Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 6.0.13

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 6.0.13.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 6.0.13. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXNEXT-8170 Added AWS cloud templates
ZBXNEXT-7923 Added templates for BMC Control-M integration
ZBXNEXT-7775 Added Veeam backup and replication templates
ZBXNEXT-8054 Updated MariaDB maximum supported version to 10.10
ZBXNEXT-7951 Implemented configuration import improvements
ZBXNEXT-8112 Added Line media type
ZBXNEXT-8197 Added TimescaleDB v2.9.x support
ZBXNEXT-7962 Fixed interfaces discovery rules in OPNsense, PFSense and TrueNAS templates
ZBXNEXT-7615 Added hmac function for JavaScript
ZBXNEXT-7977 Added Azure Microsoft SQL templates
ZBXNEXT-8076 Added prof_enable and prof_disable commands for profiling
ZBXNEXT-7963 Added a hint box to the "Enable HTTP authentication" field; added confirmation dialog box for enabling HTTP authentication
ZBXNEXT-7886 Added Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches template
ZBXNEXT-6119 Added the option to retrieve all JSON data from docker.container_info key in Zabbix agent 2 Docker plugin
ZBXNEXT-7834 Added templates for Microsoft Azure and Azure virtual machines
ZBXNEXT-8058 Reduced locking between history syncers, trappers and proxy pollers

Correções de bugs

ZBX-22149 Fixed wrong escaping in trigger expression during upgrade and escaping as a workaround for calculated items
ZBX-22061 Fixed custom query parameter read on an empty parameter for Oracle plugin in Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-21227 Improved error logging during agent start as a Windows service
ZBX-22178 Fixed action operations being executed on the current host only if a host group is selected
ZBX-22189 Fixed LLD Zabbix server crash
ZBX-21538 Fixed history.get API method blocking drop_chunks requests during housekeeping
ZBX-21956 Fixed severity sign overlapping trigger name in the map element configuration
ZBX-22215 Fixed incorrectly quoted function parameter parsing
ZBX-22043 Fixed the crash when array index in JSONPath is negative or large
ZBX-22118 Fixed remote command execution sequence in Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-21556 Updated Etcd by HTTP template to comply with Etcd v3.5
ZBX-22133 Fixed closed pipe detection for communication with plugins in Windows
ZBX-21936 Fixed actions not being displayed in the Action log widget
ZBX-22164 Fixed quote and unquote methods for trigger functions
ZBX-21254 Removed kernel.maxproc from the processes graph in Linux by Zabbix agent templates
ZBX-21754 Improved value cache warmup when retrieving two last values with 1 day update interval
ZBX-22077 Fixed Sign out link not working consistently in Mozilla Firefox
ZBX-21862 Updated tablespaces query for Oracle plugin in Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-21665 Fixed SMART plugin infinite loop for Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-19138 Fixed Redis plugin configuration in Zabbix agent 2 configuration files
ZBX-21592 Moved some static items under LLD rules to optimize Oracle by ODBC template
ZBX-21069 Fixed SNMP max_vars not backing off when generr is received
ZBX-21889 Fixed warnings being displayed even after enabling overrides for trends or history tables with compressed chunks
ZBX-21563 Changed the order in which escalation steps and recovery operations are executed
ZBX-22017 Fixed map navigation tree widget inability to save the order when the depth levels get changed
ZBX-21961 Removed the unnecessary "Command:" label for message actions on the Event details page
ZBX-21783 Fixed Zabbix JS timeout validation
ZBX-21720 Fixed trends function cache size estimation and overallocation handling
ZBX-21713 Fixed retrieval of the numeric column width when Oracle DB is used
ZBX-22126 Fixed trends being deleted from cache and retrieved from the database when data older than 1 hour is received
ZBX-22075 Fixed crash when Elasticsearch is used
ZBX-21890 Fixed config.dbversion_status containing second empty object on PostgreSQL without TSDB
ZBX-22138 Fixed inability to delete a group from the host prototype
ZBX-21950 Updated script item to not require host interface during template linkage
ZBX-21540 Moved some static items under LLD rules to improve performance in Oracle by Zabbix agent 2 template
ZBX-21073 Added support of Int8Array(), Buffer() and also duktape plain buffers in md5, sha256 and hmac function parameters
ZBX-22071 Extended description for OPSGenie media type
ZBX-20845 Fixed SNMP interface availability in case of wrong credentials
ZBX-21587 Added metrics for optimizing dependent items preprocessing in Jenkins template
ZBX-21441 Added an override to skip metadata collection on zfs and btrfs for Nix templates
ZBX-22016 Fixed host.get API method not returning any results for hosts with no interfaces when filtering by "hostid"
ZBX-21927 Fixed a crash on Oracle database when connection is lost
ZBX-21300 Fixed high CPU usage when using net.tcp.socket.count key on Windows
ZBX-21793 Fixed error message for "diaginfo" runtime command
ZBX-22042 Fixed inability to get the existing group prototypes by hostprototype.get API method when using Oracle database
ZBX-21221 Increased character limit of
ZBX-21696 Fixed Windows agent 2 Unicode path support for log* items
ZBX-21903 Fixed agent 2 timeout behavior for net.tcp.port item
ZBX-21039 Fixed Readme in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template
ZBX-21922 Fixed expression macros to use corresponding item keys
ZBX-21806 Fixed fatal PHP error in case incorrect variable type for controller action is given
ZBX-21753 Fixed graphs not loading in kiosk mode
ZBX-20413 Fixed the behavior of paging when a filter or a sub-filter is applied
ZBX-21206 Updated plugin support dependency for Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-20356 Updated Zabbix agent 2 to remove and re-add performance counters on failed collection and to keep a query always open
ZBX-21296 Updated Oracle plugin, Oracle ODBC and agent 2 template documentation grant select variables and added a new grant
ZBX-21595 Optimized RabbitMQ node templates
ZBX-21884 Changed system.sw.packages[<package>,<manager>,<format>] to system.sw.packages[<regexp>,<manager>,<format>]
ZBX-21594 Optimized RabbitMQ cluster templates
ZBX-20050 Fixed broken macro value and type input when changing to/from inherited macros
ZBX-21864 Fixed the fatal error in system warning page
ZBX-20110 Added single field search option to the, ts.stats,, and diskgroups.stats keys in Zabbix agent 2 Oracle plugin
ZBX-21373 Fixed the agent sometimes crashing when enumerating system processes on OpenBSD

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 6.0.13.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 6.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.