Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 2.0.4

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 2.0.4.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 2.0.4. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-1357 Added initial Portuguese (Portugal) translation API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1398 Changed vertical labels in Monitoring -> Overview from PNG images to text Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1398 Implemented flickerfree screen shadowing for old screen data Frontend
ZBX-1357 Added initial Indonesian translation API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1393 Fixed global scripts font Frontend
ZBX-4638 Added support of {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.CONN} macros in "params" field for SSH, Telnet and DB monitor items Proxy Server
ZBX-4663 Added possibility to use dots in JMX attribute names Java gateway
ZBX-5556 Action recovery message body can now be empty Frontend
ZBX-1357 Updated American English, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Polish, Slovak, Russian and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1426 Added initial Persian translation API Frontend
ZBXNEXT-1447 Added initial Finnish translation API Frontend

Correções de bugs

ZBX-5648 Changes don't allow update "templateid" in items, or create new item with predefined "templateid" API
ZBX-5684 Fixed inconsistency that CItem get() returned discovery rules and item prototypes by default API Frontend
ZBX-5684 Fixed problem when updating non normal items status, it's flag is changed to normal API
ZBX-5882 Fixed "Illegal string offset" errors and allowed templated trigger prototypes in trigger expressions test Frontend
ZBX-5848 Removed flexible intervals from items in the default templates Installation
ZBX-5877 Fixed tree position saving in IT services Frontend
ZBX-5878 Fixed misaligned leading lines in IT services Frontend
ZBX-5875 Fixed items configuration in French language Frontend
ZBX-5860 Fixed hostgroup massupdate API
ZBX-5814 Fixed an incorrect error message when saving an illegal trigger expression API Frontend
ZBX-4247 Fixed processing of trigger expression if item key contains another trigger expression string API Frontend
ZBX-2640 Fixed some issues when creating and editing log triggers Frontend
ZBX-5855 Fixed "Array to string conversion" errors in 1.8 XML import Frontend
ZBX-3684 Fixed "Undefined index" error in 1.8 XML import Frontend
ZBX-5732 Fixed sending data from a file in Zabbix sender Agent
ZBX-5741 Fixed Zabbix sender crash if a corrupted server response is received Agent
ZBX-5722 Fixed calculation of "vm.memory.size[available]" in Zabbix agent on Solaris Agent
ZBX-5149 Fixed refreshing of unsupported "Zabbix agent (active)" items by a proxy Proxy Server
ZBX-5759 Fixed Oracle ORA-01002 SQL error on items bulk actions Frontend
ZBX-5639 Fixed global options "dropdown first entry" and "remember selected" in availability reports Frontend
ZBX-5639 Improved sdii() debugging function Frontend
ZBX-5816 Fixed undefined index in Monitoring > Events, when favorite trigger has been deleted API Frontend Server
ZBX-5771 Fixed acknowledge tick mark lost on "overview" page Frontend
ZBX-5821 Fixed 2.0 xml format template import Frontend
ZBX-5791 Fixed possible SQL errors when linking groups to a host Server
ZBX-5786 Fixed screens import, that contain simple graphs or plain texts Frontend
ZBX-5753 Fixed server crash when using an icmpping* check as a discovery rule Server
ZBX-5382 Fixed agent crash on HP-UX Itanium; thanks to Alice Ferrazzi Agent
ZBX-5289 Fixed agent crash on Solaris; thanks to Jairo Eduardo Lopez Fuentes Nacarino, Takanori Suzuki Agent
ZBX-5744 Removed redundant HTML from the map monitoring page Frontend
ZBX-5744 Fixed script.getscriptsbyhost returning an unnecessary array of hosts for each script API
ZBX-5811 Fixed no permissions error when change user group "status", "frontend access" and "debug mode" using link in user groups list Frontend
ZBX-5751 Fixed CDiscoveryRule get() and CItemPrototype get() "selectGraphs" parameter API
ZBX-5667 Fixed host screen defined in template does not show item data for "Plain text" elements Frontend
ZBX-5762 Fixed undefined indexes in graph prototype form Frontend
ZBX-5125 Fixed possible SQL errors while upgrading DB Installation
ZBX-5415 Fixed check for PostgreSQL dev libraries Installation
ZBX-5740 Removed "discoveryids" parameter from CItem, CTrigger and CGraph get() methods API
ZBX-5740 Fixed CItemPrototype parameter "selectTriggers" not working API
ZBX-5111 Fixed child trigger data reset after changes in parent trigger API
ZBX-5742 Fixed trigger order_result in item and item prototype API
ZBX-5754 Fixed English strings in trigger expression helper Frontend
ZBX-5700 Added permission checks in frontend Frontend
ZBX-5700 Fixed error after image deleting Frontend
ZBX-5700 Fixed duplicates in audit log after deleting Frontend
ZBX-5700 Fixed spaces in audit log Frontend
ZBX-4186 Added permission checks in media types Frontend
ZBX-4185 Added permission checks in user groups Frontend
ZBX-5637 Changed form, functions description and parameters in trigger expression helper (popup_trexpr.php) and changed popup size Frontend
ZBX-5603 Fixed already defined constant error when db is unavailable Frontend
ZBX-5720 Fixed incorrect error when deleting internal host group Frontend
ZBX-5643 Fixed SQL error by adding permission check for triggers when adding nonexistent dependencies via API API
ZBX-5643 Fixed circularity check for trigger addDependencies() in API API
ZBX-5691 Fixed error when creating graph if Oracle configured to use comma as decimal separator Frontend
ZBX-5671 Fixed error when saving configuration in Administration -> General with Oracle backend Frontend
ZBX-5693 Fixed possibility to create graph with the same name as existing graph prototype within template API
ZBX-5698 Fixed API response after "triggerprototype.create", now request returns "triggerids" after INSERT API
ZBX-5648 Fixed problems with "templateid" in API; added check for "templateid" in graphs, triggers, items, screens and template screens; fixed full clone; fixed screen forms; fixed messages in API API Frontend
ZBX-5679 Fixed icon mapping icon preview in configuration form Frontend
ZBX-5137 Fixed host/group dropdowns changing selected value on refresh after page actions Frontend
ZBX-5688 Fixed trigger expression suffix support for graph triggers, only KMG were supported Frontend
ZBX-5665 Fixed LLD created triggers not being deleted when related trigger prototype is deleted Frontend
ZBX-5661 Fixed keys "" and "" with "ops" and "sps" parameters on Linux and FreeBSD Agent
ZBX-5614 Fixed agent compiling problem on OpenBSD 5.1 Agent
ZBX-5674 Fixed execution of actions with SSH commands with "Public key" autentication Server
ZBX-5656 Fixed timeperiod validation API
ZBX-5660 Fixed expression constructor exp labels style Frontend
ZBX-3204 Changed generating and reading algorithm for trigger expression condition functions, and fixed English translation Frontend
ZBX-5677 Fixed param field 3 manipulation in trigger popup Frontend
ZBX-5648 Disallowed changing "templateid" in items, or creating new item with a predefined "templateid" API
ZBX-5644 Fixed triggers with spaces in the expression missing from the graph legend Frontend
ZBX-5652 Fixed resolving of a {ITEM.NAME} macro in notification messages Server
ZBX-5454 Fixed encoding of long email subject line as required by RFC-2047; thanks to Jairo Eduardo Lopez Fuentes Nacarino Server
ZBX-3920 Added check for duplicate dependencies API Frontend
ZBX-5636 Fixed empty acknowledge block in event details if event has no acknowledgments Frontend
ZBX-5571 Fixed reporting of system.sw.packages for multiple package systems Agent
ZBX-5559 Fixed reporting of system.sw.packages with short package listing Agent
ZBX-5280 Fixed functional macros for newly created items returning 0 instead of 'no data' Frontend
ZBX-5280 Fixed HOST.DNS macro priorities when only JMX and IPMI interfaces are used in host Frontend
ZBX-5280 Fixed HOST.DNS macro not using default DNS from host interface configuration Frontend
ZBX-5280 Added HOST.HOST macro support in map labels for trigger items Frontend
ZBX-4097 Changed the "application", "host" and "group" parameters for item.get, trigger.get and triggerprototype.get to be case sensitive API
ZBX-1946 Fixed being able to create screen items with spans exceeding the size of the screen API Frontend
ZBX-5619 Fixed errors when importing a template with an empty screen API Frontend
ZBX-3803 Added PHP session auto start check in frontend setup Frontend
ZBX-5621 Fixed custom trigger severity displaying in user media configuration Frontend
ZBX-5617 Fixed class bug in trigger expression condition Frontend
ZBX-5046 Fixed an error when deleting a globalmacro when the macro doesn't exist API Frontend
ZBX-5595 Fixed "housekeeper" table getting entries when deleting a discovery rule or an item prototype Frontend
ZBX-5596 Fixed login form input field width Frontend
ZBX-5629 Fixed JavaScript error if user media contains doublequote Frontend
ZBX-5580 Fixed graph grid for negative values Frontend
ZBX-1825 Fixed clickable text in popup menu headers Frontend
ZBX-5582 Clarified StartTrappers parameter in the server and proxy configuration files Documentation
ZBX-4833 Fixed screens not being cloned upon a full template clone Frontend
ZBX-5547 Fixed server name and other parameters in frontend setup not being escaped Frontend
ZBX-3347 Fixed error when creating an item with a new application that already exists Frontend
ZBX-3907 Fixed API user.logout method API
ZBX-4983 Fixed importing of 1.8 templates if they contain already existing host macros Frontend
ZBX-5579 Fixed displaying 'Acknowledged' in Monitoring -> Triggers when a trigger has no events by displaying 'No events' instead Frontend
ZBX-5606 Removed 'units' and 'store value' fields for character data items Frontend
ZBX-5608 Fixed incorrect macro resolving in trigger descriptions if expression has duplicate functions Frontend
ZBX-5650 Added more information about ProxyLocalBuffer parameter in the example configuration file Documentation
ZBX-5414 Fixed handling of an incorrect username/password in SNMPv3 checks Proxy Server
ZBX-5609 Fixed defaults for parameters of items in "zabbix_agentd -p" Agent
ZBX-5552 Fixed processing of vm.memory.size[total] under FreeBSD Agent
ZBX-5572 Fixed trivial compilation warnings Proxy Server

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.4.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 2.0 Manual

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O Zabbix é um software gratuito e de código aberto. Sem limites ou custos ocultos.