Discovery checks" popup
ZBX-4202 Fixed SQL performance in tr_status.php - combined similar queries, user data SQL access only once, triggerids retrieval optimization
ZBX-4647 Fixed trigger and item prototype inheritance
ZBX-4467 Fixed the ZBX_MAX_PERIOD constant not affecting the timebar control
ZBX-4562 Fixed mediatype.update returning incorrectly formatted result
ZBX-4187 Fixed dashbord fonts on popup. fixed js error on last 20 issues
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script.getscriptbyhosts method returning scripts from nodes defferent from hosts
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script "Host groups" parameter
ZBX-4607 Fixed the script.get methods "selectHosts" and "selectGroups" options
ZBX-4607 Fixed new ID generation in DM setup
ZBX-4253 Fixed menu link inconsistency in tr_status.php
ZBX-4554 Fixed ordering
ZBX-4295 Fixed icons ending outside map. Removed icon resizing responsible for infinite loop
ZBX-4296 Fixed popup menu unavailable for disabled hosts
ZBX-4693 Fixed hosts table foreign key constraint error during database upgrade
ZBX-4563 Fixed host macro IDs being regenerated when updating macros
ZBX-4563 Fixed several macro validation issues
ZBX-4563 Fixed macro sorting
ZBX-3735 Fixed login form to send passwords via POST not GET; thanks to Joseph Bueno
ZBX-954 Increased API version to 1.4, Zabbix 1.8.x is using 1.3
ZBX-4604 Fixed the "change" link not being accessible for graph type screen items in embedded screens
ZBX-4560 Fixed low level discovery error messages to start with uppercase 'Cannot ...'
ZBX-4677 Fixed minor typo in class.cscript.php; thanks to Łukasz Jernaś
ZBX-4261 Fixed disovery rules in the queue calculation
ZBX-4624 Fixed processing of system.cpu.switches metric
ZBX-4623 Fixed host group visibility for non superadmins.
ZBX-4662 Fixed server crash while linking a template with DebugLevel=4
ZBX-1335 Improved Item filter.
ZBX-4630 Fixed "Trigger overview" screen.
ZBX-4628 Fixed an "invalid number of fields" error when syncing configuration on proxy
ZBX-4593 Fixed "trigger info" type screen item resource validation
ZBX-4599 Fixed errors in building select queries in Event.get()
ZBX-1787 Fixed gradient element rendering if the value exceeds the max Y scale value
ZBX-4494 Fixed some types of screen items not being returned by Screen.get()
ZBX-4591 More secure substituting of macros in item keys and dynamic SNMP OIDs
ZBX-4598 Fixed audit error when saving triggers
ZBX-4598 Fixed templated trigger inheritance
ZBX-3373 Fixed host interfaces filtering in items.
ZBX-4110 Fixed "ssh key" field and "password" field names in items.
ZBX-3466 Fixed creating new item without hostname.
ZBX-1601 Fixed clear history and trends of items for templates.
ZBX-3330, ZBX-4280 Fixed remembering of item filter parameters.
ZBX-2662, ZBX-3304 Fixed reset button style in filter.
ZBX-2071 Fixed IPMI sensors with trailing spaces in items.
ZBX-2631 Fixed flexible interval configuration in items.
ZBX-4596 Fixed trigger prototype deletion.
ZBX-2515 Set 15 minutes autologout as default for new users
ZBX-4580 Fixed trigger info pop up in the item configuration list

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.0.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 2.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.