Notas de Lançamento para o Zabbix 2.0.3

A Equipe Zabbix tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade do Zabbix 2.0.3.

O Zabbix é uma solução de monitoramento distribuído empresarial de código aberto. O Zabbix é distribuído sob a GPL, portanto, é gratuito para uso comercial e não comercial. A licença completa está disponível em

Este documento contém as notas de lançamento do Zabbix 2.0.3. Para efetuar o download clique aqui.

As seções a seguir descrevem o lançamento em detalhes e fornecem as informações mais recentes ou outras informações que complementam a documentação principal.

New Features and Improvements

ZBX-5171 Got rid of agent ipv6 library dependency on older HP-UX machines
ZBX-5450 Added support of "KMGTsmhdw" suffixes in the second parameter of count() function
ZBX-1357 Added American English translation; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBX-2060 Implemented the "expandExpression" parameter for the trigger.get and triggerprototype.get methods
ZBXNEXT-1253 Implemented flicker-free screens
ZBX-5318 Added remote commands in expanded {ESC.HISTORY} macro
ZBX-1357 Added Chinese (Taiwan) translation; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBX-1357 Updated Chinese (China), Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, Latvian, Polish, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBXNEXT-583 Added the maintenance filter to the trigger status page
ZBX-5351 Implemented the "selectTimeperiods" parameter for the maintenance.get method
ZBX-4972 Added the ability to edit map links in the element mass update form

Correções de bugs

ZBX-5625 Fixed resolving of host and template-level macros in SNMP OID field
ZBX-5627 Fixed missed placeholder brackets in multiple pages
ZBX-5578 Fixed multiple IE issues in screens
ZBX-5612 Fixed inability to view item data overview when host group doesn't have any triggers
ZBX-5578 Fixed graph inner interval selection in screens
ZBX-954 Fixed missing doublequote in import error message when a network map references non-existent trigger
ZBX-5473 Fixed agent crash under FreeBSD and Linux when started with -p or -t
ZBX-5513 Fixed HTTP authentication without directly passing password
ZBX-4852 Fixed calculation of update interval if flexible intervals are used
ZBX-5434 Fixed validation of linking template items to host
ZBX-5514 Fixed SQL query in get_min_itemclock_by_itemid function
ZBX-5510 Fixed item name selecting using group filter
ZBX-2939 Fixed login button link in HTTP auth mode
ZBX-5406 Fixed error when exporting template with another template with screens linked to it
ZBX-5509 Fixed upgrade patch to execute it on MySQL 5.0.28 or earlier
ZBX-5383 Limited maximum data size accepted via Zabbix communication protocol to 128 MB
ZBX-5198 Fixed usage of 'memory_get_peak_usage' function that appeared in PHP 5.2
ZBX-5466 Fixed dependency adding when copying triggers to host and when full cloning host
ZBX-5466 Added copying of triggers that reference web monitoring items
ZBX-5466 Improved warning message for trigger circular dependencies
ZBX-5466 Added template name in the warning message when linking template to a host and there were dependencies from that template to another template that was not linked to that host
ZBX-4316 Improved message for web step status code validation error, added validation in the API
ZBX-5445 Fixed hint not removed in dashboard when widget content is refreshed
ZBX-5490 Fixed textarea maxlength validation
ZBX-5461 Fixed error when createing trigger prototype with PHP 5.1
ZBX-5487 Fixed sorting in dashboard system status and host status widget popups
ZBX-5480 Fixed icon default state for host elements in map
ZBX-5479 Removed inode item prototype from OS Windows template
ZBX-5235 Fixed update of the "lifetime" field when linking a template to a host
ZBX-4025 Fixed duplicate HTTP step name checking
ZBX-5240 Fixed unwanted server shutdown if housekeeper cannot access MySQL database
ZBX-4482 Fixed guest user theme not applied
ZBX-5441 Fixed audit logging when adding IT service causing notice message and wrong audit log
ZBX-5204 Changed the color of inactive tabs to blue in the classic theme
ZBX-5393 Fixed translation escaping in HTML areas causing some languages to display incorrect text
ZBX-5393 Fixed broken target selection in action form
ZBX-5489 Removed API methods CAlert->create(), CAlert->delete(), CEvent->create(), CEvent->delete(), CEvent->deleteByTriggerIDs()
ZBX-5483 Fixed response to sender requests with missing fields
ZBX-5429 Fixed hintbox displaying when menu is shown
ZBX-5444 Fixed maintenance hint not accessible if user has no permissions
ZBX-5444 Added functionality to hints, and now all newlines are converted to <br> tag
ZBX-5444 Fixed host in maintenance not highlighted by adding icon to hosts in maintenance
ZBX-5444 Fixed "last 20 issue" widget lines being 2px higher than other table lines in dashboard
ZBX-5444 Made host names with maintenance description correctly aligning in new lines in Monitoring -> Triggers when browser window width is changed
ZBX-5488 Fixed web item macros in map labels
ZBX-5437 Fixed error when templated trigger description contains interface macro
ZBX-5411 Fixed map element link sorting in element configuration form
ZBX-5465 Fixed the "Filter by host group" select not being populated in the availability report page filter
ZBX-5465 Corrected the labels for the host group and host filter on the "by host" availability report page
ZBX-5465 Fixed wrong template being selected when returning to the "by template" availability report from a graph
ZBX-5485 Fixed resolving of {HOST.NAME} macro on proxy in item keys
ZBX-5386 Fixed ODBC items to become unsupported when NULL value returned
ZBX-5469 Enabled possibility to use more than one application in proxy web monitoring for single host
ZBX-5292 Allowed empty user macro values
ZBX-5471 Fixed error when copying trigger from a host template that's linked to that host
ZBX-5460 Fixed link color in Dark Orange Theme bar text in Configuration -> Hosts -> Host
ZBX-5317 Fixed adding links for map elements
ZBX-5440 Added check for user group mass update function if no user group IDs are provided
ZBX-5440 Fixed inability to remove last user and last permission from user group
ZBX-5353 Improved login form layout when increasing text size in Firefox; thanks to Andrey Bondarenko
ZBX-5409 Changed item value macros for items without data to be resolved into "UNKNOWN"
ZBX-5409 Fixed value mappings in the Latest data, item history pages and in plain text screen items and trigger names
ZBX-5419 Added session termination upon logout
ZBX-5419 Added guest session termination after login
ZBX-4168 Fixed the "problem display" dashboard filter not being applied to the "Latest 20 issues" block
ZBX-5435 Fixed memory leak in a history syncer process
ZBX-5393 Improved language encoding lookup for Windows
ZBX-5393 Secured javascript files, when translation contains apostrophes
ZBX-5393 Fixed undefined LC_MESSAGES on Windows
ZBX-5393 Fixed language support for 64bit Windows
ZBX-5393 Fixed undefined index for Greek language on Windows
ZBX-5399 Fixed group list selection for super admin users
ZBX-5417 Fixed macros being expanded in trigger overview trigger names
ZBX-5417 Removed the select item key button from the LLD form
ZBX-5389 Fixed broken Monitoring->Graph when used with Oracle
ZBX-5422 Fixed the outdated browser warning page not being displayed when magic quotes are enabled
ZBX-5422 Disabled switching to compatibility mode for IE
ZBX-5392 Fixed the "no permission" error when repeatingly deleting items from the item list
ZBX-5358 Fixed converting to UTF8 of interface name in net.if.discovery check
ZBX-5359 Improved performance of MySQL patches for migrating to the 2.0 schema
ZBX-5397 Fixed resolving of {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS} and {HOST.CONN} macros in item key parameters
ZBX-5410 Fixed displaying of a visible host name in the dynamic graphs
ZBX-5347 Fixed creating of multiple entries in graphs based on LLD prototypes
ZBX-5257 Fixed trigger prototype form not being populated with data when editing a trigger prototype
ZBX-5307 Added a validation rule to prevent dependencies from a trigger to a trigger inherited from it
ZBX-5307 Fixed inherited trigger dependencies not being validated on hosts
ZBX-5307 Fixed an undefined index error when importing a trigger, that depends on an unexisting trigger
ZBX-5307 Fixed errors when importing item prototypes without applications
ZBX-5396 Fixed entries sorting by host groups in dashboard "system status", "host status" and "web monitoring"
ZBX-5108 Fixed undefined index errors when deleting a templated item from the list
ZBX-5125 Added more validation of duplicates in upgrade patches (1.8 -> 2.0)
ZBX-4527 Removed length limitation of the alerter script command line
ZBX-5385 Fixed "service down" cells not filled in Monitoring -> Discovery with the classic theme
ZBX-5308 Fixed trigger dependencies not being overridden by new triggers in parent templates
ZBX-5367 Fixed assignment of elements to a maintenance mode by the timer process
ZBX-5364 Added showing application and templated screen subentities when full cloning host or template
ZBX-5370 Fixed errors on importing of maps
ZBX-2771 Fixed localization of popups in Monitoring->Events
ZBX-5360 Fixed editing large inventory fields in the host mass update form
ZBX-5352 Fixed displaying the "Change" column when the change for the value is non-significant
ZBX-5363 Fixed importing templates which use item as min/max value in graph
ZBX-5345 Fixed "group" option in the "configuration.export" method
ZBX-5371 Unified multiple import-related error messages
ZBX-5250 Fixed the "macros" parameter in the host.massremove and template.massremove methods
ZBX-5351 Fixed an undefined index error when deleting maintenance time intervals
ZBX-5351 Fixed time intervals being recreated when updating maintenances
ZBX-5355 Fixed translated string escaping in the map pop up menu script
ZBX-5257 Changed technical host names to visible host names in several places
ZBX-5257 Fixed incorrect links to parent trigger and graph prototypes in the configuration forms
ZBX-5257 Fixed multiple navigation panel issues
ZBX-4430 Fixed -t and -p options for Windows 2000/XP agent
ZBX-1829 Improved system.uname check to support latest Windows versions
ZBX-5103 Fixed compatibility of the agent with Windows 2000
ZBX-5357 Fixed typos in help_items item key descriptions

Notas de instalação e atualização


Veja Manual do Zabbix para maiores detalhes.


Veja Procedimento de atualização for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 2.0.3.

Suporte comercial

A empresa Zabbix fornece uma completa Serviços profissionais. Também fornecemos sem problemas Serviço de atualização para uma migração fácil de versões anteriores do Zabbix. Por favor Contato de vendas para preços e mais detalhes.


Zabbix 2.0 Manual

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