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1 Recommended UnixODBC settings for MySQL


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
dnf install mariadb-connector-odbc
  • Debian/Ubuntu:

Please refer to MySQL documentation (for mysql-connector-odbc), or MariaDB documentation (for mariadb-connector-odbc) to download necessary database driver for the corresponding platform.

For some additional information please refer to: installing unixODBC.


ODBC configuration is done by editing odbcinst.ini and odbc.ini files. These configuration files can be found in /etc folder. The file odbcinst.ini may be missing and in this case it is necessary to create it manually.


       Description = General ODBC for MySQL
       Driver      = /usr/lib64/
       Setup       = /usr/lib64/ 
       FileUsage   = 1

Please consider the following examples of odbc.ini configuration parameters.

  • An example with a connection through an IP:
       Description = MySQL database 1                                   
       Driver  = mysql                                                  
       Port = 3306                                                      
       Server =
  • An example with a connection through an IP and with the use of credentials. A Zabbix database is used by default:
       Description = MySQL database 2                 
       Driver  = mysql                                
       User = root                                    
       Port = 3306                                    
       Password = zabbix                           
       Database = zabbix                             
       Server =                             
  • An example with a connection through a socket and with the use of credentials. A Zabbix database is used by default:
       Description = MySQL database 3                 
       Driver  = mysql                                
       User = root                                    
       Password = zabbix                           
       Socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock           
       Database = zabbix

All other possible configuration parameter options can be found in MySQL official documentation web page.